Neuro-Immune Interactions in the Adult Central Nervous System


Oscar González-Pérez (Editor)
Laboratory of Neuroscience, School of Psychology, University of Colima, Colima, Mexico

Series: Neuroscience Research Progress
BISAC: MED057000

Increasing evidence indicates that inflammatory cells and immunological cytokines can enter into the brain and modulate a number of biological and cognitive functions. Under physiological conditions, only a few immune cells, such as: macrophages, lymphocytes and dendritic cells can cross the blood-brain barrier and gain access to neural tissue. For many years, these findings supported the notion that the brain was an immunologically privileged organ. To date, increasing evidence strongly challenges this conjecture. In fact, neuroinflammation triggers a significant infiltration of immune cells into the cerebral parenchyma. The infiltration of inflammatory cells is accompanied by the release of a number of cytokines that target neurons, astrocytes and microglia. This interaction between the immune system and the central nervous system modulates many cerebral functions, such as: neural remodeling, synaptic plasticity, neurotransmitter releasing, stress-associated response, cognitive and mental disease progression, and others.

The book summarizes the latest discoveries, from basic to clinical science, regarding the interactions between the immunological mediators and the neural tissue under physiological and pathological conditions. In this book, it is discussed the influence of immune cells and cytokines in neural-regulated systems. Herein, the readers can find comprehensive descriptions in diverse fields, such as: lipids and obesity, neuronal activity, neurotransmission, stress pathogenesis, rheumatologic diseases, spinal cord injuries, regulation of neural stem cells, neural control of reproduction, and others. To ensure that most of readers obtain clear and complete information, all chapters have been written by prominent experts in their respective fields, who explain these topics with a very accessible language.

In summary, this book represents a highly-updated compendium about the interactions between the central nervous system and the immune system that could be very useful for undergraduate students, postgraduate students, academic educators or trainers, basic science researchers and clinical physicians. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical )

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Influential Effects of Neuronal Regulation of Immune Cells on Brain Diseases
(Li Tian, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, Finland)

Chapter 2. Systemic Inflammatory Reaction and Pathophysiological Alteration in the Brain
(Grzegorz A. Czapski and Joanna B. Strosznajder, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)

Chapter 3. Contribution of the Nervous System in the Pathogenesis and Morbidity in Rheumatoid Arthritis
(Cesar Ramos-Remus and Jose Dionisio Castillo-Ortiz, Unidad de Investigación en Enfermedades Crónico-Degenerativas. Guadalajara, México and others)

Chapter 4. Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Alternative Therapy for Brain Disorders and their Interaction with the Immune System
(Qian Li, Kaisorn L. Chaichana, Julio J. Rodarte, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, Hugo Guerrero-Cazares, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, St. Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA and others)

Chapter 5. Neuro-Immune Interactions in Neural Stem Cells of the Postnatal Subventricular Zone
Fernando Gutiérrez-Fernández, María Pinto-Gonzalez and Oscar Gonzalez-Perez, Laboratory of Neuroscience, School of Psychology, University of Colima, Mexico)

Chapter 6. The Role of Cytokines in the Neuroimmunoendocrine Network: Their Participation in Neurotransmission and Reproduction
(Karen E. Nava-Castro, Hugo Aguilar-Díaz, Marco A. Cerbón and Jorge Morales-Montor, Departamento de Inmunología, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico and others)

Chapter 7. Neuroimmune Crosstalk in Obesity
(Norma A. Moy-Lopez, Jorge Guzman-Muñiz, Jorge Collas-Aguilar, Roberto Montes-Delgado and Oscar Gonzalez-Perez, Laboratory of Neuroscience, School of Psychology, University of Colima, Colima, Mexico)

Chapter 8. The Role of Glia in Stress-Glucocorticoid Effects in the Brain
(Fernando Jauregui-Huerta, Aidee Uribe Gonzalez, Joaquin Garcia-Estrada, Yaveth Ruvalcaba-Delgadillo, Rodrigo Ramos-Zuñiga, Alfredo Feria-Velasco and Sonia Luquin, Departamento de Neurociencias, Centro Universitario de ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, México and others)

Chapter 9. Immunomodulatory Role of Ensheathing Cells in Spinal Cord Injury
(Graciela Gudiño-Cabrera, Nidia Carrillo-González, Marcela María J. Rodríguez-Baeza, and Gabriela Escobar-Camberos, Laboratorio de Desarrollo y Regeneración Neural, Departamento de Biología Celular y Molecular, Instituto de Neurobiología, C.U.C.B.A, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)



“Recent studies indicate that inflammatory cells and immunological cytokines modulate brain functions and diseases. This is a very useful book for not only students, but also post-docs and even professors, to learn recent progress in this research field. Readers will find various information about neuro-immune interactions in the adult central nervous system, from basic biology to clinical application. Chapters of this book have been written by the experts in neuroscience and/or immunology. As a researcher working on adult neurogenesis, I was particularly interested in Chapter 5 “Neuro-Immune Interactions in Neural Stem Cells of the Postnatal Subventricular Zone,” which has been contributed by Dr. Oscar Gonzalez-Perez, the Editor of this book, and his colleagues. They have carefully and clearly summarized recent studies on immunological molecules that control the function of neural stem cells under physiological and pathological conditions. Hopefully this book will give readers some new ideas and contribute to the advancement of interdisciplinary research involving neuroscience and immunology.” – <strong>Kazunobu Sawamoto, Ph.D., Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Institute of Molecular Medicine</strong>

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