Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Contemplative Science: Are We Measuring the Immeasurable?
(B. Grace Bullock, PhD, International Science & Education Alliance and Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, OR, US)
Chapter 2. Reconceptualizing the Measurement of Mindfulness
(Joshua C. Felver, PhD, Adam J. Clawson, Emily C. Helminen, Emily L. Koelmel, Melissa L. Morton and Samantha E. Sinegar, Psychology Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US)
Chapter 3. Research Design and Statistical Modeling in Contemplative Meditation Studies
(Qiu Wang, PhD and Jiaming Cheng, Department of Higher Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, and others)
Chapter 4. Learning to Model a Meditation Brain State Using EEG Data
(Hong Lin, PhD, Courtney Watts, Yuezhe Li, PhD, Christopher Early, Alexander Chan and Sishir Subedi, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Technology, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, TX, US, and others)
Chapter 5. Measuring the Neural Correlates of Mindfulness with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
(Leanne M. Hirshfield, PhD, Dessa Bergen-Cico, PhD, Mark Costa, PhD, Robert J.K. Jacob, Sam Hincks and Matthew Russell, Department of Mass Communication, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, and others)
Chapter 6. Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices for Diverse Cultures
(Dessa Bergen-Cico, PhD and Jeffrey Proulx, PhD, Department of Public Health, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, and others)
Chapter 7. The Promise of Mindfulness as a Proposed Intervention to Alleviate the Delimiting Effects of Math Anxiety
(Nicole L. Fonger, PhD and Kien Lim, PhD, Department of Mathematics, Department of Teaching and Leadership, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, and others)
Chapter 8. Trait Mindfulness and Problematic Smartphone Use
(Bradford Owen, PhD, Brian Heisterkamp, PhD, Annabell Halfmann and Peter Vorderer, PhD, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, San Bernardino, CA, US, and others)
Chapter 9. Mindfulness Training in the Communication Classroom: Effects on Communication Competence, Emotion Regulation, and Emotional Intelligence
(Valerie Manusov, PhD, and Daniel C. Huston, Department of Communication, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US, and others)
Chapter 10. An Assessment Framework for Contemplative Practice in Higher Education
(Diane S. Grimes, PhD, and Rachel A. Razza, PhD, Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US, and others)