Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Business Ethics: Introduction and Overview
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 2. Leadership Morality: A Transformative Philosophy Approach
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 3. Ethics of the Individual Leader: Keys to Personal Preparation
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 4. The Leader as a Friend: The Ethic of Friendship and the Psychological Contract
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 5. The Ethic of Self-Interest: Duties Owed to Stakeholders
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 6. Ethical Stewardship and Transcendent Leadership
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 7. Eight Tragedies in Business Education: The Issues are Ethical
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 8. Ethical Challenges in Human Resource Management
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 9. Transformative Ethics and Competitive Advantage
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 10. Responses to Religious Identity Threat in Thick and Thin Cultures
(Morela Hernandez, Hana Johnson and Andy Wicks, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, US, and others)
Chapter 11. The Ethical Foundations of Spiritual Intelligence
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
Chapter 12. On Being, Doing, and Becoming: The Ethic of Excellence
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson, Retired, and others)
About the Editors and Authors