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Carlos F. Lahoz1, PhD, Arch, and José Antonio Blasco2, Arch
1Area of Urbanism and Land Planning. Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Spain
2Taller de Ideas – Urban Networks, Spain
Part of the book: Sustainable and Healthy Building Environments
Sedentary lifestyle is a global and complex problem that, nevertheless, finds a very natural solution: movement. However, promoting physical activity among the population is not a simple task and requires great efforts from the individuals, the society as a whole and, particularly, the urban environment. The concept of Active City arises as a response to make cities more livable and healthier. An Active City could be defined as one that decides to give real priority to health in all its actions, creating opportunities in the built and social environments so that citizens can be physically active in their daily lives.
Keywords: urban strategies, Active City, sport, health, quality of life, sedentary life
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