The Man Brand: Why Public Campaigns Hide Half of Intimate Partner Violence


Series: Social Issues, Justice and Status
BISAC: FAM001030

This book explores public perceptions, often reinforced by public service advertising campaigns, of stereotypes tied to violence—which frequently portray men only as the aggressor, the abuser, or the perpetrator, and women only as vulnerable, helpless victims. What is even more disturbing is that research suggests that the abuse of men is often viewed by the public as a “joke.” It is hard for the public and law enforcement to perceive of males as “victims,” as that is not part of the public perception of the “man brand.”

This research investigates exactly what that public perception of the “man brand” is and why public beliefs tied to gender stereotypes might be inaccurate, as well as what hinders a full understanding and public acknowledgement of the true nature of that “brand.” This work takes a progressive first step in expanding a complete understanding of what reinforces stereotypes tied to gender and intimate partner violence.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Key Words



Chapter 1. Review of Literature

Chapter 2. Current Images of Male Roles in the 21st Century

Chapter 3. Validation of Public Perceptions of Gender Stereotypes

Chapter 4. The Hidden Half of Intimate Partner Violence Today: Gender Equal Violence

Chapter 5. Feminist Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence

Chapter 6. Female Aggressors in the Workplace: Bullying is Violence

Chapter 7. The Backlash of Progress: A Justice System Gone Too Far

Chapter 8. Perspectives on Effects of Media and Advertising

Chapter 9. Balancing the Gender Equation

Chapter 10. Conclusions and Implications for Future Research: What Can We Do Now?


Keywords: Intimate partner violence, domestic violence, female perpetrators, violent females, male victims, gender issues, gender bias, public campaigns, social marketing, public service advertising, media images, masculinity, men’s health

This book is written for all professionals who work with men and women experiencing, or who have experienced, intimate partner violence. This includes all aspects of the healthcare field, including individuals involved in both men’s and women’s physical and mental health. Anyone working within human rights organizations around the world would also benefit from this research (i.e. National Institute of Mental Health, World Health Organization, UN Women, National Organization for Women, Clinton Foundation, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Men’s Health). The material is also relevant to those who create and financially support nonprofit advertising campaigns and organizations, as well as public service advertising—including the American Association for Advertising. In addition, anyone tied to media coverage or documentaries tied to stories involving intimate partner violence in any form should be aware of the specifics contained in this research. Further, social workers and therapists, as well as those involved in law enforcement and the judicial justice system should be apprised of the true dynamics of intimate partner violence, as outlined in this research. Anyone teaching within the fields of social work, sociology, psychology, gender studies, communication, and mass communication, should also be knowledgeable about the behavior dynamic specifics in this research. Finally, any men and women within the general public who are wrestling with issues of violence should be aware of the research unveiled in this book.

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