
Humility as Enlightened Leadership



: Management Science – Theory and Applications
BISAC: BUS041000

As leaders and organizations struggle to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, the challenges that they face inevitably are dependent upon the people with whom they work and assisting those people to become their absolute best. Creating interpersonal relationships and an organizational culture that empowers employees require that leaders model the values that they proclaim to others and that they create organizational systems that support those same values.

Enlightened leaders recognize that their primary responsibility is to support those whom they lead and serve. An organization’s goals must be focused on creating long-term value for customers. Competing in the modern global environment demands that employees throughout the organization are committed to excellence and are given the resources and opportunity to become their absolute best. Excellence can only be achieved when individuals and organizations go the extra mile as well as when employees are treated as owners and partners in the quest for constant improvement.

This book identifies the importance of humility as it contributes to enlightened leadership. Leaders with humility understand who they are, care deeply about others, and are committed to constant learning and improvement. In the pages that follow, the authors identify the contribution that humility makes to enlightened leadership and describe how humility supports key factors essential to successful organizations. Leaders can achieve great things when they discover their highest potential, when they assist others to become their best, and when they constantly seek to improve. Humility unlocks the potential in leaders and in the employees that they serve.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Humility as Enlightened Leadership: An Introduction and Overview
(Verl Anderson and Cam Caldwell)

Chapter 2. Elements of Humility: A Virtuous Perspective
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson)

Chapter 3. Humility and Personal Progress: Insights about Identity
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson)

Chapter 4. Humility, Repentance, and Continuous Improvement: Overcoming Your Weaknesses
(Verl Anderson and Cam Caldwell)

Chapter 5. Humility and Entrepreneurship: Challenges, Myths, and Realities
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson)

Chapter 6. Humility vs. Negativity: The Contrast of Positive Virtues
(Verl Anderson and Cam Caldwell)

Chapter 7. Humility, Service, and Sacrifice: Making a Difference in Others’ Lives
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson)

Chapter 8. Humility and Cooperation: A Vital Role in Successful Organizations
(Verl Anderson and Cam Caldwell)

Chapter 9. Love, Forgiveness, and Humility: Moving toward Greatness
(Cam Caldwell and Verl Anderson)

Chapter 10. Patience and Humility: Keeping Perspective While You Wait
(Cam Caldwell and Brian Long)

Chapter 11. Humility and Self-Control: Achieving Our Highest Potential
(Cam Caldwell and Brian Long)

Chapter 12. Humility and Transformative Ethics Insights about Moral Duties
(Verl Anderson and Cam Caldwell)

Chapter 13. Humility and Emotional Intelligence: Keys to Interpersonal Effectiveness
(Cam Caldwell and Comfort O. Okpala)

Chapter 14. Humility: A Divine Gift
(Cam Caldwell)

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