Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Authors Affiliations pp.ix-xii
Introduction: Purpose, Structure and Content of the Book pp.xiii-xvi
Chapter 1. The Cultural Identity of Deaf People
(Rosalinda Ruíz Ibarra)pp.1-20
Chapter 2. Abuse, Violence and Deaf Women
(Lorena Ibarra and Nancy Muñoz Espinosa) pp.21-50
Chapter 3. The Sexuality of Deaf People
(Georgina Mitre Fajardo and Benito Estrada Aranda)pp.51-76
Chapter 4. Perceived Stress in Prelocutive Profoundly Deaf People
(Benito Estrada Aranda. Mónica T. González Ramírez and René Landero Hernández)pp.77-98
Chapter 5. Profile and Intensity of Depression in Prelocutive Profoundly Deaf People in Mexico
(Rosalinda Ruíz Ibarra and Benito Estrada Aranda)pp.99-116
Index pp.117-124