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Organization, Business and Management
Organization, Business and Management
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Qualitative Research for Organizational Scholars: Reflections on Current Developments
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The Future of E-Commerce
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Emerging Trends in Global Organizational Science Phenomena: Critical Roles of Politics, Leadership, Stress, and Context
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Advancements in Learning and Instruction
Advances in Animal Science and Zoology (Numbered Series)
Advances in Applied Science and Engineering (Edited Series)
Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Advances in Biology (Numbered Series) *** New in 2022 ***
Advances in Business and Management (Numbered Series)
Advances in Chemistry Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Communications and Media Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies (Edited Series)
Advances in Distributed Computing and Intelligent Data Analytics (Edited Series)
Advances in Energy Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Engineering Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Environmental Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Evolution Equations (Edited Series)
Advances in Genetics Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Health and Disease (Numbered Series)
Advances in Marine Biology (Numbered Series)
Advances in Materials Science Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Mathematics Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Medicine and Biology (Numbered Series)
Advances in Nanotechnology (Numbered Series)
Advances in Psychology Research (Numbered Series)
Advances in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Advances in Sociology Research (Numbered Series)
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African American Women (Edited Series)
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Agricultural Research Updates (Numbered Series)
Agriculture Issues and Policies
Air, Water and Soil Pollution Science and Technology
Aircraft and Avionics Research and Technology
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Alternative Medicine, Health and Wellness (Edited Series)
American History, Culture and Literature
American Political, Economic and Security Issues
Analytical Chemistry and Microchemistry
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Animal Science, Issues and Research
Anthropology Research and Developments
Applied Social Studies - Recent Developments, International and Comparative Perspectives (Edited Series)
Applied Statistical Science (Edited Series)
Archaeology - Discoveries of the Past
Arctic Region and Antarctica Issues and Research
Asian Political, Economic and Social Issues
Audiology and Hearing Research Advances
Bacteriology Research Developments
Banks and Banking Developments
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Post Genomic Era
Biochemistry Research Trends
Biomaterials - Properties, Production and Devices
Biomedical Devices and their Applications
Birds - Evolution, Behavior and Ecology
Botanical Research and Practices
Bullying and Victimization
Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship
Business, Technology and Finance
Cancer Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments
Cardiology Research and Clinical Developments
Caucasus and Central Asia Political, Social and Economic Issues
Cell Biology Research Progress
Central America and the Caribbean
Chemical Engineering Methods and Technology
Chemistry Research and Applications
Chemistry Research Summaries (Numbered Series)
China in Transition
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Climate Change and its Causes, Effects and Prediction
Coastal and Oceanic Landforms, Development and Management
Computational Mathematics and Analysis
Computer Science, Technology and Applications
Congressional Policies, Practices and Procedures
Conservation Biology and Biodiversity
Construction Materials and Engineering
Contemporary Cultural Studies (Edited Series)
Countries and Cultures of the World
Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement and Corrections
Cultural Studies in the Third Millennium
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Research
Defense, Security and Strategies
Dentistry and Oral Sciences
Dermatology - Laboratory and Clinical Research
Dialogues among Civilizations and Cultures
Digestive Diseases - Research and Clinical Developments
Disability and the Disabled - Issues, Laws and Programs
Disability Studies (Edited Series)
Distinguished Men and Women of Science, Medicine and the Arts
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Drug Transit and Distribution, Interception and Control
Earth Sciences in the 21st Century
Eating Disorders in the 21st Century
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Education in a Competitive and Globalizing World
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Endocrinology Research and Clinical Developments
Energy Policies, Politics and Prices
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Environmental and Agricultural Research Summaries
Environmental Remediation Technologies, Regulations and Safety
Environmental Research Advances
Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology
Ethical Issues in the 21st Century
Europe: Past, Present and Future
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Expressive Arts Therapies
Eye and Vision Research Developments
Family Issues in the 21st Century
Fermented Foods and Beverages in a Global Age
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First Men, America's Presidents (Edited Series)
Fish, Fishing and Fisheries
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Focus on Civilizations and Cultures - Music
Focus on Civilizations and Cultures - Paintings and Sculptures
Food and Beverage Consumption and Health
Food Science and Technology
Functional Neurology (Edited Series)
Gastroenterology Research and Clinical Developments
Gender Issues and Challenges
Genetics - Research and Issues
Geography and History of the World
Geology and Mineralogy Research Developments
Georgian Classics - Edited Series
Geriatrics, Gerontology and Elderly Issues
Giftedness: Identification, Assessment, Nurturing, and Treatment
Global Political Studies
Global Recession - Causes, Impacts and Remedies
Government Procedures and Operations
Green Research, Developments and Programs
Health and Human Development (Edited Series)
Health Care in Transition
Health Psychology Research Focus
Hepatology Research and Clinical Developments
Herbs and Herbalism
Historical Figures
Historical Manuscripts
HIV/AIDS - Medical, Social and Psychological Aspects
Homeland Security and Safety (Edited Series)
Horizons in Cancer Research (Numbered Series)
