Bring My Smile Back: Working with Unhappy Children in Education


Maria A. Efstratopoulou (Editor)
Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences, BG University, UK

Maria Sofologi (Editor)

Series: Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions
BISAC: PSY012000, PSY013000

Comforting touch reduces reaction to stress, develops sense of empathy and helps impulse control. Free play outdoors helps develop social capacities and reduces aggression. A number of caregivers, besides mothers, influence the development of empathy, child’s IQ and ego resilience. We are aware that we are lacking on all these fronts and in most cases there is not much we can do about it. Small, nuclear families, two working parents, urban lifestyle and a huge influence media has on children development leaves very little that teachers and parents can do to affect children’s development and happiness.

Most children do not know the meaning of empathy. Compassionate, moral behaviour is considered ‘uncool.’ Scientists believe that the problems are in the strange cultural and social practices of our modern life, particularly in the way we raise our children. This book aims to explore the crucial link between emotions, wellbeing and learning and the wider social factors affecting children’s happiness. The authors draw from a range of experience, examples, case studies and educational approaches to present this engaging text on children’s wellbeing and emotions. Focusing on children’s happiness more than on their academic achievements and positive behaviour, this book puts Children’s Smiles at the heart of teaching!
(Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents




Chapter 1. Can We Define Happiness?
(Craig Bridge, Educational Psychologist, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, England)

Chapter 2. Working with Unhappy Children Who Have Adverse Childhood Experiences
(Maria A. Efstratopoulou, PhD, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, England)

Chapter 3. Am I Unwanted? Working with Unhappy Children Who Are Experiencing Bullying
(Maria A. Efstratopoulou, PhD, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, England)

Chapter 4. Am I Different? Social Identity, Difference, Exclusion, and the (Un)Happiness of the Black and Minority Ethnic Child
(Hadiza Kere Abdulrahman, PhD, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, England

Chapter 5. Working with Unhappy Children Who Are Young Carers
(Maria A. Efstratopoulou, PhD, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, England)

Chapter 6. Working with Unhappy Children from Single-Parent Families: A Challenging Schema
(Maria Sofologi, PhD, and Antonis Theofilidis PhD, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece)

Chapter 7. Family Dysfunctions: Working with Unhappy Abused or Neglected Children
(Aphrodite Kamari, PhD)

Chapter 8. Working with Unhappy Children with Emotional Dysthymia: The Myth of Prometheus
(Maria Sofologi, PhD, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece)

Chapter 9. Am I Different? Working with Unhappy Gifted Children Who Are in the Autistic Spectrum
(Evaggelia Markou, Special Educator)

Chapter 10. Am I Stupid? Working with Unhappy Children with Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading
(Nataly Loizidou Ieridou, PhD, Frederick University, Nicosia, Cyprus)

Chapter 11. How Can I Say What I Am Feeling? Working with Unhappy Children with Communication Problems
(Tracy Jeffery, PhD, Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, England)

Chapter 12. Unhappy Teachers Sailing to Unknowing Oceans: The Burn-Out Phenomenon
(Maria Sofologi, PhD, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece)

About the Editors and Authors


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