Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter I. Phylum Foraminifera d’Orbigny, 1826
Chapter II. General Characteristics
Chapter III. Historical Sketch
Chapter IV. Classification
Chapter V. Shell Morphology and Shell Wall Ultrastructure
Chapter VI. Cytology and Physiology
Chapter VII. Observations on Some Recent Miliolids in Culture
Chapter VIII. The Main Trends in the Foraminiferal Evolution
Chapter IX. Taxonomic Conclusions of the Comparative Morphologic
Analysis of Foraminiferal Evolutionary Trends
Chapter X. Universal Character of the Evolutionary Regularities
(Foraminifera as a Part of the Universe)
Chapter XI. Systematic Part
Chapter XII. Summary
List of References Used and Recommended
Index of Latin Names
“The book begins with a historical review of the previous attempts at classifying the Foraminifera beginning with d’Orbigny. Both western and Russian sources are quoted, so the review is quite comprehensive and an impressive list of references is cited.”READ MORE… – Mike Kaminski, Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Published in the Newsletter of Micropaleontology.
Additional Information
The book may be of interest to the specialists in protozoology, micropaleontology, oceanography, ecology, stratigraphy, evolution, to the readers of the school and University courses and students, and to everybody for whom it is interesting how the life is organized and how it develops.