Terrorism and Violence in Islamic History and Theological Responses to the Arguments of Terrorists


Series: Terrorism, Hot Spots and Conflict-Related Issues
BISAC: POL037000

Starting in the mid-7th century CE, there have been various radical terrorist groups appearing in the Muslim majority communities that have interpreted the Qur’an and the Prophetic Traditions in very extreme ways in an attempt to justify their violence and mask their evil acts. As the title of the work, Terrorism and Violence in Islamic History from Beginning to Present and Theological Responses to the Arguments of Terrorist Groups suggests, it presents a brief history of violence and terrorism through the course of Islamic history and then provides a comprehensive theological response to the arguments of the extremist groups.

In Chapter One, the author highlights the sanctity of human life and provides abundant evidence from the primary Islamic sources― the Qur’an and the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad, proving that it is strongly prohibited to kill human beings regardless of their ethnic, cultural or religious background. Condemning all evil acts of terrorists who violate God-given inalienable right to life, he asserts that it is not right to attribute terrorists to a certain religion or faith tradition, thus labeling their evil acts as “Islamic” or “Christian” terror.

In Chapter Two, the author sheds light on the extreme sects appearing in Islamic history that have misinterpreted the primary Islamic sources to legitimize their violent extremism and terrorism. In Chapter Three, he provides the theological responses to refute the claims of these extremist terrorist groups, thus proving their sick, violent mentality on the basis of primary Islamic sources. In Chapter Four, he explains in great detail some of the key Islamic notions, such as struggling in the way of God and martyrdom, which have been exploited by the extremist terrorist groups.

In the last chapter, the author discusses the necessity of mutual understanding and respect for the sacred as an alternative method to prevent radicalism and extremism. He argues that showing disrespect for the sacredness of Muslims causes radicalism in the Muslim world, and in turn this radicalism feeds Islamophobia in the West. He further puts forward that the international community should benefit from the ideas of the moderate Muslim scholars in order to combat terrorism effectively, using their compelling arguments to refute the violent arguments of the extremist groups.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Religious Extremism and Terror (pp. 1-38)

Chapter 2. Violence and Terrorism in Islamic History (pp. 39-186)

Chapter 3. Theological Responses to the Arguments of the Extremist Groups (pp. 187-232)

Chapter 4. An Analysis of Islam and Its Primary Sources in the Context of Violence and Terrorism (pp. 233-270)

Chapter 5. Respect for the Sacred versus Freedom of Expression: An Analysis in the Context of De-Radicalization (pp. 271-290)

References (pp. 291-314)

About the Author (pp. 315-316)

Index (pp. 317)

Keywords: Terrorism in Islamic history, theological responses to the arguments of terrorist groups, Islamic radicalization, Islamic extremism, ISIS, IS, Al Qaeda, Assassins, Taliban, Al Shabab, Hashashin, Qarmatians, Salafism, Wahhabism, Kharijite.

This book may have various readers from different backgrounds such as Muslims who read and learn their religion in the English language, policy makers and security forces who combat terrorism in the west, students and lecturers in universities, especially religious studies, middle east studies and Islamic studies etc. Moreover, it can be used as a textbook in Islamic studies, political sciences, middle east studies, Arab studies, radicalism and terrorism studies.

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