Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment



Series: Otolaryngology Research Advances
BISAC: MED007000

Hearing loss is one the commonest disabling diseases affecting populations of all ages worldwide. The impairment of hearing may be the cause of impaired language development in children, the cause of scholarly issues in adolescents, the cause of worsening of quality of life in the adults, and the cause of isolation of aged people. In this book, the authors present the hearing loss in all its facets, starting from the basis of pathophysiology and anatomy, passing through the clinical and instrumental diagnosis and, finally, describing the most important diseases causing hearing loss with reasonable treatment options.

A section was dedicated to the imaging of the ear with about 100 original figures. The readers will find a complete classification of genetic hearing loss and all information related to congenital deafness as well. A wide section was reserved to the description and discussion of the most important pathology leading to hearing loss (Meniere’s disease, otosclerosis, trauma and occupational hearing impairment, etc.). The treatment of hearing loss is continuously evolving with the progress of technology, and the authors gave a wide space to describe all treatment options available for the patients, providing all information useful to manage hearing disease correctly.
(Imprint: Nova Medicine and Health)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral and Central Auditory System
(Fabio Bucchieri, Fabio Carletti, Sabrina David, Francesco Cappello, Giuseppe Ferraro and Pierangelo Sardo, Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy)

Chapter 2. Genetics in Sensorineural Hearing Loss
(Alessandro Castiglione, MD, PhD, Department of Neurosciences and Complex Operative Unit of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital of Padua, Padua, Italy)

Chapter 3. Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss
(Sara Ghiselli, MD, Bruno Galletti, MD, Francesco Freni1, MD, PhD, Rocco Bruno, MD, and Francesco Galletti, MD, University of Messina, Department of Human Pathology of the Adult and of the Developmental Age “G. Barresi”, ENT Section, Messina, Italy, and others)

Chapter 4. Neuroplasticity and Sensorineural Hearing Loss
(Francesco Dispenza, MD PhD, Alessia Maria Battaglia, MD, Gabriele Ebbreo, MD, Alessia Ceraso, MD, Vito Pontillo, MD, and Antonina Mistretta, MD, Istituto Euromediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia – IEMEST, Palermo, Italy, and others)

Chapter 5. Neuroradiology of the Hearing System
(Cesare Gagliardo, MD, PhD, Silvia Piccinini, MD, Claudia Calafiore, MD, and Paola Feraco MD, Section of Radiological Sciences, Department of Biopathology and Medical Biotechnologies, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, and others)

Chapter 6. Age-Related Hearing Loss
(Rocco Bruno, MD, Bruno Galletti, MD, Pietro Abita, MD, Giuseppe Impalà, Francesco Freni, MD, PhD, and Francesco Galletti, MD, PhD, University of Messina, Department of Human Pathology, Adult and Developmental Age “G. Barresi”, Messina, Italy)

Chapter 7. Traumatic Sensorineural Hearing Loss
(Michele Cassano, MD, Valeria Tarantini, MD, Eleonora M. C. Trecca, MD, Antonio Moffa, MD, and Gianluigi Grilli, MD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy)

Chapter 8. Advanced Otosclerosis
(Nicola Quaranta, MD, Vito Pontillo, MD, and Francesco Dispenza, MD PhD, Otolayngology Unit, Department of Basic Medical Science, Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy, and others)

Chapter 9. Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
(Valerio Giustino, Francesco Lorusso, MD, Serena Rizzo, MD, Pietro Salvago, MD, Francesco Martines, MD, PhD, Sport and Exercise Sciences Research Unit, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, and others)

Chapter 10. Cause, Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations and Treatment of Meniere’s Disease and Endolymphatic Hydrops
(Sergio Ferrara, MD, and Francesco Dispenza, MD, PhD, Istituto Euromediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia – IEMEST, Palermo, Italy, and others)

Chapter 11. Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease
(Francesco Dispenza, MD, PhD, Alessia Ceraso, MD, Antonina Mistretta, MD, Gabriele Ebbreo, MD, Francesco Barbara, MD, and Alessia Maria Battaglia, MD, Istituto Euromediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia – IEMEST, Palermo, Italy, and others)

