Clinical Oncoproteomics: Proteome-Based Personalized Anti-Cancer Therapy


Andrey S. Bryukhovetskiy, M.D., Ph.D.
Federal Research Center for Specialized Types of Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies of FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Series: Cancer Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments
BISAC: MED062000

This monograph is dedicated to the issues of clinical oncoproteomics, its role and place in contemporary medicine in general, and in particular, oncology. This book reviews various academic viewpoints on the informational component and value of the data of clinical oncoproteomics for the diagnostics and treatment of malignant tumors using cellular, genomic and post-genomic technologies.

The monograph summarizes modern concepts of carcinogenesis and describes the author’s informational theory of cancer onset. The book presents theoretical, methodological and technical aspects of the innovative medical technology of the personalized proteome-based cell therapy of neoplasms. The author describes his own experience in mapping, proteomic and transcriptomic profiling of the postnatal regional progenitors and cancer stem cells of cancer patients, and the methods of bioinformational processing and mathematical modeling of the results. This book also demonstrates mathematical instruments that are used to detect the regulatory targets of the proliferative and reproductive functions of cancer stem cells in tumors and production of the targeted individually tailored anti-cancer proteome-based cell products. The mechanisms, limitations and future of these technologies are examined relying on the evidence of the clinical proteomics.

This book is intended for a broad range of specialists, including clinical doctors of different specializations, such as oncologists, surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons, intensivists, immunologists, biochemists, molecular biologists, geneticians, professors and students of medical colleges, as well as specialists working with the issues of cell therapy and personalized medicine.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Author’s Note

Introduction into the Clinical Proteomics

Chapter 1. What is Personalized Medicine?

Chapter 2. Regenerative Medicine: Status Report and Prospects

Chapter 3. The Technologies of the Personalized and Regenerative Medicine in the Diagnostics and Treatment of Tumors

Chapter 4. Contemporary Views on Carcinogenesis

Chapter 5. From The Studies of a Cancer Cell Metabolism to the Clinical Oncoproteomics

Chapter 6. Scientific Feasibility of the Development of the Personalized Anti-Cancer Cell Preparation on the Basis of the Clinical Proteomics
(Co-author: Igor S, Bryukhovetskiy, PhD, MD, Doctor of Medical Science)

Chapter 7. The Proteome of a Somatic Cell: From Cataloguing and Mapping Proteins to the Bioinformatics of the Cell Systems and Regulation of Intercellular Processes
(Co-author: Valeriy E. Shevchenko PhD, Doctor of Biological Science)

Chapter 8. From Clinical Oncoproteomics to the Informational Concept of Carcinogenesis and Innovative Strategies of Cancer Therapy
(Co-authors: Igor S, Bryukhovetskiy, PhD, MD, Doctor of Medical Science; Valeriy E. Shevchenko PhD, Doctor of Biological Science)

Chapter 9. Theoretical Validation of the Methodological Approach to the Peptide Engineering of Therapeutic Anti-Cancer Cell Systems

Chapter 10. Designing and Mathematical Modeling of the Therapeutic Modification of the Proteomic Profile of the Progenitor Cell Systems
(Co-authors: Igor S, Bryukhovetskiy, PhD, MD, Doctor of Medical Science; Valeriy E. Shevchenko PhD, Doctor of Biological Science; Ilya B. Kovalenko, PhD)

Chapter 11. Practical Recommendations for the Production of the Proteome-Modified Personalized Anti-Tumor Cell Preparation
(Co-authors: Vladimir P. Baklaushev, PhD, MD, Doctor of Medical Science; Mikhail A. Konoplyannikov, PhD)


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