Table of Contents
Chapter 1. United States Geopolitics: Geographical Places Linked to Geopolitical Traditions
Phil Kelly
Chapter 2. New Russian Geopolitics: Reviving Past Perceptions and Ambitions
Sandra Fernandes and Vera Ageeva
Chapter 3. The Geopolitical Strategy of China: The Belt And Road Initiative As A Geoeconomic Umbrella
Viktor Eszterhai
Chapter 4. Constants, Strengths and Weaknesses of French Geopolitical Designs
Aymeric Chauprade
Chapter 5. British Geopolitics Sailing into the 21st Century: From Maritime Superpower To Junior Ally
Brian Blouet
Chapter 6. Considering a New Geopolitical Analysis on Japan-China Equivocal Relations: Why is Ocean-Space Utilized as an Arena for “Competition” by Agents?
Takashi Hosoda
Chapter 7. The Brazilian School of Geopolitics and the Strategic Culture of South American Integration
Nuno Morgado
“The cumulative result of these essays are insightful assessments of how classical geopolitics remains a vital means for understanding historic, contemporary, and emerging geopolitical trends and developments as we chronologically progress through the 2020s. They provide detailed background on a geopolitical trends and developments in a wide variety of global regions and can be used as a compass to forecast potentially emerging geopolitical factors such as national and international responses to aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, emerging technological developments such as autonomous weapons and precision guided munitions, the acute financial and human costs of adapting to a post-Covid-19 global environment, and the increasing reluctance of many countries and public opinion in these countries to accept the levels of global integration producing the pandemic…” READ MORE HERE – Professor Bert Chapman, Purdue University, Indiana, USA
“The contributors to this important book recognize that (neo-)classical geopolitics remains the best prism through which to view and understand the global power shifts of the 21st century.” – Francis P. Sempa, Author of Geopolitics: From the Cold War to the 21st Century
“Sir Halford Mackinder, the founding father of classical geopolitics, articulated its purpose. Ultimately it was to “give judgement in practical conduct”. This insightful and well-researched book underscores his wisdom. Furthermore, it performs two additional functions. First, it provides a clear pathway out of the dark valley of critical geopolitics. Secondly, it places an emphasis on the importance of moving beyond the current misinterpretation of geopolitics as a mere synonym of international strategic rivalry. We are presented with a picture of the constellation of forces which exist at a particular time and within a particular geographical frame of reference. The analysis that is delivered enables an understanding of the emerging complexities of international relations. If you want to understand the geopolitical patterns that will dominate the rest of the 21st century then this book is an excellent place to start.” – Dr. Geoff Sloan, Associate Professor, University of Reading, England