Products – Nova Science Publishers Publisher of Books and Journals in Medicine and Health, Science and Technology and Social Sciences Wed, 15 Feb 2023 18:52:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Products – Nova Science Publishers 32 32 Chapter 22. The Impact of Technological Systems’ Implementation on Forest Fire Confrontation Operations Wed, 15 Feb 2023 18:52:58 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Even the most advanced societies are faced with a considerable amount of challenges when it comes to forest protection against wildfires. Authorities and societies seek to address this major environmental issue through improved stakeholders’ readiness and effectiveness in forest protection. The main objective of this chapter is to inform the local authorities that the impact of technological systems introduction in disaster management is depended on the adopted organizational context and the implemented strategy. The research question of this study is to explore the role of 17 technological systems that were established in specific areas around Greece, after the mega-fires of 2007 and how reacted to the effectiveness of local communities against forest fires. The research was conducted by a mixed methodology. The material was obtained from operational officers in crisis management authorities and oversight bodies by open interviews, focus groups, participatory observations, and public databases. The outcome confirms that the adoption of an effective policy of technological systems in the context of forest protection against fires is in fact valuable but also an unexploited approach. Findings indicated that the highest benefits cannot be drawn if forest fire protection technological systems are not designed centrally and are not distributed for concurrent use by different collaborating bodies with diverse responsibilities and jurisdiction levels. It is argued that such systems should provide a unified effective administration of incidents and support the efficient coordination of resources, provided that key users actually operate properly those systems. Inefficiencies in the utilization and underperformance of technological systems often come about the lack of proper integration in terms of organizational or operational aspects. Keywords: technological systems, forest fires, disaster management, readiness and effectiveness, investment project, evaluation process, operational plan


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Chapter 21. Training and Knowledge Sharing Platform for First Responders and Educational Tools for Students’ and Citizens’ Awareness and Preparedness Against Natural and Manmade Disasters and Risks Wed, 15 Feb 2023 18:38:12 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


The overarching objective of the RESISTANT project is to build the first European Crisis Training Platform to train first responders through threefold comprehensive training: educational training with the state-of-the-art knowledge in safety, including tools for characterisation of hazards and associated risks, operational training on mock-up real scale transport, and innovative virtual reality training reproducing the entire accident scenarios, intervention strategies and tactics, including the whole chain of command and communications between all members of the first responders team, facility managers, and public (e.g., volunteer fire fighters, children, citizens with disabilities). RESISTANT put also in place a virtual ‘agora’ for first and second responders, academia, market practitioners, volunteers and other civil protection stakeholders to share knowledge and exchange best practices. This chapter presents the RESISTANT’s educational and training infrastructure which will be used to train first responders through threefold comprehensive training: educational training, operational training, virtual reality training. The educational training aims to equip first responders with state-of-the-art knowledge in safety. The operational-level training consists of practical exercises (table-top and Full-Scale Exercises) based on different emergency scenarios, designed in a way that they capture the current needs of the key stakeholders defined in target groups, while the virtual reality training is based on a virtual reality facility that will expand training potential and the effect of educational and operational training. It will reproduce the entire accident scenarios, intervention strategies, and tactics, including the whole chain of command and communications between all members of the first responders’ team, facility managers, and the public. Keywords: crisis training platform, first responders, hazards, risks


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Chapter 20. Vulnerability Analysis Tool for First Responders: Results of a Case Study Wed, 15 Feb 2023 18:30:48 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Vulnerability strongly influences the magnitude of negative consequences of natural and manmade disasters for people and communities. Manmade disasters (e.g., CBRNe incidents, terrorist attacks) can lead to a large number of victims and often require evacuation. Therefore, we developed a vulnerability analysis tool. With our tool, the potential number of affected people and buildings can be estimated, which in turn serves as relevant information for first responders to assess the required resources from a technical and medical perspective. We have developed and evaluated the vulnerability analysis tool for calculating the number of affected buildings as well as the number of affected people, categorized by their potential injuries as well as the medical resources needed for their on-site treatment. The tool offers the functionality to estimate the number of vulnerable people that may need special care (e.g., people who are not mobile). It can also be used beforehand, for a fast calculation at the beginning of, or during the operation. The main findings of the mixed-methods evaluation study highlight the tools’ potential for the practice of first responders, due to its simplicity. Its functional and trustworthy calculations were emphasized. Suggested enhancements include adding specific categories (e.g., buildings equally used for private and business) as well as combining it with other tools (e.g., tools for localizing of POIs; online GIS systems) for a faster and more valid estimation of the affected area and identification of buildings. Keywords: vulnerability, manmade disasters, CBRNe, evaluation, vulnerable people, first responders


