Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction: Major Observations
(Anis Chowdhury and Vladimir Popov, University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, and others)
Chapter 2. The Rise of a New Developmental Macroeconomics for Middle-Income Countries: From Classical to New Developmentalism
(Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Chapter 3. Fiscal Policy for Inclusive Sustainable Development: The Role of Public Expenditure and Progressive Taxation
(Anis Chowdhury, University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
Chapter 4. Creating Fiscal Space for Inclusive Sustainable Development
(Anis Chowdhury, University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
Chapter 5. Inclusive Fiscal Policy and Tax Administration Effectiveness in Asia
(Donghyun Park, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines)
Chapter 6. Inclusive Government Spending and Unconventional Ideas for Inclusive Fiscal Policy
(Donghyun Park, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines)
Chapter 7. Monetary Policy for Inclusive and Sustainable Development
(Anis Chowdhury, University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
Chapter 8. Central Bank Independence, Inflation, and Economic Growth
(Behrooz Gharleghi, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Berlin, Germany)
Chapter 9. Macroeconomic Policy and Real and Financial Investment: The Impact of Financial Globalisation
(Manuel F. Montes, South Centre, Geneva, Switzerland)
Chapter 10. Foreign Exchange Reserves and Exchange Rates: Reaction to Shocks in Short-Term and Long-Term Economic Growth
(Vladimir Popov, Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, Berlin, Germany)
Chapter 11. China’s Macroeconomic Policy: A Policy of Ambition and Pragmatism
(Leong H. Liew, Department of International Business and Asian Studies, Griffith University, South East Queensland, Australia)
Chapter 12. China’s Growth-Promoting, Public-Debt-Financed Infrastructure Investment
(Justin Yifu Lin, Xinqiao Ping and Xin Huang, Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China, and others)
“This book considers what macroeconomic policies are conducive to growth in developing countries, including particular fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate options. The book critically considers the growth consequences of insufficient government spending on public goods, central bank independence, alternative monetary policies, low-inflation targeting policy and foreign exchange reserve accumulation.” – <strong>Jomo Kwame Sundaram, a former economics professor, was United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, and received the Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought</strong>
“Despite the unfortunate “global south” term, this book is not to be missed. With these 12 essays, Chowdhury and Popov provide an analytical clear presentation of how to design a progressive and effective macroeconomic policy. This is book for policy makers, students and the interested public. Not to be missed.” – <strong>Professor John Weeks, BSc, MSc PhD, Department of Development Studies, SOAS University of London</strong>
“The New York-based Nova Science Publishers has published a collection of works, Macroeconomic Policies in Countries of the Global South, which was compiled by the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute and prominent scientists from Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Australia, and the Philippines. Some of the authors are employees of international economic organizations, such as the Asian Development Bank, which provided support for the publication.”<a href=”” target=”_blank”><b>READ MORE…</b></a> – <strong>Published in the journal of Russia’s Foreign Ministry,<i> International Affairs</i></strong>
“Anis Chowdhury and Vladimir Popov’s <i>Macroeconomic Policies in the Countries of the Global South</i> (2019) offers insight into the thinking behind and practices of macroeconomic policy-setting in some of the regions of the Global South.”<a href=”–winter-2020/book-review–macroeconomics-global-south?path=index” target=”_blank”><b>READ MORE…</b></a> – <strong>Published in <i>C2C Digital Magazine (Fall 2019 / Winter 2020)</i>. Reviewed by Shalin Hai-Jew, instructional designer, Kansas State University, USA</strong>
Policy makers in developing countries
Development practitioners
Higher degree students in macroeconomics and development economics/studies