Chapter 22. The Impact of Technological Systems’ Implementation on Forest Fire Confrontation Operations


A. Kanavos¹, M. Chalaris², D. Anastasiadou³, E. Housos¹ and E. Adamides³
¹Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
²Department of Chemistry, International Hellenic University, Kavala, Greece
³Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Even the most advanced societies are faced with a considerable amount of challenges when it comes to forest protection against wildfires. Authorities and societies seek to address this major environmental issue through improved stakeholders’ readiness and effectiveness in forest protection. The main objective of this chapter is to inform the local authorities that the impact of technological systems introduction in disaster management is depended on the adopted organizational context and the implemented strategy. The research question of this study is to explore the role of 17 technological systems that were established in specific areas around Greece, after the mega-fires of 2007 and how reacted to the effectiveness of local communities against forest fires. The research was conducted by a mixed methodology. The material was obtained from operational officers in crisis management authorities and oversight bodies by open interviews, focus groups, participatory observations, and public databases. The outcome confirms that the adoption of an effective policy of technological systems in the context of forest protection against fires is in fact valuable but also an unexploited approach. Findings indicated that the highest benefits cannot be drawn if forest fire protection technological systems are not designed centrally and are not distributed for concurrent use by different collaborating bodies with diverse responsibilities and jurisdiction levels. It is argued that such systems should provide a unified effective administration of incidents and support the efficient coordination of resources, provided that key users actually operate properly those systems. Inefficiencies in the utilization and underperformance of technological systems often come about the lack of proper integration in terms of organizational or operational aspects.

Keywords: technological systems, forest fires, disaster management, readiness and effectiveness, investment project, evaluation process, operational plan


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