Quantum Mechanics Upon Theorems


Series: Physics Research and Technology, Classical and Quantum Mechanics
BISAC: SCI055000

This innovative new textbook contains forty-nine theorems, sixteen corollaries, one criterion and one law. Thus, for the first time,the book approaches quantum mechanics in a manner to be established on the basis of exact proofs instead of on postulates, principles, axioms, hypotheses, assumptions and guesses, and in a manner to be free from paradoxes.

In this textbook, most chapters start with a bit of history, because the historical experiences are worthy to note. All the difficult points, such as the wave-particle duality, uncertainty relations and operator representation of the observable are proved exactly by mathematics, and thus the concepts and pictures in quantum mechanics become easy to understand and imagine. If readers understand the preparations for analytical mechanics and mathematics in Chapter Two, then they can understand quantum mechanics without any difficulty. This textbook makes quantum mechanics to be from with to without mysterious veil.

The author would like to predict that there will certainly be a day that this textbook becomes a standard textbook for quantum mechanics in our world.
(Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Birth of Quantum Mechanics

Chapter 2. Classical Mechanics and Mathematics

Chapter 3. Wavepacket-Only Theory

Chapter 4. Stationary States of One Dimension System

Chapter 5. General Formalism

Chapter 6. Angular Momentum and Hydrogen-Like Atoms

Chapter 7. Charged Particle in Electromagnetic Fields

Chapter 8. Particle of Spin 1/2

Chapter 9. Identical Particles

Chapter 10. Time Dependent Perturbation Theory




“The basic concepts and pictures of quantum mechanics in this textbook are easy to understand due to using the mathematical and analytical mechanics methods, the concepts, pictures, and equations, are self-contained.” READ MORE…Zhang Xin-Wei, Professor, Academician of Chinese Engineering Academy

“…In terms of a series of interesting stories in the processes of development of quantum mechanics, this textbook emphasizes some experiences and lessons which are worth to note for the future development of the physics.” READ MORE…Chongyu Wang, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

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