Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Wine Value: The Essence and Measurement
Chapter 2. Wine Value Chains: Concept, Challenges and Prospects
Chapter 3. The Challenges of Wine Business
Chapter 4. Winemaking Efficiency: International Overview and Benchmarking
Chapter 5. Winemaking Efficiency Factors: Inter-Country Comparison
Chapter 6. Improving Winemaking Efficiency: Tools and Case Study
About the Author
“This book presents an outstanding contribution to the scientific research especially in the field of winemaking. In his book, the author presented the most important issues in the field of winemaking. The book contains an excellent selection of the chapters which includes many detailed examples from which is evidently long-standing rich experience of the author. The entire text is written in a beautiful language and in an accessible style which does not leave the reader indifferent. It is an essential literature for teachers and also for students with significant research and study questions supported by extensive resources. It is also excellent communication tool for young people which should be encouraged to continue to search this scientific area.” – Aleksandra Figurek, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
“The global wine market is characterized by an overproduction since many years. As a consequence, completion between wine companies is getting more and more intense. Thus, a key success factor is efficiency in production and sales. Therefore, is the book “Wine and Winemaking: The Value and Efficiency” authored by Prof. Dr. Anatoliy G. Goncharuk targeting one of the most important topics in the wine business. It reflects up-to-date theories and presents interesting results stimulating a much-needed discussion.” – Jon H. Hanf, PhD, Professor of International Wine Business, Department of Economics and Market Research, Geisenheim University, Germany
“The book Wine and Winemaking: The Value and Efficiency is important key to show peculiarities and differences of Ukrainian and another wineries to the world wine community. For my opinion, readers have opportunity to know not only the descriptions of the current winemaking business challenges and also the ways for its improvement with international performance about wines. Based on analyzed data in chapters the author concluded that Ukraine has a lot of possibilities to become progressive wine country along with others. In addition, this book can be useful tool for researchers, investors and policymakers to help them in understanding and further investigations related to winemaking processes and developing effective wine industry in general.” – Oksana Tkachenko, PhD, Professor, Department of Wine Technology and Oenology, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine
“The author of the book, Wine and Winemaking: The Value and Efficiency, Prof. Dr. Anatoliy Goncharuk has described history of winemaking and analyzed current state and trends in technology and marketing of the wine, mainly the efficiency issues. The Book makes comparison between well-developed wine countries like Germany and developing countries like Ukraine. This study is important also for other wine countries with similar situation, for example Georgia. The Author predicts possible development of the processes and shows the opportunities for countries on the way of modernization to reach higher efficiency level.” – David Chichua, PhD, Associated Professor of Oenology, Agricultural University of Georgia, Georgia
“This book is an opening for me and perhaps all wine lovers. Reading this book, I found for myself a lot of useful and informative about the benefits of wine, the wine traditions and culture. The author tried to understand why people drink a wine and how much it meets our expectations. Disclosing the content of the wine value chains, he immerses us in the mystery of creating this divine drink. It is very original the author’s idea to measure the wine value not by money, but by the energy that winemakers and sellers invest in it, and which we consume when we drink wine. This book links the value of wine with the efficiency of its production and is useful for both winemakers and the ordinary wine consumers.” – Giuseppe T. Cirella, PhD, Director, Head of Research, Polo Centre of Sustainability, Italy