Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Publication Review
Chapter 1. Historical Benchmarks of Russian Policy
Chapter 2. Russia Becomes the Caspian State
Chapter 3. Russia Expands the Caspian Borders
Chapter 4. Soviet-Persian Relations
Chapter 5. Russian Policy in New Geopolitical Situation
Chapter 6. The Caspian: Putin’ Epoch
Keywords: Caspian region, Caspian states, Policy of Russia, Energy resources, legal status of the Caspian Sea.
Audience: Graduate students, professionals/practinioners, researchers
“Considering the specifics of the geographical and geopolitical location of the Caspian region, the features of the Russia policy there are revealed. There is a rich concentration of mineral and natural resources in the Caspian region, and new transport routes are actively operating. New routes can be realized there as well. All these factors are fully reflected in this book.” – <strong>Dr Igor S. Zonn, Professor at The Moscow Sergei Witte University, Moscow
“The book reflects the policy of Russia in the Caspian in the scientific field. The author convincingly showed that Russia’s efforts in that area have played a significant role in developing common approaches to environmental safety, and protection of the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea.” – Dr Andrey G. Kostianoy, Professor at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
“The monograph is not the author’s first work devoted to Russian politics in the Caspian. In his book, the author explores the issues of the energy policy of Russia in the Caspian region, the features of its cooperation with the Caspian countries. The greatest interest presents the last part of the book, which reveals the current stage of the Caspian policy of Russia. Particularly, it demonstrates how Russia has managed to retain its influence as the most important transit country for Caspian oil and gas. Thanks to Russia’s efforts, a compromise approach in adopting the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea in August 2018 was developed.” -Dr Mark A. Neimark, Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow