Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. ADHD: Manifestations, Statistics, Mechanisms
(Janna Glozman, Psychology Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
Chapter 2. What Is ADHD from a Historical-Cultural Neuropsychological Perspective? Concept, Diagnosis and Treatment
(Joaquim Quintino-Aires, Instituto Vegotsky, Lisbon. Portugal)
Chapter 3. Brainstem Dysfunctions in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disturbancy (ADHD)
(Victoria Efimova. Department of Developmental Psychology and Family Pedagogics, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Chapter 4. Attentional Difficulties Post Trauma
(Darlyne G. Nemeth, Kayla Mckenzie Chustz, Traci W. Olivier and Joseph Tramontana, Neuropsychology Center of Louisiana, Inniswold, Louisiana, US, and others)
Chapter 5. Genetics, Epigenetics and Psychophysiology of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(Elena Nikolaeva, Developmental Psychology and Family Pedagogics Department, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Chapter 6. A Qualitative Syndromic Analysis of ADHD: Interdisciplinary Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Approach
(Yulia Solovieva, Luis Quintanar Rojas and Regina Machinskaya, Faculty of Sciences for Human Development. University Autonomous of Tlaxcala, Mexico, and others)
Chapter 7. Emotional and Social Behavior in Children with ADHD: Its Relation to Executive Function
(Susmita Halder and K. Lekshmi Priya, Associate Professor, Clinical Psychologist, Amity University, Kolkata. India, and others)
Chapter 8. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a Model of Developmental Trajectories of Inhibition Processes Needed for Creative Thinking
(Olga Razumnikova, Department of Psychology and Pedagogic of the Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia)
Chapter 9. Social, Academic and Emotional Impairment in Children with ADHD
(Elif Ulu Ercan, Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey)
Chapter 10. Remediation in ADHD: A Study Case
(Carla Anauate and Andrea Lane Edde, Center of Integration of Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI), San Paulo, Brazil, and others)
Chapter 11. Effectiveness of Polimodal Stimulation in Treatment of Children with ADHD
(Katarzyna Markiewicz and Bożydar L.J. Kaczmarek, Faculty of Human Studies, University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, Poland)
Chapter 12. Neuropsychological Remediation of Children with ADHD
(Irina Shevchenko, Neuropsychological Remediation Center «Cortex», Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Russia)
Chapter 13. Cross-Cultural Factors Influencing Progression, Observable Presentation, and Treatment of Childhood ADHD
(Vethanayakee Lazarus, Gershom Theophilus Lazarus, Katelyn M. Reardon, Christine Lauren Ginalis, Eugene K. Emory, Theophilus Lazarus, Private Practice, Durban, South Africa, and others)