Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Energy Spectrum of Charge Carriers in a Layered Crystal and Thin Film on its Basis in A Quantizing Magnetic Field
Chapter 3. Electron Density of States and Statistic Properties of Electron Gas in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis in the Absence of a Magnetic Field
Chapter 4. Density of States and Statistical Properties of Electron Gas in Layered Crystals in the Presence of Interlayer Charge Ordering
Chapter 5. Statistical Properties of Electron Gas in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis in the Presence of a Quantizing Magnetic Field under Strong Degeneracy Conditions
Chapter 6. Statistical Properties of Electron Gas in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis in the Presence of a Quantizing Magnetic Field under Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy Conditions
Chapter 7. Statistical Properties of Electron Gas in Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals in a Quantizing Magnetic Field under Strong Degeneracy Conditions
Chapter 8. Statistical Properties of Electron Gas in Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals in a Quantizing Magnetic Field under Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy Conditions
Chapter 9. General Formulae for the Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Electron Gas in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis
Chapter 10. Landau Diamagnetism and Total Magnetic Susceptibility of Electron Gas in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis in a Weak Magnetic Field
Chapter 11. Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals in a Weak Magnetic Field
Chapter 12. De Haas-Van Alphen Diamagnetism in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis
Chapter 13. De Haas-Van Alphen Diamagnetism in Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals
Chapter 14. Langevin Diamagnetism in Layered Crystals and Thin Films on their Basis
Chapter 15. Langevin Diamagnetism in Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals
Chapter 16. General Formulae for a Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of a Layered Crystal in a Strong Quantizing Magnetic Field and General Conditions for the Origination of Longitudinal Galvanomagnetic Effects
Chapter 17. Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Crystals in a Quantizing Magnetic Field under Strong Degeneracy Conditions and in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time
Chapter 18. Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Crystals in a Quantizing Magnetic Field under Strong Degeneracy Conditions and in the Approximation Of Constant Electron Mean Free Path
Chapter 19. Shubnikov-De Haas Effect in Layered Crystals with Two-Sheeted Fermi Surfaces in Quasi-Classical Approximation
Chapter 20. Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Crystals in A Quantizing Magnetic Field with Relaxation Time Proportional to Total Electron Velocity
Chapter 21. Longitudinal Conductivity of a Layered Crystal in a Quantizing Magnetic Field in a Model of Relaxation Time Proportional to Longitudinal Velocity
Chapter 22. Effect of Interlayer Charge Ordering on Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Crystals under Strong Degeneracy Conditions
Chapter 23. Simple Formulae for Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals
Chapter 24. General Formula for the Seebeck Coefficient of Layered Crystals in a Quantizing Magnetic Field
Chapter 25. Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient in Layered Crystals in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time
Chapter 26. Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient in a Layered Crystal in the Model of Constant Mean Free Path
Chapter 27. Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient in a Layered Crystal in the Model of Relaxation Time Proportional to Full Electron Velocity
Chapter 28. Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient in the Model of Relaxation Time Proportional to Longitudinal Velocity
Chapter 29. Effect of Charge Ordering on the Seebeck Coefficient of Layered Crystals
Chapter 30. Power Factor of a Layered Crystal in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time
Chapter 31. Power Factor of a Layered Crystal in the Approximation of Constant Mean Free Path of Charge Carriers
Chapter 32. Power Factor of a Layered Crystal with Relaxation Time Proportional to Full Electron Velocity on the Fermi Surface
Chapter 33. Power Factor of a Layered Crystal at Relaxation Time
Proportional to Electron Longitudinal Velocity
Chapter 34. Power Factor of a Charge-Ordered Layered Crystal
Chapter 35. Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Crystals in the Absence of a Magnetic Field under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 36. Longitudinal Magnetoresistance of Layered Crystals under Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 37. Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Crystals in the Absence of Magnetic Field under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy with Regard to the Influence of FS Closeness on Scattering
Chapter 38. Longitudinal Magnetoresistance of a Layered Crystal under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy with Regard to the Influence of Density of States on Scattering
Chapter 39. Temperature-Dependent Kapitsa Effect
Chapter 40. The Kapitsa Effect in Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals
Chapter 41. Temperature Dependence of Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals in the Absence of a Magnetic Field
Chapter 42. Magnetoresistance Inversion in Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals at Ą = <i>const</i>
Chapter 43. Longitudinal Electric Conductivity of Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals in the Absence of a Magnetic Field under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy with Regard to FS Closeness Impact on Scattering
Chapter 44. Magnetoresistance Inversion in the Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals at ƒÑ å 1/g(ƒÃ)
Chapter 45. General Formula for the Seebeck Coefficient of a Layered Crystal under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 46. Temperature Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient in a Layered Crystal in the Absence of a Magnetic Field in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time
Chapter 47. Magnetic Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient of a Layered Crystal under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time
Chapter 48. Temperature Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient in a Layered Crystal with Regard to Energy Dependence of Relaxation Time
Chapter 49. Magnetic Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient of a Layered Crystal under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy in the Approximation of Energy-Dependent Relaxation Time
Chapter 50. Temperature Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient of Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals in the Absence of a Magnetic Field
Chapter 51. Magnetic Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient of the Charge-Ordered Layered Crystals under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time
Chapter 52. Temperature Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient of a Charge-Ordered Layered Crystal in the Approximation of Energy-Dependent Relaxation Time
Chapter 53. Field Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient of Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy with Regard to Energy Dependence of Relaxation Time
Chapter 54. Power Factor of a Layered Crystal in the Absence of a Magnetic Field
Chapter 55. Magnetic Field Dependence of Power Factor of a Layered Crystal in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 56. Temperature Dependence of Power Factor of a Layered Crystal under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy with Regard to Energy Dependence of Relaxation Time
Chapter 57. Field Dependence of Power Factor of a Layered Crystal under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy with Regard to the Energy Dependence of Relaxation Time
Chapter 58. Power Factor of a Layered Charge-Ordered Crystal in the Absence of a Magnetic Field under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 59. Field Dependence of Power Factor of a Charge-Ordered Layered Crystal in the Approximation of Constant Relaxation Time under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 60. Temperature Dependence of Power Factor of Layered Charge-Ordered Crystals under Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy in the Absence of a Magnetic Field with Regard to the Energy Dependence of Relaxation Time
Chapter 61. Field Dependence of Power Factor of a Charge-Ordered Layered Crystal with Regard to the Energy Dependence of Relaxation Time under Conditions of Weak and Intermediate Degeneracy
Chapter 62. Classification and General Characterization of Size Effects Used for Figure of Merit Improvement of Thermoelectric Materials
Chapter 63. TEM Lattice Thermal Conductivity Reduction through Optimization of its Shape-Forming Element
Chapter 64. Effect of Charge Carrier Scattering on the Boundaries on the Electric Conductivity of TEM Contacting Particles
Chapter 65. Effect of TEM Anisotropy on the Electric Conductivity of its Contacting Particles
Chapter 66. The Mechanism of Thermoelectric Figure of Merit Increase in the Bulk Nanostructured TEM
Chapter 67. Method for Kinetic Coefficients Averaging over the Size of Particles and its Impact on the Predicted Figure of Merit of the Bulk Nanostructured TEM
Chapter 68. On the Possibility of Using TEM Powders of Variable Granulometric Composition for the Fabrication of Thermoelectric Modules
Chapter 69. On The Importance of a Knowledge of a Real Frequency Dependence of the Density of Phonon States for Prediction of the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of TEM
“Modern technologies turn the fancies of physicists into reality. “God created crystals, but man created superlattices!” – this is a well-known aphorism of Leo Esaki, the Nobel Prize laureate, about new semiconductor materials based on the ordered nanostructures whose quantum characteristics can be changed in the intended direction. Physicists create a wonderful world for charge carriers in such materials: like Alice in Wonderland, conduction electrons can move at researcher’s wish, from a conventional 3-dimensional to low-dimensional world, where their motion is restricted within one or 2 coordinates.” READ MORE… – V.T. Maslyuk, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Photonuclear Processes Department, Institute of Electron Physics of the NAS of Ukraine
This book is written for undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in magnetism, thermoelectricity, low temperature physics, and theory of condensed matter.