Advanced Quantum Mechanics upon Theorems


Series: Physics Research and Technology
BISAC: SCI057000

Rather than the ordinary axiomatic approach to establish advanced quantum mechanics and badic quantum field theory upon postulates, in chaper 1 author introduces the 52 theorems, 16 corollaries, one criterion, and one law in “Quantum Mechanics upon Theorems”, and prove two new theorems (Big theorem of energy and big theorem of wavepacket). In the other 9 chapters, this textbook proves 20 new theorems and 7 corollaries. For example, the commutation relations between field and field momentum are given by a theorem, and a convenient method to treat field quantization of constrained system is given by a corollary.

This textbook has the following four prominent features:

  1. To understand advanced quantum mechanics more clearly and simply.
  2. To give some new interesting applications which do not contained in all other textbooks.
  3. To eliminate some present mistakes in both physical concepts and pure mathematics.
  4. To shorten the distance between learning and researching. Even a reader is a student or a beginner, you already can write high quality papers, and can bring forth new ideas in technology just after reading this textbook. Of course, no one reader believes this before reading this textbook.

(Imprint: Nova)


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Quantum Mechanics upon Theorems

Chapter 2. Second Quantization Method

Chapter 3. Electron and Phonon in Condensed Matter

Chapter 4. Scattering Theory

Chapter 5. Quantum Relaxation

Chapter 6. Applications in Energy Sources

Chapter 7. Microscopic Superconductivity

Chapter 8. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Chapter 9. Bases of Quantum Field Theory

Chapter 10. Fractional Quantum Mechanics upon Theorems





This textbook has the following four prominent characteristics:

1. Easy to understand. For example, the commutation relations of quantum fields and their canonical conjugate momenta are given by a theorem instead of assumption in all other now available textbooks on advanced quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.
2. Exactness. For example, I have never read so exact treatment for the infinite time in scattering processes in all other textbooks.
3. High scientific lever. For example, the explanations for non-Debye relaxation, 1/f noise, and microscopic superconductivity have high scientific level.
4. Enlightenment. For example, the possible energy nonconservation in cold fusion and internal conversion in atomic nuclear offers a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions. – Chung-yu Wang, Professor of Tsinghua University, Academican of the Academy of Sciences of China

This textbook is written for graduate students of physics. However, this textbook establishes advanced quantum mechanics, and bases of quantum field theory upon theorems, thus all the professional people, groups or institutions will find it useful in their work.

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