Donald J. Trump: Notable or Notorious?



Series: American Political, Economic, and Security Issues

BISAC: POL040010

Whatever anyone may say about Donald John Trump – and more has been said, most likely, about him than any other person on the planet Earth – a generous majority would probably agree that his presidency has been the most unusual in United States history. This book looks at Trump’s use of alternative reality through a screen of Trump’s lifetime work.

Table of Contents

Introduction: A President Without Precedent
(Bruce E. Johansen, PhD – University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, US)

Chapter 1. Donald Trump and the Art of Alt-Fakery: Info-Fables in Real Time
(Bruce E. Johansen, PhD – University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, US)

Chapter 2. The Intellectual Origins of the Trump Presidency and the Construction of Contemporary American Politics
(David Schultz – Department of Political Science, Hamline University, Saint Paul, Minnesota, US)

Chapter 3. Trump’s Opportunity Zones and Urban Neoliberalism in Southeast Baltimore
(John Tilghman – Associate Professor of History, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama)

Chapter 4. The Problem of Populism in Modern Democracy: Democratic Republics and America in the 21st Century
(Anthony R. Brunello – Political Science, Eckerd College, St. Petersberg, Florida, US)

Chapter 5. Neo-Nazism, White Supremacy, and Trump
(Bruce E. Johansen – University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, US)

Chapter 6. Islam-West Relations in the Era of Trump
(Halim Rane and Paul Mitchell – Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Nathan, Queenland, Australia)



“No one writes, or thinks, with the same passion, fearlessness and accessibility as Bruce Johansen and Ad Akande, figures who have been speaking truth to power on global environmental and indigenous issues for decades. You may scream at this work that Donald Trump is not all bad, but you’ll also learn much more than you ever expected and finish it, determined to make changes and learn more. Enjoy!” – Professor Joy Porter, PI, Leverhulme Major Research Fellow and Lead Editor with Dina Gilio-Whittaker and Clint Carroll of the Cambridge University Press Series, Elements in Indigenous Environmental Research

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