Chapter 12. Occupational Hearing Loss
(Giampietro Ricci, MD, Associate Professor, Egisto Molini, MD, Mario Faralli, MD, Lucia Calzolaro, MD, and Luca D’Ascanio, MD, Department of Biological and Surgical Sciences, ENT Section, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, and others)

Chapter 13. Single Side Deafness in Children
(Antonio della Volpe, MD, Arianna Di Stadio, MD, Antonietta De Lucia, MD, Valentina Ippolito, Speech Pathologyst and Vincenzo Pastore, Otology and Cochlear Implant Unit, Santobono-Posilipon Children’s Hospital, Naples, Italy)

Chapter 14. Pharmacological Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss
(Angela Cavallaro, Carla Cannizzaro, MD, Francesco Martines, MD, Gianluca Lavanco, Pietro Salvago, MD, Fabiana Plescia, PhD, Anna Brancato, PhD, and Fulvio Plescia, PhD, Department of Sciences for Health Promotion and Mother and Child Care “Giuseppe D’Alessandro”, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, and others)

Chapter 15. Management of Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Hearing Aids
(Pasquale Marsella, MD, Alessandro Scorpecci, MD, PhD, and Sara Giannantonio, MD, PhD, Audiology and Otosurgery Unit, Cochlear Implant referral center, “Bambino Gesù” Children’s Hospital and research Institute, Rome, Italy)

Chapter 16. Cochlear Implant of SNHL Patients
(Pasquale Marsella, MD, Sara Giannantonio, MD, PhD, and Alessandro Scorpecci, MD, PhD, Audiology and Otosurgery Unit, Cochlear Implant Referral Center, “Bambino Gesù” Children’s Hospital and research Institute, Rome, Italy)

Chapter 17. Presbyastasis: From Diagnosis to Management
(Serena Rizzo, MD, Valeria Sanfilippo, MD, Pietro Terrana, MD, Lorenza Lauricella, MD, Dalila Scaturro, MD, Francesco Martines, MD, PhD, and Giulia Letizia Mauro, MD, University of Palermo, Section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Palermo, Italy, and others)



“Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL)is a very common condition and is the most common type of hearing loss, it can affect all age groups from newborns to elderly .Congenital SNHL is considered as neurodevelopmental emergency which mandates early detection and intervention , because hearing is the foundation for spoken language and literacy . Sudden SNHL is a medical emergency which must be treated seriously. Many published articles suggested a link between untreated SNHL and cognitive impairment in elderly. The huge diversity of causes of SNHL, requires appropriate investigations to determine the exact etiology of SNHL in individual cases. Better understanding of the pathophysiology and mechanisms leading to SNHL would greatly help in prevention, control, cure or appropriate rehabilitation of the condition. I am really very pleased to see a great work such as , Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment published and available for clinicians and researchers. There are many otolaryngology, otology and audiology text books, however very few dedicated for hearing loss, and much less dedicated for Sensorineural hearing loss. I do believe that there were some gaps in the available clinical knowledge needed for optimal management of SNHL, advanced basic and clinical research have bridged many of these gaps, but majority of busy clinicians do not have the luxury of time to dig in thousands of publications to get clinically useful information. This book with its excellent seventeen chapters provides up to date, organized, well presented information supported by the outstanding expertise of the contributors. I do encourage Otolaryngologists, Neurotologists and Audiologists and all medical and health care specialties dealing with SNHL or its consequences to read this book. Finally, I want to congratulate the editors, and all other contributors as well as Nova Publishers, of this phenomenal work. Knowledge is power.” – Alfarghal Mohamad, MD, AuD, Consultant of Audio-vestibular medicine, King Abdul Aziz Medical City-Jeddah, KSA

Keywords: sensorineural hearing loss, cochlear implant, hearing, ear, deafness, hearing loss management

Audience: Students (Medicine, Audiology, Speech Therapist), Resident (ENT, Otology, Neurology, Neurosurgery), Physician (ENT, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Medicine), University of Medicine, Cochlear Implant Industries, Hearing Aids Industries

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