
Humanist Psychiatry, 2nd Edition


Series: Psychiatry – Theory, Applications and Treatments
BISAC: MED105000; MED102000

Humanism is an optimistic philosophy that believes in the scientific process, human worth and dignity, and the ability of humankind to solve its problems no matter how complicated. “Humanist Psychiatry, 2nd Edition” is not about the practice of psychiatry, but rather about how the field is conceptualized, organized, and propelled forward. Despite the huge advances in the neurosciences in the last 30 to 40 years, the practice of psychiatry has remained stagnant except for a few newer and safer medications. This book is an outcry for all who care about human suffering in any form but particularly in the form of psychiatric disorders. The principle of worth and dignity does not place a price, nor take into consideration, the cost of taking care of human beings. Psychiatric disorders remain devastatingly widespread, under-recognized and under-treated worldwide. Psychiatric disorders are among the most common causes for disability and lost productivity. Psychiatric patients have lives that are 15 to 20 years shorter than mentally healthy populations. Advances in neuroscience research clearly and overwhelmingly point to the eventual unraveling of the mysteries of the brain. We, in psychiatry, cannot wait the decades it will take to fully understand the brain. The term “mental” embodies the duality of mind-brain or mental-physical. Doing away with this duality is our first step to burying stigma and relegating it to medical history.

“Humanist Psychiatry” begins by summarizing the humanist principles, then discusses how the biology principle should guide advances in psychiatric research and how psychiatry research could be organized. The book addresses issues of education and practice from a humanist’s viewpoint. The book then goes into more specific areas of practice, like correctional and addiction psychiatry, discussing how practice adhering to the humanist principles would impact the field. The current edition of Humanist Psychiatry deals with controversial issues like drug legalization and whether psychiatry should have its own school instead of being a branch of medicine. Finally, the book discusses the issue of stigma and how humanism can help speed up the dissipation of the stigma associated with psychiatric disorders. The 2nd edition of Humanist Psychiatry has widened its scope to address all professionals working in the field, such as social workers, psychologists and addiction therapists in addition to all those who care about the issue of psychiatric disorders from community organizers to legislators.

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Table of Contents



Introduction to the Second Edition

Chapter 1. Humanism Principles Relevant to Psychiatric Care

Chapter 2. The Biology Principle

Chapter 3. What is in a Name?

Chapter 4. A Humanist Model for the Practice of Psychiatry: A Proposal to Facilitate Assimilation of New Knowledge

Chapter 5. A Proposed New System of Integrated Psychiatric Care with Prevention, Primary Care, General Psychiatry Practice, Specialization and Sub-Specialization: From Pre-Conception to Terminal Care

Chapter 6. Should Psychiatry be a Separate School from Medicine?

Chapter 7. Psychiatric Education

Chapter 8. Research in Psychiatry

Chapter 9. Personality Disorders

Chapter 10. Drug and Alcohol Use Disorders

Chapter 11. Correctional Psychiatry

Chapter 12. Developmental Intellectual Disabilities: Formerly Mental Retardation

Chapter 13. Stigma


About the Author


Book Review

“This is a fascinating book with some controversial ideas that are likely to generate strong discussions. The book delves into such provocative issues like decriminalization of drug use and uses the positive experience in Portugal as an example. The book also discusses whether psychiatry should have its own school, where the entire body of knowledge necessary for practicing cutting-edge psychiatry is included, encompassing the neurosciences and psychological theories. “Humanist Psychiatry” provides a broad view of how clinical psychiatry is being practiced today and how it would look if the ideals of a more complete reliance on science and within the context of every human’s absolute worth and dignity would look like. Current day psychiatrists know very little about diagnostic neuroimaging tools like electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography and functional MRI. “Humanist Psychiatry” seeks to change that by urging psychiatrists to learn how to use these tools in modern Psychiatry. A strong emphasis throughout the volume is placed on the need for considerably more research.” – Susan Bowyer, PhD, Scientific Director, Neuromagnetism Lab, Biomedical Physicist, Senior Bio-Scientific Staff, Department of Neurology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan, USA

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