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Chapter 19. FASTER Project Technologies: A Reality of the Future Wed, 15 Feb 2023 18:15:30 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


FASTER is an H2020 research project, within the European framework, in which Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams, in addition to other first responders, conduct an on-the-ground assessment of latest support technologies. These technologies are to be used in victim rescue response situations well as for coordination and safety procedures between disaster responders in diverse types of catastrophe scenarios. The tools have been developed by technical partners of the FASTER project committee and, with the aim of assessing the tools, two pilot exercises were conducted in collapsed buildings in Spain, simulating the impact of two earthquakes. The objective is to integrate and adapt the FASTER tools in initial interventions during the search for and rescue of victims. The focus is placed on information gathering in the disaster area, among other aspects. Simulation exercises were conducted in real locations involving collapsed buildings using drones, unmanned vehicles, canine wearables, a mobile command centre, a weather station and social network analysis, with real people acting the part of victims together with human dummy figures. Through these exercises, an assessment was carried out of the acceptability, ease of use, applicability, efficiency, and effectiveness of FASTER technology. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic during the implementation of various pilot exercises was a setback that led us to introduce a USAR Camp deployment procedure involving preventive anti-COVID-19 measures, in accordance with the recommendations of official organisations such as INSARAG and the WHO. Keywords: catastrophe, disaster, first responders, search and rescue, new technologies


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Chapter 18. The Effect of the Combustion Heat on the Forest Fire of Eastern Attica in Relation to the Meteorological Factors Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:41:29 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


An important goal of this study was how meteorological factors (wind and relative humidity) as well as the type and moisture content of the fuel affect the combustion heat of a fire in a study area and consequently the fire hazard and the difficulty of extinguishing; and also whether and how the description of spread of a forest fire at an operational level can be achieved, as well as the effect of forest firefighting forces, if the weather, topography and vegetation factors are known. The study area is the region of Attica, in Greece and especially the region of eastern Attica. The FARSITE (Fire Area Simulator) fire simulator was used. Specifically, it was confirmed that the intensity of the wind significantly affects the difficulty of extinguishing as it directly affects the speed of the fire. In the study area, for wind speeds of 70 Km/h (8 Bf), the possible fires, will develop into mega-fires in the first 30 minutes of their onset and the use of air means is imperative. With the intervention of a firebreak instead, the fires that will break out, in the first 30 minutes will be of medium difficulty and the use of machinery and vehicles is imperative. In summary, the above conclusions can be the first step towards systematization in immediate decision making and a valuable information tool at the operational level. Keywords: combustion heat, forest fires, FARSITE


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Chapter 17. Predicting the Occurrence of Combustion in the Production of Polyurethane Foam During the Storage Process for Tempering Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:31:16 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Objective: This report analyzes the thermodynamic relationships of "freshly produced" polyurethane foam and its secondary ingredients. The reason for which was a fire in a warehouse for subsequent tempering of a finished commercial product. Combustion and/or thermal decomposition products of polyurethanes are among the most toxic substances directly threatening the life of the population. Research problem: Modeling the thermodynamics of combustion of a commercial product is extremely difficult due to the large number of isomeric molecular forms that are difficult to distinguish from classical science. Methodology: An adapted model of methodological scheme is applied, describing the fine specifics of the relationship between theoretical (statistical) and applied thermodynamics. The object of the study are: polyols, isocyanates, crosslinking agents, fillers, lubricants, catalysts, free water and carbon dioxide. Results: The general functional dependence (presented in graphical form) between the main thermodynamic variables describing the process of self-ignition in the specific case is constructed. Conclusion: Incomplete technological inhibition of the catalyst is the leading cause of self-ignition of polyurethane foam during the storage process for tempering. Applicability of the results: The modern control of the technological processes is easily synchronized with the fire-fighting installations. Thermal chambers could be set to a more sensitive mode at certain hours of chanting. If necessary, automatic systems would work by correcting factors of the storage environment, such as humidity, temperature, ventilation, etc. These actions would lead to overconfidence in avoiding fires and disasters, especially in urban environments. Keywords: polyurethane, storage, production process, self-ignition, PM7, TD-DFT


