Mental Health and Some Sociocultural Issues in Deaf People


Benito Daniel Estrada Aranda, PhD (Editor)
Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Series: Otolaryngology Research Advances

This book brings together a number of important issues within the area of mental health and deafness. The book is aimed at mental health professionals interested in learning more about the psychological reality of deaf people, and in particular, the course that takes two mental health disorders including, depression and stress. The psychological reality presented in this book also refers to other issues, firstly the issue of cultural identity and sexuality in other deaf people and the abuse and violence against deaf women and how this affects their social interactions. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical )

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Authors Affiliations pp.ix-xii

Introduction: Purpose, Structure and Content of the Book pp.xiii-xvi

Chapter 1. The Cultural Identity of Deaf People
(Rosalinda Ruíz Ibarra)pp.1-20

Chapter 2. Abuse, Violence and Deaf Women
(Lorena Ibarra and Nancy Muñoz Espinosa) pp.21-50

Chapter 3. The Sexuality of Deaf People
(Georgina Mitre Fajardo and Benito Estrada Aranda)pp.51-76

Chapter 4. Perceived Stress in Prelocutive Profoundly Deaf People
(Benito Estrada Aranda. Mónica T. González Ramírez and René Landero Hernández)pp.77-98

Chapter 5. Profile and Intensity of Depression in Prelocutive Profoundly Deaf People in Mexico
(Rosalinda Ruíz Ibarra and Benito Estrada Aranda)pp.99-116

Index pp.117-124

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