Ureters: Anatomy, Physiology and Disorders


Richard A. Santucci, MD (Editor)
Detroit Medical Center Harper Professional Building, Detroit, MI, USA

Mang Chen (Editor)
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Series: Renal, Metabolic and Urologic Disorders, Human Anatomy and Physiology
BISAC: MED088000

This book is a cumulative work that covers ureteral anatomy, physiology, and disorders. It aims to highlight the ureters by bringing together national and international experts in their respective fields to discuss ureteral pathology and management of ureteral disease. Chapters discussing ureteral trauma, injury, obstruction, stones, cancers, surgeries, and tissue engineering will enhance patient care and introduce us to the future of ureteral surgery. At the very least, this book will improve overall medical knowledge on these often ignored but vital urinary structures. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical )

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface pp.vii-viii

Chapter 1. Ureteral Anatomy and Physiology
(Matthew Mutter and Janet Colli, Department of Urology, University of Tennessee, TN, USA)pp.1-8

Chapter 2. Traumatic and Iatrogenic Ureteral Injury
(Richard A. Santucci and Mang L. Chen, Detroit Medical Center, Michigan State College of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA, and others)pp.9-28

Chapter 3. Endoscopic Management of Urolithiasis
(Takashi Kawahara, Hiroki Ito, Hiroshi Miyamoto, Hiroji Uemura, Yoshinobu Kubota and Junichi Matsuzaki, Department of Surgical Pathology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA, and others)pp.29-52

Chapter 4. Stents in the Management of Ureteric Obstruction
(Andreas Bourdoumis, Stefanos Kachrilas and Noor Buchholz, Endourology and Stone Services, Barts Health NHS Trust, UK)pp.53-68

Chapter 5. Metallic Stents for Malignant Upper Urinary Tract Obstruction
(Petros Sountoulides and Anastasios Anastasiadis, Urology Department, General Hospital of Veria, Greece, and others)pp.69-82

Chapter 6. Conservative Management of Upper Urinary Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma
(A. Simonato, A. Benelli, M. Ennas and G. Carmignani, Department of Urology, “L. Giuliani”, University of Genoa, Italy)pp.83-98

Chapter 7. Upper Urinary Tract Dilation in the Neurogenic Bladder
(Limin Liao and Fan Zhang, Department of Urology, China Rehabilitation Research Center, Rehabilitation College of Capital Medical University, China)pp.99-110

Chapter 8. Ureteral Substitution: Evolution from Autologous to Tissue-Engineered Grafts
(Matthias D. Hofer and Arun K. Sharma, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Urology, Chicago, IL, USA and others)pp111-122

Index pp.123-131


“The ureters remain unnoticed in the field of urology. Richard Santucci and Mang Chen, helped by more than 20 contributors, wrote an original textbook dedicated to ureteral pathology and its treatment. The conceptualization and publication of such a textbook was long overdue, and the final product is worth the wait. This book is appropriately targeted to urologists who are familiar with trauma and reconstructions.” READ MORE…Miroslav L. Djordjevic, , MD, PhD, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade.

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