The Contemporary Caribbean: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities


Clinton Lloyd Beckford, Ph.D. (Editor)
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Series: Central America and the Caribbean
BISAC: POL057000

The Contemporary Caribbean: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities explores a number of contemporary issues facing the Caribbean, which will be of broad interest to a regional and global audience. The book is written from multiple academic perspectives, but with a strong focus on social sciences.

The book will be of interest to a wide and diverse global audience interested in the Caribbean and small island developing states, including:
• university professors
• researchers and scholars
• university students
• agricultural scientists and practitioners
• agricultural policy-makers

This book is important in adding to the slowly expanding literature on the Caribbean. The contributors are Caribbeanists – researchers and scholars who have conducted extensive research in the region in their chosen fields and are thus experts in their fields. The perspectives they share are thus considered and evidenced-based, framed by their extensive knowledge of the regional context, and argued with regional nuance. It is hoped that readers will find this book insightful, and interesting. Two assessments by Caribbean scholars underscore the value of this volume at this time.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. The Contemporary Caribbean: An Introduction
(Clinton Lloyd Beckford, Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, Ontario, CA)

Chapter 2. Prospects of Small Scale Liquefied Natural Gas for Caribbean Countries
(Don Charles, PhD, Economic Development Unit, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago)

Chapter 3. Three Controversial Issues in Guyana: Border Controversy, Out-Migration and Landownership
(Lomarsh Roopnarine, Professor of Caribbean and Global Studies in the Department of History and Philosophy, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, US)

Chapter 4. Integrating GIS into Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the Caribbean
(Hugh M. Semple, Professor, Department of Geography, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, US)

Chapter 5. Mass Tourism Development to the Benefit of Whom? Enclave Space Production and Exclusionary Economic Practices in Falmouth, Jamaica
(Shenika McFarlane-Morris, Lecturer, Church Teachers College, Mandeville, Manchester, Jamaica)

Chapter 6. Dependency and Underdevelopment: Antigua, Barbuda and Hurricane Irma
(April Karen Baptiste and Hubert Devonish, Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Africana and Latin American Studies, Colgate University, Hamilton Village, New York, US, and others)

Chapter 7. Beach Management Evolution in SIDS: The Case of Trinidad, W.I.
(Junior Darsan, Asha Singh and Christopher Alexis, Department of Geography, Faculty of Food & Agriculture, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, Asha Singh, Environmental Governance Consulting, Trinidad, and others)

Chapter 8. Improving the Academic Performance of Boys in Jamaica: An Intervention Model
(Devon Crossfield, Director, Institute for Excellence in Teacher Education & Leadership Church Teachers’ College, Mandeville, LA, US)

Chapter 9. An Investigation of Ecosystem Services Towards Sustainable Management of an Ecologically Sensitive Community in Trinidad
(Sayyida Ali and Junior Darsan, Department of Geography, Faculty of Food & Agriculture, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad)


“Dr. Beckford must be commended for this work in which scholars from English-Speaking Caribbean interrogate issues including energy sources, ethnicity and politics, climate change, the tourism industry, male academic underachievement, ecosystem management, among others. This text demands our attention because not only are these issues current and relevant and go to the very heart of the survival of these societies, they are dissected by some of the region’s most engaging minds.” Livingston Smith, PhD, Professor, University College of the Cayman Islands

“This book provides a multidisciplinary look at some pressing Caribbean issues. The editor, and contributors are Caribbean experts and nationals whose authentic voices come through in their discussions. The Caribbean is an understudied region relatively speaking. This volume adds to the expanding literature about this fascinating and enigmatic world region. The perspectives presented in the ten chapters, will be of great interest to a wide cross-section of readers, both regionally and internationally. It is a timely discussion of aspects of contemporary Caribbean life and will be sought after by Caribbeanists. I look forward to using it in my own teaching and research.” Dr. Donovan Campbell, Lecturer, Department of Geography and Geology, The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

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