Chapter 6. Materials Subjected to Absolute Cold Conditions: Properties and Application Characteristics in Pursuit of Sustainability


Gastón Sanglier Contreras, Roberto Alonso González Lezcano Eduardo José López Fernández and Carlos Miguel Iglesias Sanz
Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, CEU Universities, Urbanización Montepríncipe, Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain

Part of the book: Sustainable and Healthy Building Environments


The scientific understanding of the concepts of cold and heat that have accompanied the human species throughout history has not been easy. The concept of heat is more widespread and studied among us, as well as its consequences. However, we wonder what would happen if we lowered the temperature a lot? As the temperature begins to drop, it can be predicted that the atoms tend to slow down, slowing down their speed, and when this happens, existing theories begin to tremble. The laws governing the atomic world, so small and tiny, do not allow objects (atoms, protons, neutrons, etc.) to stop. This is where quantum physics appears, it tells us how particles behave at the atomic level, and they appear in a forceful way when we approach temperature values around absolute zero. If atoms stopped moving, they would have zero energy, however, quantum mechanics makes it impossible to have this kind of energy.

Keywords: absolute cold, materials, quantum physics, superconductivity, mechanical properties, sustainable materials


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