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Felipe Carlos Rodriguez Ruiz1, Simon Pedro Izcara Palacios2, Evangelina Alejandra Montalvo Rivero1 and Jesica Fernandez-Aguera Escudero3
1Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico
2Multidisciplinary Academic Unit of Sciences, Education and Humanities of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico
3Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
Part of the book: Sustainable and Healthy Building Environments
The World Health Organization defined the Sick Building Syndrome (SEE), to understand the pathologies of the inhabited space in one of every three buildings built: for example, eye and psychomotor diseases due to poor lighting equipment in social housing. In this way, the data of 10 middle-level homes in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas were analyzed using digital lux meters, with the methodology of NOM-025-STPS-2008. The results of the measurements were classified by space and time of measurement and were compared with the norms through the contrast of the lighting conditions and the indicators of the Building and Housing Code of Mexico and the Society of Lighting Engineers of the United States. (IES). In conclusion, there is a difference between the parameters of national and international regulatory light levels and in the measurements made, the criteria established for healthy lighting are not met; therefore, with the results obtained, decisions can be made to improve efficient lighting equipment in social housing. In this way, the implementation of artificial luminescence focused on the user is proposed to improve the quality of the habitat in the average dwelling.
Keywords: artificial lighting, social housing, lighting standards, NOM-025- STPS-08, sick building syndrome
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