Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Summary of the Main Findings and Perspectives
Chapter 2. The Civic Culture of the Arab World: A Comparative Analysis Based on World Values Survey Data
Chapter 3. lslamism and Gender Relations in the Muslim World as Reflected in World Values Survey Data
Chapter 4. Islamism and Antisemitism: Preliminary Evidence on Their Relationship from Cross-National Opinion Data
Chapter 5. Islamism as Reflected in International Survey Data
Chapter 6. Globalization, the Environment and the Arab World
Chapter 7. Literature and Some Suggested Further Readings
Index of Persons and Authors
Index of Subjects
“Using carefully collected survey data, Tausch had previously demonstrated that the official religious teachings of the Catholic Church towards the religious other do not necessarily trickle down to its most devoted members. Now he is applying similar methods to probe attitudes in Muslim societies towards a host of issues, hopefully opening a window into those societies.” -Arie Folger, Member of the Standing Committee of the European Rabbinical Conference, Member of the Rabbinical Court of Austria and Rabbi of the Bet Midrash Orchot Chajim
“This impressively researched empirical study comes at just the right time: “Islamism” asks for the development potential of the Arab countries and discusses the question of how the West should position itself. Anyone looking for answers to these crucial questions should refer to this book.” -Alexander Pinwinkler, Associate Visiting Professor of Economic and Social History at the University of Vienna, Teaches at the Department of History of the University of Salzburg as well as at the Department of Economic and Social History of the University of Vienna
“Arno Tausch has few peers globally with his expertise on the Muslim world. This expertise is demonstrated in “Islamism: Global Surveys and Implications for the Future of the Arab Countries”. With the Middle East North Africa region in turmoil, now more than ever we need such expertise. This book is a veritable tour de force majestic in its scope and depth as it examines civic culture in the Arab world, anti-Semitism, Islamism and gender relations and the nexus between globalization and the environment and how this impacts the region.” -Professor Hussein Solomon, Head of Department of Political Studies and Governance, University of the Free State, South Africa