Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction. Thirty Years of Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement in Bangladesh: An Overview
Mohammad Zaman and Hafiza Khatun
Chapter 1. Resettlement in the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project: Innovations and Good Practices
Mohammad Zaman
Chapter 2. Beyond Resettlement: The SAP II Program in the Bhairab Bridge Project
Hafiza Khatun
Chapter 3. Self-Managed Resettlement by the Informal Settlers in the Jamuna-Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Project
Kh. Khairul Matin
Chapter 4. Gender and Resettlement in Bangladesh: A Review of Experience
Bindiya Rawat
Chapter 5. Income and Livelihood Restoration in the Tongi–Bhairab Bazar Double Line Project
A.M. Salah Uddin
Chapter 6. The Impact of Development on Adibasi People in Bangladesh
Hafiza Khatun
Chapter 7. The Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project: The Ten “Best Practices” in Resettlement Management
Mohammad Zaman and Aqueel A. Khan
Chapter 8. Land Acquisitions and Resettlement in Urban Transport Projects in Dhaka City: Planning Experience and Innovations
Akhtar Zaman
Chapter 9. Resettlement in RCIP-Rail Projects: A Review of the Planning Experience
Md. Saifulla Dostogir and Md. Aktarul Islam Khan
Chapter 10. Resettlement Planning and Implementation: Making Things Happen
Albab Akanda
Chapter 11. Flooding and Erosion Risk Management in the Brahmaputra-Jamuna Floodplain: Hope and Despair
Mohammad Zaman, Hafiza Khatun and Kh. Khairul Matin
Chapter 12. Training and Capacity Building in Resettlement Management: The MLARR Program at BRAC University
Ferdous Jahan and Sharif A. Wahab
Chapter 13. External Monitoring in CEIP-1 Project: Review and Early Experience
Jan T. Twarowski
Chapter 14. Toward a Land Acquisition and Resettlement Law for Bangladesh: Issues for Consideration
Mohammad Zaman and Hafiza Khatun