Chapter 15. Lack of Water as a Social Risk and Threat to Social Development and the Environment


Metodija Dojchinovski, PhD, Biljana Karovska Andonovska, PhD, and Nikola Kletnikov, MD
Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski,” Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Water problems and challenges are a warning that disasters can be caused by climate change but also because of human activities in relation to global warming. The purpose of this paper is to point out the important aspects of creating opportunities for social risk and threat to social development because of water scarcity and asymmetrical development and management of water capacity. At the same time, the research will identify social problems, from which water can lead to disruption of national security. The research problem is motivated by the right of existence and safe life, not only in its environment, and in its country, but also on a regional level. The research will be done using analysis of documents, statistical data and descriptive approach, which will lead to empirical results for the etiological and phenomenological characteristics of water problems, as well as estimates, analyzes and studies, in order to project water challenges by 2040. The research sample will show how water as a social risk and threat affects the situation of the Republic of North Macedonia within the international statistics regarding the use and use of water as a natural and necessary resource.

Keywords: climate change, water, social risk, national security


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