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Chapter 16. 100 Years – 100 Cities: Evaluation of Urban Fire Risks Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:05:59 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Over the centuries, cities became economic, scientific, administrative, and cultural centers of the countries. This process accelerated significantly in the 20th century. Life in the cities has become very pleasant for their inhabitants. Notwithstanding these manifold benefits of city life, the administrations of urban centers are increasingly confronted with problems: The streets of the cities are suffering from the ever-increasing mass of vehicles. Noise and air pollution are serious health problems for the inhabitants. Housing is scarce in urban centers. The cities grow in height and on the outskirts. The supply of drinking water is a problem in many places. Waste management is a significant organizational and technical challenge for the city administration. One of the most critical issues within the increasingly complex infrastructure of large cities is the safety and security factor. The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at the subject of fire safety. In the last century, cities have experienced a variety of revelations with the introduction of new building materials, new types of buildings, and new ways of using the facilities. As a result, many advances in fire prevention have been made. Nevertheless, the fire danger in the cities is not banished. The chapter uses striking examples to illustrate how urban fire risks have changed in the past. The study aims to use data-based developments in 100 cities worldwide. Next, we show what urbanization and industrialization mean from the point of view of fire safety. Finally, we describe possible solution scenarios for the future.  Keywords: statistics, fire risks, urban fires, modeling, fire service


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Chapter 15. Lack of Water as a Social Risk and Threat to Social Development and the Environment Wed, 15 Feb 2023 16:26:04 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Water problems and challenges are a warning that disasters can be caused by climate change but also because of human activities in relation to global warming. The purpose of this paper is to point out the important aspects of creating opportunities for social risk and threat to social development because of water scarcity and asymmetrical development and management of water capacity. At the same time, the research will identify social problems, from which water can lead to disruption of national security. The research problem is motivated by the right of existence and safe life, not only in its environment, and in its country, but also on a regional level. The research will be done using analysis of documents, statistical data and descriptive approach, which will lead to empirical results for the etiological and phenomenological characteristics of water problems, as well as estimates, analyzes and studies, in order to project water challenges by 2040. The research sample will show how water as a social risk and threat affects the situation of the Republic of North Macedonia within the international statistics regarding the use and use of water as a natural and necessary resource. Keywords: climate change, water, social risk, national security


[1] Taikan Oki, et al. (2006). Global Hydrological Cycles and World Water Resources. Science 313, 1068, DOI: 10.1126/science.1128845. [2] Charles J. Vörösmarty, et al. (2000). Global Water Resources: Vulnerability from Climate Change and Population Growth. Science 289, 284, DOI: 10.1126/science.289.5477.284. [3] The sum of the evaporation and transpiration of plants from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. See: [4] Konikow, L. F., and Kendy, E., 2005, Groundwater depletion: A global problem: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 13, p. 317-320. [5] IPCC. Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability / 3.4.4 Water quality. [6] IPCC. Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability/ 4.3.10. Water Quality. [7] Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. 2007. Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London: Earthscan, and Colombo: International Water Management Institute. [8] IPCC, 2012: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp. [9] Barnett, Т. P., J. C. Adam& D. P. Lettenmaier. (2005). Potential impacts of a warming climate on water availability in snow-dominated regions. Nature 438, 303-309, doi:10.1038/nature04141. [10] Wichelns et al., 2002; Easter and Renwick, 2004; Orr and Colby, 2004; Saleth and Dinar, 2004; Svendsen, 2005. [11] Shiklomanov, I. A., & J. C. Rodda (2003): World Water Resources at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. 435 pp. Cambridge Univ. Press. [12] Mote, P. W. et al., 1999, Impacts of climate variability and change, Pacific Northwest: National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Office of Global Programs, and Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) / School of Marine Affairs (SMA) Climate Impacts Group, Seattle, Washington, 110 p. and Downing, T. E. et al., 2003, Climate Change and the Demand for Water: Stockholm Environment Institute Oxford Office Research Report, U.K., 201 p. [13] The analysis of the Ministry of Environment entitled “Water resources and the challenge of climate change,” 2014. [14] IPCC, 2013. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.]]>
Chapter 14. Knowledge of Vulnerable Groups from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Spain Related to Protection and Rescue – Fundamental for Building Stronger Community Resilience Wed, 15 Feb 2023 16:18:36 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


The purpose of this chapter is to discover the level of knowledge that vulnerable groups such as children, youth, as well as persons (students) with special needs, from North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Spain have in relation to the protection and rescue system and their needs for training improvement. The fact that very often vulnerable groups are neglected in every stage of the disaster risk management motivated us to conduct this research and to contribute to building stronger and more inclusive community resilience. In this research we used the quantitative research method (a questionnaire) answered by vulnerable groups, separately in each of these countries. In our research we respected gender equality and we have almost the same distribution of female and male respondents. The questionnaire consisted of 19 questions, 3 of them were open-ended, the other 16 close ended. The first 6 questions related to general information about the participants, whereas the other refer to the 5 specific areas of our research. The conclusion from the research is that most of the participants are not familiar with the possible ways to give alerts for the dangers, the instructions for protection, rescue, assistance, and they need training about possible ways to report and warn about dangers, give instructions on protection, rescue, and assistance. The results were very useful for creating a novel approach for developing educational materials and training programs for children, youth, and persons with disabilities using an open educational platform, Mobile APP, and gamification. Keywords: knowledge, protection and rescue, inclusion, vulnerable groups, resilience


