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Tamar Awad Parada1,2 and Roberto Alonso González Lezcano3
1Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical School of Engineering at ICAI, Comillas University, Madrid, Spain
2ESNE, University School of design, Innovation, and Technology, Madrid, Spain
3Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, CEU Universities, Urbanización Montepríncipe, Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain
Part of the book: Sustainable and Healthy Building Environments
Of the main tobacco factories that existed in Spain, a comparative study is made of three of them, as they are considered the most representative and belong to three different climatic zones. The factories chosen were those in Seville, Madrid, and San Sebastian. All three were built at different times and were factories from the beginning. The three factories are analysed based on parameters such as: sunlight in courtyards and facade, volume, courtyard area and area of openings in facade, to determine that these buildings are not bioclimatic and can be used for other purposes, as is the current situation. Currently, the buildings that were formerly destined for factories are cultural spaces: the one in Seville is a university, and the ones in Madrid and San Sebastian are cultural centres.
Keywords: tobacco factory, industrial architecture, sunshine, permeability
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