Paula A. Oliveira, PhD (Editor)
Professor, CITAB, Inov4Agro, Department of Veterinary Science, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Paula Alexandra Oliveira (PAO) graduated in Veterinary Medicine at University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in 1996, completed her Master’s Thesis in Oncology at University of Porto in 2002, and completed her PhD at UTAD in 2006. PAO is a habilitated professor and researcher at UTAD and CITAB, respectively. Her research targets are mainly in the use of animal models to study cancer biopathology and to evaluate new treatments (drugs, natural compounds and lifestyle). PAO has several international and national collaborations and she is PI and member of several Financed Research projects with different typologies: 5 FCT R&D projects and 1 INTERREG (POCTEP) project. Her scientific work has raised interest and has led to the supervision of Post-doc (1 concluded), PhD (9 concluded and 7 ongoing), Master’s (30 concluded and 6 ongoing) and Bachelor’s (33 concluded, 2 ongoing) students. PAO has published more than 150 scientific documents, including research articles, reviews and editorials, within the highest impact factor journals (24 h-index, SCOPUS, January 2021). She has written 9 book chapters and has registered 1 national patent. She is an editorial board member of Diagnostics, Oncology Letters and Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. At the moment, she is also guest editor of a special issue in Cancers.
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