Optical Spectroscopy: Technology, Properties and Performance


Nicolae Tomozeiu, PhD (Editor)
Oce Technologies, The Netherlands

Series: Lasers and Electro-Optics Research and Technology
BISAC: SCI078000

Optical Spectroscopy is an interdisciplinary science dedicated to generating and building knowledge in the field of spectroscopy and as a tool for practical investigations. This book has been elaborated for the use of specialists, students and young scientists interested in material characterization and direct investigation of various technological processes.

As the title shows, the project of this book is ambitious and challenging. The topics have been selected to supply the physical background needed to understand the main spectroscopic principles and, at the same time, to reveal new potentiality for applications. Subjects like Reflectance Spectroscopy, Infrared Attenuated Total Reflection or Photoreflectance Spectroscopy provide an overview of classical methods in spectroscopy in contexts of new applications and reveal possibilities in new domains such as medicine, environmental investigations, etc. Various spectroscopic measurement methods embedded in characterization of materials, devices or technological processes are extensively presented:

•Polariscopy (used to determine with high sensitivity the internal strains in mono-crystalline silicon);
•Electronic Spectroscopy of Diffuse Reflection (reveals special properties of the atoms in the superficial layer of dispersed materials);
•Optical Emission Spectroscopy (characterizes plasma deposition processes monitoring the properties of the deposited thin solid films).

This book is the result of a common project where recognized experts in the field of spectroscopy have made their valuable contributions. In this way, the authors contributed to enhancing the understanding of different techniques of optical spectroscopy, considering both the fundamental and applied sciences. The topics and their modern approach highly recommend this book to be your partner in your research. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Optical Emission Spectroscopy Used to Investigate Plasma Deposition of Thin Solid Films (pp. 1-34)
Nicolae Tomozeiu (Océ Technologies, The Netherlands)

Chapter 2 – Reflectance Spectroscopy (pp. 35-62)
María Gabriela Lagorio (INQUIMAE/Dpto. de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Química Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Chapter 3 – Photoreflectance Spectroscopy of Franz-Keldysh Oscillations from Semiconductor Heterostructures for Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Components (pp. 63-96)
Hideo Takeuchi (Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, Japan)

Chapter 4 – IR Attenuated Total Reflection: A Tool to Investigate Liquid Penetration in Paper: Theoretical Considerations (pp. 97-124)
Nicolae Tomozeiu (Océ Technologies, The Netherlands)

Chapter 5 – IR Attenuated Total Reflection: A Tool to Investigate Liquid Penetration in Paper: Experimental (pp. 125-148)
Nicolae Tomozeiu and Hennie Boonen (Océ Technologies, The Netherlands)

Chapter 6 – Electronic Spectroscopy of Diffuse Reflection – A Promising Method for Quantifying the Coordination States of the Atoms in the Superficial Layer of Dispersed Materials (pp. 149-172)
Eugene A. Sosnov and Anatoly A. Malkov (Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia)

Chapter 7 – Polariscopy: Its High Sensitivity to Internal/Residual Strains of Semiconductor Single Crystal Wafers (pp. 173-198)
Hideo Takeuchi (Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University, Japan)



“The book is an excellent one in the field of optical spectroscopy of materials, including both science and technology. It is written by outstanding specialista in optical spectroscopy. The book includes 2 chapters written by Dr. Nicolae Tomozeiu and 2 chapters written by Hideo Takeuchi. The book treat at a high level both the science and technology of measurement and interpretation of the results.” READ MORE…Professor Mihai Popescu, National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest, Magurele, Romania


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