Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Products of Post-Industrial Period
Chapter 2. Productive Forces of Product Design
Chapter 3. Features of Designing Products from Composite Materials
Chapter 4. International Division and Cooperation of the Designer’s Labor
Chapter 5. Manufacturing Productive Forces
Chapter 6. International Division of Capital and Cooperation of Enterprises
Chapter 7. Organization of Production in Time
Chapter 8. Expenses, Profit, Cost
“In the presented monograph, the author develops the main provisions of the classical school of economics, such as: the wealth of a nation (products of labor) creates material production, the source of wealth is labor, labor creates value of a product, development is caused by the development of productive forces, etc…READ MORE” – Professor Grigory Semenovich Hulap, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
“In the first paragraph of the abstract, the author writes that the monograph presents a new economy, in which the company’s economic activity and a set of relations are considered not only at the stages of production, distribution, exchange and consumption, but also at the design stage, which determines the post-industrial development. Consider the content of the concept of the new economy…READ MORE” – Evgeny V. Kalinkin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Department of Finance and Prices, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
“The author has convincingly shown that the goal of post-industrial development is the design and production of complex high-tech varieties (modified versions within the type) of product types that meet the country’s strategic needs. Varieties differ either in the number of consumer functions (functionally) or the parameters of consumer functions (parametrically), or program control (without human participation) in satisfying needs…READ MORE” – Professor Oleg Pavlovich Chernyaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences
The most relevant target audience is workers in the fields of economics, strategic planning, economic theory, microeconomics, industry economics, world economy, production management, production organization. The core of the target audience is scientists and teachers of universities and other higher education institutions working on the above topics.
Secondary audience, for example, in the aviation industry, is represented by workers at all hierarchical levels: from leaders of industry and corporations to ordinary research workers and designers (constructers, calculators, technologists) who universalize themselves in the design of varieties of parts, units, assemblies, and end products.
Keywords used in abstract:
Products satisfying the strategic needs, functional and parametric varieties, production forces of computer-aided design, program management of satisfaction of the needs, intellectual property carriers, design principles, principles of universalization, parallelism, optimization, innovations, continuity, replacement of worker with machine, international per-stage and per-object division of mental labor, international per-object division of capital, carriers of intellectual labor property, international cooperation of design, families of international design and production, mechanism of development of productive forces, renewal of intellectual property
Keywords used in titles and subtitles:
Productive forces of design, products satisfying the strategic needs, productive forces of computer-aided design, factors of computer development, universal knowledge of computer-aided design, principles of organization of design process in time, principle of universalization, principle of optimization, principle of innovations, principle of parallelism, principle of continuity, intellectual labor property as a result of design, programmed control of satisfaction of the needs, productive forces of composite products design, peculiarities of composite parts design, international per-stage and per-object division of the designer’s labor, intra-kind parametric competition, international parametric cooperation, international functional-parametric cooperation, revolutionary changes of productive forces of K. Marx’ model, replacement of workers with machines, per-object universalization of production, per-object division of capital, per-part, per-unit, per-assembly division of capital, intra-kind competition, international parametric cooperation, international functional-parametric cooperation, families of international parametric and functional-parametric design and production, organization of production in time, pace-based method of selecting machines, processes synchronized by the batch rhythm, working time as a regulator of production volumes, principle of production organization in time, principle of universalization, principle of proportionality, principle of continuity, principle of parallelism, principle of parallelism, principle of rhythm, operating expenses, cyclic expenses, mechanism of development of productive forces, renewal of the intellectual property