Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Part II: Oegopsid squids


Rui Rosa (Editor)
Centro de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Ron O’Dor (Editor)

Graham Pierce (Editor)

Series: Fish, Fishing and Fisheries
BISAC: SCI070010

As with the previous volume, the aim of this book is to gather and synthesize the research conducted on the biology (early life history stages, age and growth, maturation and fecundity), ecology (distribution, migrations, diet, predators and parasites) and fisheries (fishing areas, methods, landings, management and stock assessment) of the most economically relevant oegopsid squids. This squid group dominates the pelagic, oceanic environment and large populations (namely of ommastrephids) are characteristic of the productive shelf-break oceanic boundary currents and upwelling systems, where they normally occupy epi- and mesopelagic depths.

Little is known about the spawning and embryonic development of these pelagic squids. They spawn in the relatively inaccessible open sea and extrude the eggs in large gelatinous neutrally buoyant egg masses. Oegopsids play a key role on the vertical energy flow of oceanic ecosystems, acting as an important part of the biological pump from the surface to deeper waters. In fact, some species show a typical daily behavior that involves vertical migrations from near-surface waters at nighttime to mesopelagic depths above or within oxygen minimum zones during the daytime. In addition to the critical role both as prey and predator in the open ocean, some species are the target of some of the world’s largest invertebrate fisheries. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical )

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Volume II – Oegopsid Squids

Chapter 1. Barryteuthis magister , Schoolmaster Gonate Squid
(Oleg N. Katugin, Gennadyi A. Shevtsov, Mikhail A. Zuev, Vasilyi D. Didenko, Vladimir V. Kulik and Nickolai S. Vanin, Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre), Vladivostok, Russia)

Chapter 2.  Illex coindetii , Broadtail Shortfin Squid
(Ángel F. González and Ángel Guerra, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Vigo, Spain)

Chapter 3.  Illex illecebrosus , Northern Short-finned Squid
(Ron K. O’Dor and Earl G. Dawe, Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and others)
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Chapter 4.  Illex argentinus , Argentine Shortfin Squid
(Paul G.K. Rodhouse, Alexander I. Arkhipkin, Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Chingis Nigmatullin and Claire M. Waluda, British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environmental Research Council, High Cross, Cambridge, UK, and others)

Chapter 5.  Todaropsis eblanae , Lesser Flying Squid
(Ángel Guerra, Paola Belcari and Ángel F. González, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), Vigo, Spain, and others)

Chapter 6.  Dosidicus gigas , Humboldt squid
(Rui Rosa, Carmen Yamashiro, Unai Markaida, Paul G. K. Rodhouse, Claire M. Waluda, César A. Salinas-Zavala, Friedemann Keyl, Ron O´Dor, Julia S. Stewart and William F. Gilly, Laboratório Marítimo da Guia, Centro de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL-UL), Cascais, Portuga, and others)

Chapter 7.  Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis , Purpleback Flying Squid
(Xinjun Chen, Bilin Liu and Yong Chen, College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Lingang New City, Shanghai, China, and others)

Chapter 8.  Todarodes sagittatus , European Flying Squid
(Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Falkland Islands Government Fisheries Department, Stanley, Falkland Islands)

Chapter 9.  Todarodes pacificus , Japanese Common Squid
(Yasunori Sakurai, Hideaki Kidokoro, Norio Yamashita, Jun Yamamoto, Kazuhisa Uchikawa and Hideo Takahara, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan, and others)
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“The aims of this volume are basically the same as with the previous one, Part II dealing with oegopsid squids, which – in contrast to the myopsids – belong to the pelagic, oceanic environment.”

READ MORE… – Sigurd v. Boletzky, Associate Editor VIE ET MILIEU – Life and Environment


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