Our Authors and Editors
The latest information about our authors and editors can be found here (in Date Order). Thank you.
<<\/a>\n1<\/a>\n2<\/a>\n3<\/a>\n4<\/a>\n5<\/a>\n6<\/a>\n7<\/a>\n8<\/a>\n9<\/a>\n10<\/a>\n11<\/a>\n12<\/a>\n13<\/a>\n14<\/a>\n16<\/a>\n17<\/a>\n18<\/a>\n19<\/a>\n20<\/a>\n21<\/a>\n22<\/a>\n23<\/a>\n24<\/a>\n25<\/a>\n26<\/a>\n27<\/a>\n28<\/a>\n29<\/a>\n30<\/a>\n31<\/a>\n32<\/a>\n33<\/a>\n34<\/a>\n35<\/a>\n36<\/a>\n37<\/a>\n38<\/a>\n39<\/a>\n40<\/a>\n41<\/a>\n42<\/a>\n43<\/a>\n44<\/a>\n45<\/a>\n46<\/a>\n47<\/a>\n48<\/a>\n49<\/a>\n50<\/a>\n51<\/a>\n><\/a>%22,%22count%22:%222529%22,%22pages%22:51,%22current_page%22:15,%22offset%22:700,%22terms%22:{%22700%22:{%22term_id%22:115295,%22name%22:%22Yaning Zhang","slug":"yaning-zhang","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115294,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.\r\n\r\nDr. Yaning Zhang is an associate professor at the School of Energy Science and Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in China. He worked as a visiting scholar (2011-2012) and postdoctoral fellow (2013) at the Department of Process Engineering and Applied Science of Dalhousie University in Canada, and also a postdoctor (2016-2018) at the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering of University of Minnesota Twin Cities in the USA. He has been conducting both fundamental and applied research in the areas of biomass, thermodynamics, thermochemical processes, and energy systems. He has edited 1 book and published more than 100 refereed journal and conference publications, and also 6 book chapters. He serves as Editorial Board Member for Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications, Region-Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, and Journal of Energy Resources and Conversion. He also serves as referee for Energy, Fuel, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Bioresource Technology, Applied Thermal Engineering, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Renewable Energy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Processing Technology, International Journal of Energy Research, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Thermal Science, Waste and Biomass Valorization, etc.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"y"},"701":{"term_id":115294,"name":"Akesha Horton, PhD (Editor)","slug":"akesha-horton","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115293,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Informatics Department, Interim Director of Undergraduate Education, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.\r\n\r\nAkesha Horton, PhD, is the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Department of Informatics at Indiana University, USA. She earned her doctorate in Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy from Michigan State University, USA. She has taught and developed courses in curriculum and instruction, design thinking, educational leadership, hip-hop pedagogy, Indigenous education, national strategy and security studies, research methods, and urban education. She has been an active agent in a plethora of experiences in school and out-of-school urban settings, higher education, instructional design, educational technologies, e-learning, and curriculum development. In addition, she has served on the board of several national educational organizations. These collective experiences have led to her research interests and explorations of intersections among learning, technology, and culture.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"a"},"702":{"term_id":115293,"name":"Erik Jon Byker, PhD (Editor)","slug":"erik-jon-byker","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115292,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Associate Professor, Chairperson of UNC Charlotte's Undergraduate Research Conference, Director of Cato COED Prospect for Success, Department of Reading and Elementary Education, UNC Charlotte, Cato College of Education, Charlotte, NC, USA.\r\n\r\nErik Jon Byker is an Associate Professor in the Department of Reading and Elementary Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Erik has a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy from Michigan State University (MSU). Erik is a former fellow with the Global Teacher Education Fellowship, which is supported by the Longview Foundation and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). He has over 20 years of teaching experience at all levels including elementary, middle, high school, and the university. Erik\u2019s fields of specialization include educational technology integration and global citizenship education. His research agenda is comparative and international in scope. He has conducted ethnographic field studies in Cuba, England, Germany, India, South Africa, South Korea, and across the United States. From his research studies, Erik has developed two conceptual frameworks related to the intersection of digital technology, global citizenship, and the development of global competencies. One framework is called Critical Cosmopolitan Theory, which is a theory that maps the Asia Society\u2019s global competency matrix to Paulo Freire\u2019s work about the development of critical consciousness. The second conceptual framework\u2014called Global Telephony Theory\u2014examines the intersection of globalization, education, locality, and technology.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"e"},"703":{"term_id":115292,"name":"Mohammad Ebrahimi, PhD","slug":"mohammad-ebrahimi","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115291,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"The Research Center for New Technologies in Life Science Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"704":{"term_id":115291,"name":"Carmelo Rizzo","slug":"carmelo-rizzo","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115290,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Professor at University Unicusano Rome, President International Academy of Clinical Nutrition (A.I.Nu.C.) Italy.\r\n\r\nMedical degree - Faculty of Medicine in Rome. He has carried out numerous studies in the field of food allergies comparing different diagnostic methods and applying clinical principles inspired by English and US literature. He is also a clinical consultant in many foreign countries such as Russia, Albania, Romania, Malta. His long experience ranges from Autism\/ADHD, allergic diseases, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) to gastrointestinal disorders and all pathologies that are in connection with nutrition.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"c"},"705":{"term_id":115290,"name":"Alexander Poletaev, MD, PhD","slug":"alexander-poletaev","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115289,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Head Of Research, R&D Department, Medical Research Ctr. \u201cImmunculus\u201d, Scientific and Practical Center of Children's Psycho-Neurology Moscow, Russia.\r\n\r\nEDUCATION:\r\nProfessor; Biochemistry (2003)\r\nMD (1988); PD (1977)\r\n1974-1977 Postgraduate\r\n\r\nEMPLOYMENT:\r\nScience and Clinical Ctr. of Children Psychoneurology, Moscow, Senior Researcher, and Medical Research Center Immunculus, Moscow, Head of the Research Dept.\r\n\r\nSPECIAL INTERESTS:\r\nImmunophysiology, Natural autoimmunity, Immunobiotechnology, Oncoimmunology, Immunology of pregnancy and fetal development, Autism\r\n\r\nHOBBIES: Russian History, History of Antique Greece and Rome, Travelling, Fishing, Diving, Classic Literature\r\n\r\nPUBLICATIONS:\r\nMore 200 publications; 15 Patents","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"a"},"706":{"term_id":115288,"name":"Diana R. Cundell, PhD (Editor)","slug":"diana-r-cundell","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115287,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"College of Life Sciences, Jefferson University, Professor of Biology and Pre-Medical Studies Program Director, Philadelphia, PA, USA.\r\n\r\nDr. Diana R. Cundell received her Ph.D. in medicine from The Royal Postgraduate Medical Federation, London, U.K. and is currently a Professor of Biology at Jefferson University. Her research spans over thirty years and during the past decade has focused on phytomedicines. Dr. Cundell is the author of over 60 articles and holds 4 process patents.","parent":0,"count":2,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"d"},"707":{"term_id":115287,"name":"Charles Edward Atkins, Jr.","slug":"charles-edward-atkins-jr","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115286,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.\r\n\r\nThe work of Charles Edward Atkins, Jr. focuses on religious practice in incarcerated communities. Charles has worked, over the last 20 years as a full-time Prison Chaplain in N.J. where he has developed and maintained programs that teach incarcerated youth and young adults certain methods for creating spaces of hospitality within hostile environments. His research has focused on those elements that are necessary to make religious practices effectively lead a person to spiritual renewal of consciousness while incarcerated. He has also helped community and educational groups who are interested in preparing the incarcerated for re-entry into society through the creation of enrichment programs that help prepare communities to receive returning citizens.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"c"},"708":{"term_id":115286,"name":"Washington Wagner Azevedo da Silva (Editor)","slug":"washington-wagner-azevedo-da-silva","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115285,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.\r\n\r\nWashington Wagner Azevedo da Silva is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil. He worked on neural networks architectures to improve image analysis and processing. His principal research themes are computer-aided diagnosis, kernel-based classifiers and artificial intelligence in health.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"w"},"709":{"term_id":115285,"name":"Maira Araujo de Santana","slug":"maira-araujo-de-santana","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115284,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.\r\n\r\nMa\u00edra Ara\u00fajo de Santana is an assistant researcher at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. She graduated in Biomedical Engineering. She received her MSc in Biomedical Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Ma\u00edra is very interested in how we could understand breast cancer dynamics and how Artificial Intelligence could help us to get earlier and more accurate diagnostics. She is also interested in applied neuroscience, studying rehabilitation engineering and the effects of music in children and elderly people.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"710":{"term_id":115284,"name":"Wellington Pinheiro dos Santos (Editor)","slug":"wellington-pinheiro-dos-santos","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115283,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.\r\n\r\nWellington Pinheiro dos Santos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2009. He is interested in how early diagnosis based on signals and images could be improved by using Artificial Intelligence, especially in diseases like breast cancer and Alzheimer\u2019s. His main research interests are applied artificial intelligence in health, artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation, image diagnosis, computer-aided diagnostic systems, applied neuroscience, serious games, and innovation in health.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"w"},"711":{"term_id":115283,"name":"Enrico Drioli (Editor)","slug":"enrico-drioli","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115282,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Energy Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, and Institute on Membrane Technology, National Research Council of Ital, ITM-CNR, c\/o University of Calabria, Italy.\r\n\r\nEnrico Drioli Emeritus Professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Calabria, and Honorary President of European Membrane Society (1999); Founding Director of the Institute on Membrane Technology, CNR, Italy. Since 2018, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Nanjing Tech University, College of Chemical Engineering. Since 2018, he has been a Guest Professor of the School of Marine Science and Technology of Harbin Institute of Technology in P.R.China. Since 2012, a Distinguished Adjunct Professor, CEDT King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia; since 2010, WCU Distinguish Visiting Professor, at the Hanyang University in Seoul Korea. He is the recipient of various Awards and Honours including the \u201cRichard Maling Barrer Prize\u201d. He is the author of more than 880 scientific papers, covering various topics in Membrane Science and Engineering from desalination to membrane reactors to biomedical application of membrane systems.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"e"},"712":{"term_id":115282,"name":"Young Moo Lee (Editor)","slug":"young-moo-lee","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115281,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Energy Engineering, College of Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.\r\n\r\nYoung Moo Lee is currently Hanyang Distinguished Professor of Energy Engineering. He served as 14th President of Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea from 2015-2019. He received his B.S. and M.S. degree at Hanyang University, and his PhD in Fiber and Polymer Science at North Carolina State University in 1985. He was a postdoc at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. Dr. Lee is engaged in novel membranes materials for separation of small molecules including gas, water and ions. Dr. Lee published more than 400 papers, is an author of fifteen book chapters, and owns 150 patents. He received the Kyung-Am Award in 2012. He served as an Editor of Journal of Membrane Science from 2004. He is a Fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, a member of the National Academy of Engineers of Korea, former President of Korean Membrane Society, and former President of Aseanian Membrane Society.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"y"},"713":{"term_id":115281,"name":"S. Nagaraj","slug":"s-nagaraj","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115280,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Assistant Professor, Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.\r\n\r\nDr. Nagaraj Subramani completed his Post Graduate degree (M.Sc.) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Botany from Madurai Kamaraj University in Tamil Nadu, India. Subsequently, he acquired a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Botany (Specialization in Algology) under the mentorship of the legendary eminent Indian Phycologist Prof. R. Rengasamy in the year 2007. He has published 40 research articles in peer-reviewed journals with good impact factors and three books. He was awarded with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 2011. Currently, he is working with three major research projects on algae funded by DST-SERB, UGC, and MoEF&CC, India.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"714":{"term_id":115280,"name":"S. Kathiresan, PhD (Editor)","slug":"s-kathiresan","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115279,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu.\r\n\r\nDr. Shanmugam Kathiresan earned his B.Sc degree in Agriculture at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore and his Master\u2019s Degree in Agriculture specializing in Plant Pathology at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore. He earned his Ph.D. in Biotechnology at the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Mysore.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"715":{"term_id":115279,"name":"Muthu Arumugam, PhD (Editor)","slug":"muthu-arumugam","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115278,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Microbial Processes and Technology Division, National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), CSIR, Industrial Estate (PO), Trivandrum, Kerala, India.\r\n\r\nDr. Muthu Arumgam obtained his Doctoral degree in Microbiology and Cell Biology from the prestigious Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore, India. He has published research articles in peer-reviewed journals of international repute and actively participated and delivered in national and international forums. Dr. Arumugam is the recipient of a fellowship for carrying out higher research in the area of life sciences from ICAR and CSIR. He is also a life member at the Indian Science Congress Association and Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists. He is serving as an onboard reviewer for many journals, including as an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Energy Research.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"716":{"term_id":115278,"name":"Heidi L. Schnackenberg","slug":"heidi-l-schnackenberg","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115277,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Professor of Teacher Education, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, USA.\r\n\r\nHeidi L. Schnackenberg, Ph.D., is a Professor and Department Chair in Education at SUNY Plattsburgh in Plattsburgh, NY. Specializing in educational technology, she currently teaches graduate classes on the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning in the P-12 classroom. Her various research interests include the integration of technology into pedagogical practices and the complexities of women in leadership in higher education. She has also published numerous articles on educational technology, co-authored Challenges Facing Female Department Chairs in Contemporary Higher Education: Emerging Research and Opportunities, and co-edited Best Practices for Education Professionals, Best Practices for Education Professionals Volume 2, The Ethics of Cultural Competence in Higher Education, and Preparing the Education Space for Gen Z. Dr. Schnackenberg began her education career as an elementary music teacher.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"h"},"717":{"term_id":115277,"name":"Yong Yu (Editor)","slug":"yong-yu","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115276,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Associate Professor of Teacher Education, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, USA.\r\n\r\nYong Yu, Ed.D., is an associate professor and department chair in the Education Unit at State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh. She earned an Ed. D in Curriculum & Instruction from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She has published numerous journal articles and books on language and literacy instruction. Her research interests include language and literacy instruction, motivation in teaching, and multicultural children\u2019s literature. ","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"y"},"718":{"term_id":115276,"name":"Maureen E. Squires (Editor)","slug":"maureen-e-squires","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115275,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Associate Professor of Teacher Education, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, USA.\r\n\r\nMaureen E. Squires, EdD. is an Associate Professor and Department Chair in Education at SUNY Plattsburgh. She holds degrees and NYS certifications in 7-12 English Education, K-12 Special Education, and Educational Leadership (SBL and SDL). She attained a doctorate in Educational Theory and Practice from Binghamton University. Her current research interests include college students with disabilities, foster children and education, and ethics and education.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"719":{"term_id":115274,"name":"Roya Khajepour","slug":"roya-khajepour","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115273,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Mechanical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran.\r\n\r\nRoya Khajepour received the B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, in 2011. Then she attended the Faculty of K. N. Toosi University of Technology in order to continue her studies as a M.Sc. student of Mechatronics Engineering. Meanwhile, she pursued her research at Center of Excellent in Robotics and Control; ARAS Laboratory. Recently, she has graduated from K. N. Toosi University of Technology. She has an extensive set of research interests, including applications in robotics, system identification, control, machine learning, and mobile robots. She has been research assistant in Advanced Robotics and Automated System Laboratory (ARAS LAB) for two years.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"r"},"720":{"term_id":115273,"name":"Viet-Thanh Pham","slug":"viet-thanh-pham","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115272,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Phenikaa Institute for Advanced Study (PIAS), Phenikaa University, Vietnam, and Phenikaa Research and Technology Institute (PRATI), A&A Green Phoenix Group, Vietnam.\r\n\r\nViet-Thanh Pham received the degree in electronics and telecommunications from the Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam, in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in electronics, automation and control of complex systems engineering from the University of Catania, Italy, in 2013. His scientific interest includes nonlinear control, applications of nonlinear systems, mobile robots, analysis and design of analog circuits, and FPGA-based digital circuits.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"v"},"721":{"term_id":115272,"name":"Naeimeh Najafizadeh Sari","slug":"naeimeh-najafizadeh-sari","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115271,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada.\r\n\r\nNaeimeh Najafizadeh Sari was born in Tehran, Iran. She received her BSc degree in Aerospace engineering from the Amirkabir University of Technology (Polytechnic of Tehran) in 2015, and the MSc in Aerospace engineering from the University of Tehran, in 2018. She is currently a PhD student in mechanical engineering at the University of Manitoba. Her current research interests include control systems, robotics, space systems, system engineering and product assurance, and hybrid vehicles.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"n"},"722":{"term_id":115271,"name":"Hadi Jahanshahi","slug":"hadi-jahanshahi","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115270,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran.\r\n\r\nHadi Jahanshahi is a holder of BSc in mechanical engineering and MSc in aerospace engineering from the University of Tehran. Hadi has published over 20 peer-reviewed papers in reputed international journals, besides 3 text-books in optimization and robotics. Hadi has selected as the best student in the bachelor\u2019s program and the best student and researcher in the master\u2019s program. Additionally, his master\u2019s thesis is selected as the best thesis in space engineering by Iranian Aerospace Society. Moreover, he has awarded a fully funded PhD in mechanical engineering from K.N Toosi University of Technology. His main research interests include optimal and nonlinear control, numerical computational methods, robotics, and complex systems.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"h"},"723":{"term_id":115270,"name":"Cheng Siong Chin","slug":"cheng-siong-chin","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115269,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Newcastle University in Singapore, Singapore.\r\n\r\nDr. Cheng Siong Chin is currently the Director of Innovation and Engagement at Newcastle University in Singapore and Adjunct Full Professor to Chongqing University, School of Automotive Engineering. Before joining Newcastle University, he was a Lecturer in Mechatronics Engineering at Temasek Polytechnic. He led numerous research initiatives with industry partners at Newcastle University in Singapore campus. He has supervised projects on intelligent systems design and simulation of complex systems in an uncertain environment. He has published over 100 journal papers, books, book chapters, and conference papers as mainly first\/second and corresponding author. He currently holds 3 U.S. Patents, 1 Singapore Provisional Patent and 2 Trade Secrets in electronics and measurement systems. He obtained numerous research grants from Singapore Maritime Institute and Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) in the areas of intelligent systems design, simulation, and predictive analytics.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"c"},"724":{"term_id":115269,"name":"Lathifah Hanum (Editor)","slug":"lathifah-hanum","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115268,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI, Depok, Indonesia.\r\n\r\nLathifah Hanum is an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia. She graduated as a Clinical Psychologist from the same institution in 2012. Currently, she is the Manager of Research and Community Engagement of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia. In 2013, she published her first international article in PLoS ONE, together with her team. Since then, she published more articles in international proceedings and journals. She is one of the founders of the Psychological Research on Urban Society, published by Universitas Indonesia. Moreover, she is a reviewer of several journals, both international and national. ","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"l"},"725":{"term_id":115268,"name":"Roisin Cahalan, PhD (Editor)","slug":"roisin-cahalan","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115267,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"School of Allied Health, University of Limerick, Ireland, and Lecturer Physiotherapy, Course Director MSc Physiotherapy, Health Sciences Building, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland.\r\n\r\nDr. R\u00f3is\u00edn Cahalan is a Chartered Physiotherapist and adjudicator with An Coimisi\u00fan Le Rinc\u00ed Gaelacha. Following a stellar competitive career, R\u00f3is\u00edn toured internationally with \u201cRiverdance, the Show\u201d as lead female dancer for several years. She is passionate about the promotion of wellness in Irish dancing and is the world\u2019s leading researcher of Irish dancer health and injury.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"r"},"726":{"term_id":115267,"name":"Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis (Editor)","slug":"maria-alzira-pimenta-dinis","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115266,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit, University of Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal.\r\n\r\nMaria Alzira Pimenta Dinis, PhD, MSc, is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal. Investigator at FP-ENAS, UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit. Researcher integrating the project Looking at Crime: Communities and Physical Spaces (LookCrim), financed by National Funds through Foundation for Science and Technology.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"727":{"term_id":115266,"name":"S\u00f3nia Maria Martins Caridade (Editor)","slug":"sonia-maria-martins-caridade","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115265,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG) of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP-UL), and University Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto, Portugal.\r\n\r\nS\u00f3nia Caridade, PhD, in Forensic and Legal Psychology at the School of Psychology, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at University Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto. Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG) of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP-UL). Researcher integrating the project Looking at Crime: Communities and Physical Spaces (LookCrim), financed by National Funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under PTDC\/DIR-DCP\/28120\/2017. Her research interests include dating violence and cyber dating violence (adult and youth), delinquency and behavior problems, and has authored several national and international publications on this topic.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"728":{"term_id":115265,"name":"Siddhartha Sarkar","slug":"siddhartha-sarkar","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115264,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Principal and Executive Head, Ananda Chandra College of Commerce, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India.\r\n\r\nSiddhartha Sarkar (b.1973), PhD (Economics), PDF (The Netherlands and Hungary), CAF (London, UK), MISPCAN (USA) is Principal and Executive Head at A.C.College of Commerce, West Bengal, India, and Founder and Director of Centre for Human Trafficking Research. He has previously been a Post Doctoral Fellow and Visiting Professor (2006) in University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, a Senior Post Doctoral and Professorial Fellow (2010) in Thammasat University and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Senior Post Doctoral Fellow and Visiting Professor (2011) in Corvinus University and Central European University, Hungary. He was also a Commonwealth Academic Fellow (2013-2014) in SOAS, University of London, London School of Economics and Political Science, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, and European Commission Erasmus Mundus Visiting Professor (2015) in University of Warsaw, Poland. Sarkar is nominated as a working committee member of the \u2018National Institution for Transforming India\u2019 (NITI Aayog), Government of India and the recipient of India Leadership Award 2018.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"729":{"term_id":115264,"name":"Giovanni Vella","slug":"giovanni-vella","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115263,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Technobios srl Benevento, Benevento, Italy.\r\n\r\nGiovanni Vella, Ph.D., psychologist and psychotherapist, holds the Center for the Navgator Therapy at Apollosa (BN), Italy, called Tecnobyos. Alongside Antonio Vella, he is the creator and leading expert in the Navigator therapy, besides to be the author of two books in Italian on this bodily-cognitive reconstruction approach.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"g"},"730":{"term_id":115263,"name":"Antonio Vella","slug":"antonio-vella","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115262,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Manager Biologist Unit of Immunology, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata-Policlinico, University Hospital, Verona, Italy\r\n\r\nAntonio Vella, Ph.D., biologist and clinical scientist (Unit of Immunology at the local University Hospital of Verona (AOUI, Verona) Italy, is an author of more than 34 papers. He currently holds the Head Managing of Laboratory and Experimental Immunology in flow cytometry and co-joined Giovanni Vella in the Navigator therapy settlement..","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"a"},"731":{"term_id":115262,"name":"Salvatore Chirumbolo","slug":"salvatore-chirumbolo","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115261,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Clinical Biologist. Senjor Researcher, Scientific Secretary and Member of the Directory Board Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (CONEM), Mo i Rana, Norway Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Italy.\r\n\r\nSalvatore Chirumbolo, Ph.D., CONEM Scientific Secretary (Norway) and clinical biochemist (Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Italy) is author of more than 210 papers. He is Editor of Nutrition, International Immunopharmacology, Heliyon and is engaged with research topics regarding neuro-toxicology in autism, neuroscience and molecular biology.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"732":{"term_id":115261,"name":"Salomon Rettig","slug":"salomon-rettig","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115260,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Hunter College of the City University of New York, NY.\r\n\r\nProfessor Rettig was born in Berlin, Germany in 1923, emigrated to British Mandate Palestine in 1937, and then to the United States in 1947. He earned his doctorate in social psychology from the Ohio State University in 1956, and subsequently taught at Hunter College CUNY from 1967 until recently.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"733":{"term_id":115260,"name":"Jennifer Lynn Barkin (Editor)","slug":"jennifer-lynn-barkin","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115259,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Associate Professor, Mercer University School of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine and OB\/GYN, Macon, GA, USA.\r\n\r\nDr. Jennifer Lynn Barkin is an Associate Professor of Community Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Mercer University School of Medicine in Macon. A University of Pittsburgh-trained psychiatric epidemiologist, she completed a postdoctoral scholarship at the prestigious Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As part of her doctoral research, Barkin developed the Barkin Index of Maternal Functioning, a 20-item self-report measure of functional status in the postpartum period. Since, the instrument has been translated into over 20 languages and is being used in industry- sponsored trials, and clinical, academic, and community-based settings.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"j"},"734":{"term_id":115259,"name":"Massimiliano Buoli (Editor)","slug":"massimiliano-buoli","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115258,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Neurosciences and Mental Health, Fondazione IRCCS Ca\u2019Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy.\r\n\r\nDr. Massimiliano Buoli is currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of\r\nMilan, and member of Academic Senate. He is fully involved in clinical and biological research of Mood Disorders, author of more than 100 scientific articles, he has research collaborations with academic centres in Europe and United States, and he is associate member of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"735":{"term_id":115258,"name":"Marta Serati (Editor)","slug":"marta-serati","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115257,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Mental Health, ASST RHODENSE, Rho, Milan, Italy.\r\n\r\nDr. Marta Serati is a psychiatrist, actually working in a public hospital in the acute treatment department, she has been fully involved in research and clinical assistance of women in perinatal period for a long period in Fondazione IRCCS Ca\u2019 Granda, Milan. Her main interests regard perinatal psychopathology, child development, psycopharmacology. She is author of more than 40 articles in Pubmed, she has recently completed a master in perinatal psychopathology.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"736":{"term_id":115257,"name":"Olga A. Shvetsova","slug":"olga-a-shvetsova","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115256,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Korea University of Technology and Education, Byeongcheon-meyon, Cheonan City, Chungnam Province, South Korea.\r\n\r\nOlga A. Shvetsova actively provides guest lectures in EU and makes research review for some professional societies (IEEE, IBIMA). She published more than 25 research papers and 5 academic books in the fields of international business, innovation management and global HRM.\r\nAnnually she develops courses for on-line MBA in EU and participates in international research projects. Olga A. Shvetsova has \u201cBest Teaching\u201d award in 2017 and \u201cBest Young Scientist\u201d in 2015.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"o"},"737":{"term_id":115256,"name":"Volodymyr S. Fedenko","slug":"volodymyr-s-fedenko","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115255,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Research Institute of Chemistry and Geology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine.\r\n\r\nVolodymyr S. Fedenko is a senior research scientist at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, applying fundamental spectral methods in plant physiology and biochemistry, with the main focus at the biologically active compounds. Another direction of scientific research includes the adaptive roles of phenolic secondary metabolites in plant tolerance toward various chemical stressors. Those studies confirmed the role of phenolic compounds as metal eliminators and organic detoxifiers in plants, which enabled the development of novel methods of assessment of plant tolerance to phytotoxic metals.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"v"},"738":{"term_id":115255,"name":"Sergiy A. Shemet (Editor)","slug":"sergiy-a-shemet","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115254,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Research Institute of Chemistry and Geology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine.\r\n\r\nSergiy A. Shemet conducts researches in the area of combined phytotoxicity of metals and organic pollutants, such as agrochemicals and herbicides, with the accent on mathematical modeling of plant responses to polyelemental contamination. His studies are focused at the metabolism of phenolic compounds as a marker of plant adaptive reactions to different environmental stressors. Such researches enabled better understanding of the role of phenolics in plant metal(loid) homeostasis and led to the development of innovative techniques for diagnostics of environmental factor effects based on plant secondary metabolism reactions.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"s"},"739":{"term_id":115254,"name":"Marco Landi (Editor)","slug":"marco-landi","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115253,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy),Interdepartmental Research Center \u201cNutraceuticals.\r\n\r\nMarco Landi is a senior scientist in plant physiology and biochemistry at University of Pisa, Italy. His research focuses on biochemical, molecular and physiological mechanisms through which Mediterranean plants accommodate environmental stress. Recent research has investigated the photoprotective role of carotenoids, anthocyanins and flavonoids (sensu lato) in plants subjected to climate change factors. His research group is also developing optical models to assess the occurrence of anthocyanin-metal binding, to explore the possibility that anthocyanins might additionally function as metal chelators.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"740":{"term_id":115253,"name":"A G S Reddy","slug":"a-g-s-reddy","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115252,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training and Research Institute, Raipur, CG, India.\r\n\r\nThe author is a professional hydrogeologist in Central Ground Water Board, a Govt. of India organization. He has vast experience in varied branches of hydrogeology having worked for 35 years in different hydrogeological environs. He developed immense interest in hydrochemistry and published over 40 research papers in highly reputed journals. The author has contributed few chapters on water chemistry to highly acclaimed books. He has authored 35 Reports covering different topics of hydrogeology. Since the past six years the authors is also associated with the national training institute as a trainer and researcher. He is instrumental in designing and imparting training on hydrogeochemical topics to wide spectrum of participants from India and few Asian countries. The author is on the editorial board of many journals and regularly reviews research articles, project reports, thesis, and books.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"a"},"741":{"term_id":115252,"name":"M. Andrew Holowchak, PhD","slug":"m-andrew-holowchak","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115251,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Retired, philosophy\/history, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.\r\n\r\nM. Andrew Holowchak, Ph.D. is a philosophy and history, and editor of The Journal of Thomas Jefferson\u2019s Life and Time. He is author\/editor of some 50 books and nearly 180 published essays on topics such as ethics, ancient philosophy, science, psychoanalysis, and critical thinking. His current research is on Thomas Jefferson\u2014he is acknowledged by several scholars to be the world\u2019s foremost authority on the thinking of Jefferson\u2014and has published 12 books and nearly 100 essays on Jefferson.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"m"},"742":{"term_id":115251,"name":"Peter Gara","slug":"peter-gara","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115250,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, Budapest, M\u0171egyetem.\r\n\r\nPeter Gara graduated from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, MSc 1973, research fellow 1977, doctorate 1982. Dr. Gara speaks several languages including Hungarian (native), English, German, French.\r\nDr. Gara has been teaching a broad range of subjects for several decades and uses numerical mathematics and computing on a daily basis. Both quantum mechanics and astronomy has been the focus of his interest since his undergraduate years. His point briefly proposes a novel approach and a striking connection between the above fields by the comparison of the atomic scale particles of quantum mechanics with the titanic \u201cparticles\u201d, namely, the stars of our universe. The present book was born to encourage his learned colleagues to take it to pieces.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"p"},"743":{"term_id":115250,"name":"Lisa R. Amir, PhD (Editor)","slug":"lisa-r-amir","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115249,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.\r\n\r\nDr. Lisa Amir obtained her DDS degree from Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia in 1999 and PhD degree from the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) Vrije Universiteit, the Netherland in 2007. She has worked as a guest researcher at the Na,onal Ins,tute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) National Institute of Health (NIH), Maryland, USA in March 2005 - March 2006. In April 2016 - August 2017, she worked as research fellow at the Department Maxillofacial Orthognatic di Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) Tokyo, Japan. She is currently the chair of academic study program Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, the chair of dental research ethics committee, the editor of Journal of Dentistry Indonesia and the reviewers of various international journals and a Lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"l"},"744":{"term_id":115249,"name":"Ameneh Bakhtiar","slug":"ameneh-bakhtiar","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115248,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.\r\n\r\nAmeneh Bakhtiar, received her Ph. D. from Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran and is currently an assistant professor with the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran. She is also an architect-urban designer, who has practiced architecture and urban design extensively. Some of her projects have won national and international prizes, including: First prize of Memar national competition for a residential apt.; short listed for the Aghakhan Prize, 2019; recognized as distinguished architect of 2019 by the Isfahan Construction Engineering Organization.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"a"},"745":{"term_id":115248,"name":"Hossein Bahrainy","slug":"hossein-bahrainy","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115247,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Iran.\r\n\r\nHossein Bahrainy, received his Ph.D. in Urban Design and Planning from University of Washington at Seattle, in 1980. Professor Bahrainy has been a visiting professor at Iowa State University at Ames, a visiting professor at University of Central England at Birmingham, visiting scholar at Stony Brook University at New York, and University of Washington at Seattle. Currently he is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran. He has focused his research, teaching, and writing and practicing on the design and planning of the built-environment.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"h"},"746":{"term_id":115247,"name":"Dwini Handayani, PhD (Editor)","slug":"dwini-handayani","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115246,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Research and Engagement Manager, The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.\r\n\r\nDwini Handayani is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. Her fields of research are labor economics, economic behavior, and gender studies. She is actively conducting research at the Demographic Institute, where she was formerly the Vice Director to the Institution. Her latest publication was \u201cA Point of Entry into Understanding of The Economy of Indonesia\u201d.","parent":0,"count":7,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"d"},"747":{"term_id":115246,"name":"Beta Yulianita Gitaharie (Editor)","slug":"beta-yulianita-gitaharie","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115245,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.\r\n\r\nBeta Yulianita Gitaharie is senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Vice Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. Her research interests are in Macroeconomics, and Monetary and Development Economics (including Financial Inclusion). Some of her research publications were published in ILO, and WTO Publications, and some were published in the national academic journals.","parent":0,"count":7,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"b"},"748":{"term_id":115245,"name":"Yulianti Abbas, PhD (Editor)","slug":"yulianti-abbas","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115244,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.\r\n\r\nYulianti Abbas is currently the Director of Graduate Program in Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. She received her doctoral degree in Public Finance and Public Management from the O\u2019Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA in 2017. Yulianti\u2019s research focuses on the value relevance of government transparency.","parent":0,"count":4,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"y"},"749":{"term_id":115244,"name":"Elvia R. Shauki, PhD","slug":"elvia-r-shauki","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":115243,"taxonomy":"yith_product_brand","description":"Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.\r\n\r\nElvia R. Shauki is a Senior Lecturer in Financial Accounting the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia and at the UniSA Business School, University of South Australia. Elvia has published widely in top ranked accounting and environmental journals. Elvia's recent projects involve stakeholders\u2019 engagement, and legitimizing higher degree actions in enhancing graduate employability in Indonesia.","parent":0,"count":1,"filter":"raw","term_order":"0","heading":"e"}},"stack":{"44":"123","0":"a","1":"b","2":"c","3":"d","4":"e","5":"f","6":"g","7":"h","8":"i","9":"j","10":"k","11":"l","12":"m","13":"n","14":"o","15":"p","16":"q","17":"r","18":"s","19":"t","20":"u","21":"v","22":"w","23":"x","24":"y","25":"z"},"available_filters":{"1":"a","17":"b","4":"c","5":"d","2":"e","13":"g","8":"h","14":"j","12":"l","3":"m","11":"n","15":"o","16":"p","9":"r","7":"s","10":"v","6":"w","0":"y"}}" >
- Yaning Zhang 1
- Akesha Horton, PhD (Editor) 1
- Erik Jon Byker, PhD (Editor) 1
- Mohammad Ebrahimi, PhD 1
- Carmelo Rizzo 1
- Alexander Poletaev, MD, PhD 1
- Diana R. Cundell, PhD (Editor) 2
- Charles Edward Atkins, Jr. 1
- Washington Wagner Azevedo da Silva (Editor) 1
- Maira Araujo de Santana 1
- Wellington Pinheiro dos Santos (Editor) 1
- Enrico Drioli (Editor) 1
- Young Moo Lee (Editor) 1
- S. Nagaraj 1
- S. Kathiresan, PhD (Editor) 1
- Muthu Arumugam, PhD (Editor) 1
- Heidi L. Schnackenberg 1
- Yong Yu (Editor) 1
- Maureen E. Squires (Editor) 1
- Roya Khajepour 1
- Viet-Thanh Pham 1
- Naeimeh Najafizadeh Sari 1
- Hadi Jahanshahi 1
- Cheng Siong Chin 1
- Lathifah Hanum (Editor) 1
- Roisin Cahalan, PhD (Editor) 1
- Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis (Editor) 1
- Sónia Maria Martins Caridade (Editor) 1
- Siddhartha Sarkar 1
- Giovanni Vella 1
- Antonio Vella 1
- Salvatore Chirumbolo 1
- Salomon Rettig 1
- Jennifer Lynn Barkin (Editor) 1
- Massimiliano Buoli (Editor) 1
- Marta Serati (Editor) 1
- Olga A. Shvetsova 1
- Volodymyr S. Fedenko 1
- Sergiy A. Shemet (Editor) 1
- Marco Landi (Editor) 1
- A G S Reddy 1
- M. Andrew Holowchak, PhD 1
- Peter Gara 1
- Lisa R. Amir, PhD (Editor) 1
- Ameneh Bakhtiar 1
- Hossein Bahrainy 1
- Dwini Handayani, PhD (Editor) 7
- Beta Yulianita Gitaharie (Editor) 7
- Yulianti Abbas, PhD (Editor) 4
- Elvia R. Shauki, PhD 1
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