Horizons in Computer Science Research (Numbered Series)
Horizons in Earth Science Research (Numbered Series)
Horizons in Neuroscience Research (Numbered Series)
Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research (Numbered Series)
Horizons in World Physics (Numbered Series)
Horticulture, Viticulture and Viniculture
Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing Studies
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Evolution, Biological and Cultural Domains
Human Reproductive System - Anatomy, Roles and Disorders
Human Rights – Looking Towards the Future (Edited Series)
Human Rights: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives
Human Sexuality
Hunger and Poverty: Causes, Impacts and Eradication
Immigration in the 21st Century: Political, Social and Economic Issues
Immunology and Immune System Disorders
India: Economic, Political and Social Issues
Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
Insects and Other Terrestrial Arthropods: Biology, Chemistry and Behavior
Insights into Biological and Cultural Evolution
Intellectual Property in the 21st Century
Internet of Things and Machine Learning (Edited Series)
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Internet Theory, Technology and Applications
Issues in Kidney Disease Series
Key Government Reports
KJ Lee Essential Medicine Series
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Laws and Legislation
Leadership in a Changing World
Life Sciences Research and Development
Lives and Times of Distinguished Artists
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Marine and Freshwater Biology
Marine Science and Technology
Marketing and Operations Management Research
Materials Science and Technologies
Mathematical Research Summaries (Numbered Series)
Mathematics Research Developments
Mechanical Engineering Theory and Applications
Media and Communications - Technologies, Policies and Challenges
Medical Procedures, Testing and Technology
Medicine Research Summaries (Numbered Series)
Men's Issues
Mental Illnesses and Treatments
Metabolic Diseases - Laboratory and Clinical Research
Meteorology and Climatology
Microbiological Hygiene (Edited Series)
Microbiology Research Advances
Military and Veteran Issues
Month in Review (Numbered Series)
Muscular System - Anatomy, Functions and Injuries
Nanotechnology Science and Technology
Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation
Natural Products and Therapeutics
Neonatology Research Developments
Nephrology Research and Clinical Developments
Neuroanatomy Research at the Leading Edge
Neurology - Laboratory and Clinical Research Developments
Neuroscience Research Progress
Neurosurgery Research Progress
New Developments in Medical Research
New Developments in Nanotechnology Research ***New in 2022***
Nova Excerpts
Nuclear Materials and Disaster Research
Nursing - Issues, Problems and Challenges
Nutrition and Diet Research Progress
Obstetrics and Gynecology Advances
Oceanography and Ocean Engineering
Organization, Business and Management
Origin, Evolution and Geological History of the Earth
Orthopedic Research and Therapy
Otolaryngology Research Advances
Pain Management - Research and Technology (Edited Series)
Parasites and Parasitic Diseases
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Pediatrics - Laboratory and Clinical Research
Pediatrics, Child and Adolescent Health (Edited Series)
Perspectives on Cognitive Psychology
Petroleum Science and Technology
Pharmacology - Research, Safety Testing and Regulation
Physical Fitness, Diet and Exercise
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physics Research and Technology
Plant Science Research and Practices
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Political Leaders and Their Assessment
Political Science and History
Political, Economic and Security Issues of Africa
Politics and Economics of the Middle East
Pollution Science, Technology and Abatement
Polymer Science and Technology
Post-Nationality in the European Union's East and North (Edited Series)
Pregnancy and Infants: Medical, Psychological and Social Issues
Presidency in the United States
Presidential Wives
Privacy and Identity Protection
Progress in Economics Research (Numbered Series)
Progress in Education (Numbered Series)
Psychiatry - Theory, Applications and Treatments
Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions
Psychology Research Progress
Public Health in the 21st Century
Public Health: Practices, Methods and Policies (Edited Series)
Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases and Disorders
Racial Justice and Social Equity
Radiation Oncology: Clinical, Translational and Laboratory Research
Rare Disorders Research Progress
Recent Advances in Hematology Research
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Religion and Spirituality
Renal, Metabolic and Urologic Disorders
Renewable Energy: Research, Development and Policies
Research Advances in Communication Studies
Research Methodology and Data Analysis
Research on Hispanic Psychology
Research Progress in Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Retirement Issues, Plans and Lifestyles
Rheumatism and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Robotics Research and Technology
Russian Political, Economic, and Security Issues
Safety and Risk in Society
Science, Evolution and Creationism
Sexology Research and Issues
Sleep - Physiology, Functions, Dreaming and Disorders
Small Business Considerations, Economics and Research
Smoking and Tobacco Use
Social Issues, Justice and Status
Social Perspectives in the 21st Century (Edited Series)
Social Perspectives of Aging
Social Psychology Research Progress
Social Welfare Policies and Programs - Patterns, Implications and Prospects
South Asian Political, Economic and Social Issues
Space Science, Exploration and Policies
Speech and Language Disorders
Sports and Athletics Preparation, Performance, and Psychology
Stem Cells - Laboratory and Clinical Research
Substance Abuse Assessment, Interventions and Treatment
Surgery - Procedures, Complications, and Results
Systems Biology - Theory, Techniques and Applications
Systems Engineering Methods, Developments and Technology
Technology in a Globalizing World
Terrorism, Hot Spots and Conflict-Related Issues
The World of Psychology: Therapeutic, Relational, Teaching (Edited Series)
Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
Therapeutic Approaches in Common Obstetrics and Gynecological Disorders
Trade Issues, Policies and Laws
Transportation Issues, Policies and R&D
Trauma and Recovery
University Teaching and Faculty Development
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Urology Research Progress
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Veterans: Benefits, Issues, Policies and Programs
Veterinary Science and Medicine
Virology Research Progress
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