[1] WHO (1971). Guide to Sanitation in Natural Disasters. [2] Noor, K. B. (2008). Case study: A strategic research methodology. Am. J. Appl. Sci. 5:1602–1604. [3] Hadji-Janev, M. and Jovanovski, V. (2012) Disaster Risk Management Concept in the Republic of Macedonia, Challenges and Recommendations for the future, Crisis Management Days, University of Applied Science, Velika Gorica, Croatia. [4] North Macedonia - Overview of the National Disaster Management System (2019) retrieved from: [5] Spain - Overview of the National Disaster System (2019), retrieved from: [6] Bulgaria - Overview of the National Disaster Management System (2019) retrieved from: echo/what/civil-protection/national-disaster-management-system/bulgaria_en. [7] Johnson, R. B. & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed-methods research: a research paradigm whose time has come. Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14-26. [8] Miles, M. and Huberman, M. (1994) Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook, Second Edition, SAGE Publications.]]>
Chapter 13. Mass Casualty Incidents in Greece Since 1996: Are We Ready to Face Them? Wed, 15 Feb 2023 16:07:57 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


In a generally hostile field worldwide, full of mass casualty incidents (MCIs), Greece is no exception. This chapter is an effort to collect the deadliest MCIs in Greece since 1996 in order to not only identify them by kind and understand the differences between them but also to arrive to conclusions and guidelines on what must be followed in such incidents no matter what. Because of its geographical position and soil formation Greece has been prone to a variety of MCIs. Taking into consideration Greece's strategical place and social particularities as well as the internal social and financial challenges it has faced, being the European country that received the majority of refugees among the EU during the last decade, mainly by sea, it is no surprise that many MCIs happened in its seas with thousands of people, including children, losing their lives in a desperate attempt to reach the mainland. Using information collected throughout the internet on the majority of Greek MCIs, the purpose is to understand the local level of crisis’ readiness and preparedness through the relative carriers and hopefully to increase the national obligation to cooperate, confront and succeed beyond those challenges. In order to be prepared, in relationship with the Civil Protection, all carriers and their personnel must frequently get educated, test their abilities in trials and further participate in cooperative trials. Through these procedures the suitable authorities should check the status of the basic fundamentals that must be present, such as: communication, evaluation, progression level and progression ways. Keywords: mass, casualty, incidents, Greece, management, 1996


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Chapter 12. The Need for Minimum Humanitarian Standards Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:35:58 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Climate change, the unbalanced relationship with natural resources, conflicts between nations, and forced displacement within and between countries create emergencies that need to be addressed based on minimum international humanitarian standards. That’s how the Sphere International Humanitarian Standards fill in the gap of prevention. The Sphere Handbook addresses the humanitarian charter to the emergency response sectors considered essential for the first response in this type of exceptional context, thus creating a condition of minimum stability and protection that allows a reorganization of the infrastructure of the affected locations gradually working towards solutions.


[1] [2] Sphere Association (2018). The Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and MinimumStandards in Humanitarian Response, fourth edition, Geneva, Switzerland.]]>
Chapter 11. The Necessity of Debriefing after Disaster Incidents Wed, 15 Feb 2023 15:30:06 +0000 Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Throughout the 21st century, humanity has already recorded enormous technological progress, developing the necessary techniques not only for the effective response to a mass casualty event, but also for a smooth and complete restoration. In the context of the effective management of a critical event and especially during the recovery phase, the necessity of the application of the debriefing method is examined thoroughly in this chapter. This chapter could also be characterized as a hybrid product of methodology as it consists of two main parts. The first part is based on the literature review in order to examine the process of the debriefing technique, citing historical data of the evolution of the technique over the years. The method itself was then analyzed in depth indicating its stages as also whether its conduction is influenced by the interculturality. In the second part of this chapter, statistics are presented for the debriefing process that emerged after a survey through a structured questionnaire processed through the SPSS program, to a targeted sample of people involved in the management of critical incidents, giving a glimpse of the Greek approach to the method of debriefing. The processing of the data collection led to the conclusion that although debriefing is globally considered a necessary method for the integrated management of a critical incident, nevertheless in Greece it is not carried out on a regular basis as a standardized procedure. In addition, the absence of a mental health professional during the process cannot be overlooked. Keywords: debriefing, debriefing strategies, crisis management, experiential learning, psychological debriefing


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