Science of Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity in the Tropics


Andrew Edwards, PhD and Anthony Leicht, PhD (Editors)
Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia

Series: Sports and Athletics Preparation, Performance, and Psychology
BISAC: HEA007000

The Greek philosopher Aristotle first suggested the earth could be divided into types of climatic zones, based on their distance from the equator. The region nearest the equator was termed the Torrid Zone and was considered uninhabitable. However, almost half of the world’s population now live, exercise and regularly compete in this Torrid Zone, which in modern times, we recognize as the tropics.

This book is the first text to report the mechanisms, interventions, implications and practical considerations of sport, exercise and physical activity in the tropics. Tropical conditions impose a unique blend of challenges to human physical performance and these areas are thoroughly interrogated in this monograph. Pertinent commentaries of physiology, behavior, sports and physical activity considerations in hot, humid, tropical conditions are provided in this book. These are additionally supported by peer-reviewed cutting edge research articles to maximize performance in the tropics. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Editors Details and Page (List) of Scientific Reviewers (pp. vii)

Introduction (pp. ix-xi)
Anthony S. Leicht

Chapter 1 – Understanding the Body’s Physiological Capacity to Dissipate Heat during Challenges to Human Heat Balance – A Calorimetric Perspective (pp. 1-10)
Glen P. Kenny (University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences, Human and Environmental Physiology Research Unit, Ottawa, Canada)

Chapter 2 – Interactions between Exercise, Thermal Stress and the Immune System (pp. 11-18)
David B. Pyne (Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia and others)

Chapter 3 – Exercise in the Heat: What Does the Brain Tell Us? (pp. 19-28)
Romain Meeusen and Bart Roelands (Human Physiology Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium)

Chapter 4 – The Central Mechanisms of Pacing and Performance (pp. 29-34)
A.M. Edwards and R.C.J. Polman (James Cook University, Institute of Sport & Exercise Science, Cairns, Australia and others)

Chapter 5 – The Regulation of Pace during Prolonged Exercise in the Heat: Influence on Optimal Pacing Strategies (pp. 35-42)
Chris R. Abbiss (Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research, School of Exercise and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA, Australia)

Chapter 6 – Influence of Intervals of Radiant Heat on Performance and Pacing Dynamics during Rowing Exercise (pp. 43-54)
Patrick J. Lander, Ronald J. Butterly, Andrew M. Edwards and Lee Ingle (School of Health and Sport Science, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand and others)

Chapter 7 – Football Performance in the Heat (pp. 55-64)
Julien D. Périard and Sébastien Racinais (Athlete Health and Performance Research Centre, Aspetar, Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar)

Chapter 8 – Seasonal Variations in Fitness in Female Soccer Players: The Use of Small Sided Games for Fitness (pp. 65-74)
Sarah R. Hervert, Glen B. Deakin and Kelly Sinclair (Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia)

Chapter 9 – Finding Your Carbohydrate and Fluid Sweet-Spot – Practical and Academic Considerations (pp. 75-82)
Gregory R. Cox (Australian Institute of Sport)

Chapter 10 – Triathlon in the Tropics – South Pacific Style (pp. 83-90)
Humpress Harrington, Lucy Taolo and David MacLaren (Atoifi Adventist College of Nursing, East Kwaio, Solomon Islands and others)
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Chapter 11 – Physiological Responses to Design Adaptations in Firefighting PPC during Simulated Firefighting Tasks (pp. 91-102)
Anthony Walker, Christos Argus, Matriller and Ben Rattray (Discipline of Sport and Exercise Science, UC Research Institute for Sport and Exercise, the University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia and others)

Chapter 12 – The CoolMeTM Vest – Idea to Application (pp. 103-110)
Glen B. Deakin, Robert Ennis-Thomas and William Armstrong (James Cook University, Cairns, Australia)

Chapter 13 – Developments in ‘Lifestyle Medicine’ and Implications for Tropical Conditions (pp. 111-122)
Garry Egger (Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW, and the Centre for Health Promotion and Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Chapter 14 – Physical Activity Behaviour in the Tropics (pp. 123-136)
Remco Polman, Fiona Ling and Erika Borkoles (Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia)
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Chapter 15 – Clinical Exercise Physiology Placement Supervision Processes and Practices: Where Are We and Where to Next? (pp. 137-148)
Rebecca Sealey, Jacqueline Raymond, Herb Groeller, Kieron Rooney, Meagan Crabb and Kerrianne Watt (Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia and others)

Chapter 16 – Clinical Exercise Physiology Placement Supervision Resources and Training Needs: Where Are We and Where to Next? (pp. 149-162)
Rebecca Sealey, Jacqueline Raymond, Herb Groeller, Kieron Rooney, Meagan Crabb and Kerrianne Watt (Institute of Sport and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia and others)

Chapter 17 – A University-Based Clinical Exercise Facility that Serves As a Clinical, Teaching and Research Space (pp. 163-172)
S. Selig, N. Saunders, N. Mundell, L. Conway, A. Wallis, J. Gardner and S. Fraser (Clinical Exercise Learning Centre (CELC), Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)



“The book is comprised of a series of good quality and interesting peer reviewed submissions arising from presentations made at a conference held at James Cook University, Cairns, Australia in November 2013. The major contributing disciplines are human physiology, psychology, nutrition and aspects of clinical medicine.” READ MORE…Ron J. Butterly, Ph.D

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