Management and Economic Policy for Development


Grzegorz W. Kolodko (Editor)
Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland

Series: Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives
BISAC: BUS069000

As the name suggests, this book is about “Management and Economic Policy for Development”. This volume, which is written by two dozen distinguished scholars, including the Nobel Laureate, Professor Edmund E. Phelps from Columbia University, successful managers and policy-makers from a number of countries and different cultures, discussing the conditions for good economic performance, successful microeconomic management and macroeconomic governance. The complex analysis leads the authors to conclusions about why the contemporary knowledge-based economy depends on a sound economic performance, competitiveness and economic growth.

This book is a must read for everybody looking for an answer on how to manage and govern his/her business, his/her region, his/her organization, or even his/her country. The book has been edited by Professor Grzegorz W. Kolodko, founder and Director of TIGER, Transformation, Integration, and Globalization Economic Research at Kozminski University, former deputy prime minister and minister of finance of Poland, a country successful in post-socialist systemic transformation. He claims, on the one hand, that a sound economic policy and good company management must be based on proper theory; and, on the other hand, that a good theory must rely on critical observation and an analysis of practice. If this is what you are interested in, then this book is for you. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Microeconomic Management and Macroeconomic Policy vs. Economic Growth and Social Development
Grzegorz W. Kolodko (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)

Chapter 2. Behind the Rise and Decline of Grassroots Dynamism
Edmund S. Phelps (Centre of Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, NY, USA)

Chapter 3. Managerial Contribution to Growth in Transition Economies
Andrzej K. Koźmiński (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)

Chapter 4. Hidden Champions: The Vanguard of Globalia
Hermann Simon (Simon-Kucher & Partners)

Chapter 5. How Does Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Affect Domestic Entrepreneurship?
Saul Estrin (London School of Economics, UK)

Chapter 6. Systemic Effects of Internationalization of Polish Companies
Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič and Krzysztof Obłój (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)

Chapter 7. How to Improve Management Education for the Purpose of Future Socio-Economic Development?
Eric Cornuel (European Foundation for Management Development)

Chapter 8. Entrepreneurship and Job Creation
Jerzy Cieślik (European Foundation for Management Development)

Chapter 9. Development Prospects for Hyper-Growth Companies in Poland – The Silicon Valley Experiences
Dominika Latusek-Jurczak (European Foundation for Management Development)

Chapter 10. Russian Economy: Between Despair and Hope
Ruslan Grinberg (European Foundation for Management Development)

Chapter 11. The Future of Finance: Lessons from the Crisis for Banks and Enterprises
Stanisław Flejterski and Małgorzata Porada-Rochoń (European Foundation for Management Development)

Chapter 12. Impact of Basel III/CRD4 on the Situation in the Banking Sector
Krzysztof Kalicki and Jan Antczak (European Foundation for Management Development)

Chapter 13. Fiscal Policy for Entrepreneurship and Equitable Growth
Vito Tanzi

Chapter 14. Austerity versus Development
D. Mario Nuti (La Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy)

Chapter 15. New Pragmatism or Economics and Policy for the Future
Grzegorz W. Kolodko (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)

Chapter 16. A New Political Economy – For Development
László Csaba (Central European University and Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary)

Chapter 17. Kozminski University Index of Balanced Economic and Social Development (“IBESD”) for Poland
Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Adam Noga, Katarzyna Piotrowska and Krzysztof Zagórski (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)

Chapter 18. Sustainable Development – The Role of the State, with Special Attention to Environmental Dimension in the Period of Systemic Transformation
Bogusław Fiedor (Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland)

Chapter 19. Income Inequality and the Current Phase of Globalization
Jacek Tomkiewicz (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)

Chapter 20. The Warsaw Consensus: The New European Growth Model
Marcin Piatkowski (Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland)



“Management and Economic Policy for Development, published by Nova in New York, has an important massage: not just economics is interdisciplinary, but the management as well. To be successful in the managing of a state, a private company or an NGO, one has to look into the interconnections with other disciplines to “avoid losing sight of what matters.”” <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>READ MORE… – NAGY, Sándor Gyula,PhD, associate professor, Corvinus University of Budapest Department of World Economics and STUKOVSZKY, Tamás, PhD-candidate and lecturer, Corvinus University of Budapest Department of World Economics

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