This book addresses a topic of great relevance today, considering that in developed countries, most of the time is spent indoors; therefore, indoor residential environments have a direct influence on human health. Furthermore, in developing countries, significant levels of indoor pollution make housing unsafe, which has an impact on the health of its inhabitants; thus, housing is a key factor in the health of people around the world. In this book we look at a range of innovative research and evidence-based policy ideas that demonstrate the importance of housing research and policy for health and well-being.
Category: Authors and Editors
The snowball strategy for real and virtual active learning classrooms
Introduction Based on actual classroom experiences and Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2021), I demonstrate how to conduct the snowball strategy: Face-to-face snowball strategy Online snowball strategy Face-to-face snowball strategy Activity mode: Mixed: Solo, pairs, small groups, pair groups, and whole class Instructor and learners’ roles: Instructors guide and facilitate learning activities. Learners actively […]
The 3C strategy for traditional and online active learning
Introduction Active learning involves multiple learner-centered activities, learner responsibly for learning, engagement with course elements, as well as interesting, meaningful, and thought-provoking activities (Shawer, 2022; Shawer, 2017). Active learning research shows improved critical thinking skills, learning retention and transfer, motivation, interpersonal skills, course completion rates, and learning outcomes (Prince, 2004). This makes the ability to […]
Real and virtual lineup activities for active learning classrooms
Introduction Active learning is an approach to instruction involving a broad range of learner-centered instructional strategies, which encourage learner responsibly for their learning and engagement with course elements, including what they should learn, why they should learn it, how to learn it, as well as how to achieve the course learning outcomes. Engaging students with […]
Active learning strategies: How to run online and traditional active learning classrooms?
Introduction Active learning is a quality indicator of course and program effectiveness. When instructors are able to engage students with the course elements, they are in a position to stimulate their motivation and provide them with meaningful learning experiences. They would be also able to materialize learning outcomes (LOs) of their courses and programs. Prior […]
Social and emotional learning (SEL) for inclusive education
Introduction Students not only develop academic skills during universal or general classroom instruction, but they also develop socially and emotionally. When schools intentionally infuse social and emotional skills into their academic programs, student academic performance improves, as well as their future career prospect. This is because social and emotional learning (SEL) provides students with those […]
Effective implementation of personalized learning
Introduction A general core curriculum and instruction program is unlikely to cater for the needs of all students, no matter the high-quality it has. Despite addressing the needs of the majority of students, many students remain disappointed with either being forced to move forward or left behind the average group (Raudys, 2021). Therefore, concerns have […]
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Introduction While a high-quality universal education helps the majority of students to achieve the curriculum goals, it does not address the needs of other students who need different levels of supports to achieve target competencies and learning outcomes (LOs). To address the needs of struggling students, many schools used to move these students into interventions […]
Universal design for learning: How does it support competency-based education?
Introduction Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to curriculum and instruction where equal learning opportunities are provided to all students in an inclusive environment. Every student is valued, respected, and supported to succeed regardless of his or her background (CAST- Center for Applied Special Technology, 2018; Nisbet, 2020). UDL instruction customizes learning experiences […]
How to implement competency-based education
Introduction Competency-based education (CBE) is an impactful and relatively new approach to education. It forms a paradigm shift from a time-based to performance-based education. The shift to CBE is a big change that requires commitment, collaboration, coordination, and resources at different levels (Walton & Ryerse, 2021). In this article, I discuss the requirements for a […]
Competency-based education
Introduction As a traditional education (TE) teacher, you would have probably asked yourself similar questions when the bell rang to mark the end of each of your classes. Were there students left with struggles and confusion? Were there students bored as a result of going through what they already know or being lock stepped in […]
Advances in Health and Disease; Effect of Acupuncture Point Injection of Placental Extract in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Advances in Heath and Disease, Volume 35 This book compiles eight chapters, each presenting a unique perspective on issues relating to health and disease. Chapter 1 describes the use of the newly invented technique called acupuncture point injection therapy, which combines acupuncture and medicine, for treatment of complex regional pain syndrome. Chapter 2 reviews recent […]
Flexible Assessment: Learner voices on self-assessment
Flexible Assessment: Learner voices on self-assessments Flexible Assessment is an outcomes-based approach where formative and summative assessments are mixed to measure learning outcomes in ways that allow learner voices on assessment weights, what and how to assess as well as self- and peer-assessments. Flexible assessment usually involves using some or all of the following assessment […]