A Closer Look at Pregnancy and Childbirth


Louise J. Salgado (Editor)

Series: Obstetrics and Gynecology Advances
BISAC: MED033000

This volume includes nine chapters that detail treatment options for health problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Chapter One gives an overview of the various technologies and techniques that can be used for prenatal diagnosis. Chapter Two collects the latest evidence on treatment for tubal ectopic pregnancy and highlights the impact that drugs and surgical techniques used for this purpose may have. Chapter Three discusses the problem of human childbirth and the rise of caesarean sections from the viewpoint of evolutionary anthropology. Chapter Four collects the latest evidence on treatment for non-tubal ectopic pregnancy. Chapter Five proposes a risk score model for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis for caesarean sections that balances clinical risks and cost-effectiveness. Chapter Six establishes a differential protocol for placenta praevia based on a model of risk factors to enable food outcomes in caesarean section. Chapter Seven provides a detailed analysis of the various therapeutic options available for ectopic tubal and non-tubal pregnancy, and their indications, contraindications and special considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic and patients affected with this disease. Chapter Eight addresses the impact of ectopic pregnancy and the effects of treatments on patients’ fertility. Finally, Chapter Nine addresses the course of ectopic pregnancy from diagnosis to treatment.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Prenatal Diagnosis: Indications and Techniques
(Ciro Comparetto and Franco Borruto – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, San Paolo Private Clinic, Pistoia, Italy, et al.)

Chapter 2. Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy: Treatment Update
(Cristina de Miguel López, Enrique Achiaga Sánchez, María Teresa Gómez García, Gema Serrano García, Lidia Gómez Muñoz and Antonio Nicolás Amezcua Recover – Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, University and Hospital Complex of Albacete, Spain, et al.)

Chapter 3. Rising Caesarean Section Rates – An Evolutionary Approach
(S. Kirchengast – Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria)

Chapter 4. Non-Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy: Treatment Update
(Enrique Achiaga Sánchez, Cristina de Miguel López, M. Teresa Gómez García, José M. García Cebrián, Sergio Rico Cardenal and Antonio N. Amezcua Recover – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, Albacete, Spain, et al.)

Chapter 5. Risk Score Model for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis for Caesarean Section
(Choi Wah Kong, Wing Yi Lok and William W. K. To – Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong, China)

Chapter 6. Caesarean Section for Placenta Praevia: Risk Factors for Severe Postpartum Haemorrhage
(William WK To and Choi Wah Kong – Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong, China)

Chapter 7. Tubal and Non-Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy: COVID-19 Pandemic Implications
(Cristina de Miguel López, Enrique Achiaga Sánchez, María Teresa Gómez García, Lidia Gómez Muñoz, Gema Serrano García and Antonio Nicolás Amezcua Recover – Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, University and Hospital Complex of Albacete, Spain, et al.)

Chapter 8. Ectopic Pregnancy: Fertility Outcome
(Enrique Achiaga Sánchez, Cristina de Miguel López, M. Teresa Gómez García, José M. García Cebrián, Sergio Rico Cardenal, and Antonio N. Amezcua Recover – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, Albacete, Spain, et al.)

Chapter 9. Ectopic Pregnancy: From Diagnosis to Treatment
(Edip Aydın – Health Sciences University, Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital, Diyarbakır, Turkey)


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