Modeling Social Behavior and Its Applications


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Series: Social Issues, Justice and Status
BISAC: SOC026000

This book analyzes human behavior from an individual and organizational perspective. Based on cutting-edge research, each chapter is focused on modeling human behavior in different fields and taking into account uncertain environments by applying innovative quantitative and qualitative approaches.

This book deals with the decision-making process of individuals behaving as economic agents who consume, save, produce and invest, but also with organizations such as families, firms, public entities and even countries.

This book comprises a wide spectrum of contemporary topics. Each chapter challenges the reader by the approaches employed, providing insight into the pillars of western societies: Sociology and Public Health, Economy and Finances, Medicine, Architecture, Archeology and Engineering.

Modeling Social Behavior and its Applications deals with trendy issues and provides answers to socio-economic dilemmas.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Modeling Perceived Happiness with Socio-Demographic and Economic Dimensions (pp. 1-12)
(Lucas A. Jódara Sanchez, Paloma Merello Gimenez and Elena de la Poza Plaza)

Chapter 2. Modelling Bullying Propagation in Greece (pp. 13-22)
(Elena de la Poza Plaza, Lucas A. Jódar Sanchez and Konstantina Marga)

Chapter 3. The Application of Social Inequality Models on Selected Regions of the European Union (pp. 23-40)
(Michaela Staníčková, Lukáš Melecký and Lenka Fojtíková)

Chapter 4. Female Leadership: Highlighting Women’s Strength in a New Leadership Model (pp. 41-56)
(Maria Caballer-Tarazona and Cristina Pardo-Garcia)

Chapter 5. Ranking Universities through an Extended Goal Programming Model (pp. 57-68)
(Francisco Guijarro, Delimiro Visbal-Cadavid and Mónica Martínez-Gómez)

Chapter 6. Modeling Social Behaviors in Organizations through Shaping the Culture Focused on Organizational Learning (pp. 69-86)
(Mateusz Molasy, Katarzyna Walecka-Jankowska and Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak)

Chapter 7. Analyzing Country Risk through the Fixed-Income Securities Market: The Case of Spain and Greece (pp. 87-104)
(Héctor Ariza Gutiérrez and Elena De la Poza Plaza)

Chapter 8. Constructive Capitalization Model of Operating Leases: The Impact of IFRS 16 in European Companies (pp. 105-124)
(Francisca Pardo, David Pla and Paloma Merello)

Chapter 9. Management Behaviour and Capital Structure Applying the Accounting Methodology of Radar Charts: Evidence from Italy (pp. 125-148)
(Miguel Ángel Pérez-Benedito, Luis Porcuna-Enguix and Rubén Porcuna-Enguix)

Chapter 10. Implications of Behavioural Economics for Monetary Policy (pp. 149-162)
(Kateřina Dvoroková and Markéta Dolinová)

Chapter 11. A Literature Review and Mathematical Modeling of the Value of a Brand: An Application to the Technology Sector (pp. 163-176)
(Mª Ángeles Alcaide González, Elena De la Poza Plaza and Guadalajara Natividad Guadalajara Olmeda)

Chapter 12. Exploring the Determinants of Firms’ Twitter Adoption, Use Intensity and Online Influence (pp. 177-184)
(Robert Selles, Desamparados Blazquez and Josep Domenech)

Chapter 13. A Mathematical Model Structured by Age Groups and Varying the Population Size to Predict the Users of E-Commerce over the Next Few Years
(pp. 185-192)
(C. Burgos, J. C. Cortés, I. C. Lombana, D. Martínez-Rodríguez and Rafael J. Villanueva)

Chapter 14. A Method to Determine Probabilistically Profiting Positions with Investment Speculative Strategies Based on Spread Derivatives: Theory and Applications (pp. 193-206)
(C. Burgos, J.-C. Cortésy, D. Martínez and Rafael J. Villanueva)

Chapter 15. The Scenarios and Needs for Specialist Physicians in a European Region (pp. 207-218)
(Isabel Barrachina Martinez and David Vivas Consuelo)

Chapter 16. Modeling Spatial Variability of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Medication: Its Use and Cost in the Valèncian Community (pp. 219-226)
(Javier Díaz-Carnicero, David Vivas-Consuelo, Natividad Guadalajara-Olmeda and Vicent Caballer-Tarazona)

Chapter 17. The Authors of the Obra Nova, the Little Great Work on València’s Cathedral: Their Time and Crafting of a Vision about Two of the Most Important Persons of Spanish Renaissance Architecture in València (pp. 227-238)
(Vicente Blasco, Ángeles Mas, Carlos Lerma and Enrique Gil)

Chapter 18. Controlling the Dynamic Impact of Humans in Archaeological Sites for Preventive Conservation (pp. 239-252)
(Paloma Merello, Fernando J. García-Diego and Claudia Scatigno, Department of Accounting, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain)

Chapter 19. Automatic Prediction of the Commercial Quality of Slate Slabs Using a Mathematical Model (pp. 253-270)
(Carla Iglesias, Javier Martínez, Javier Taboada and Eduardo Giráldez)

About the Editors (pp. 271-274)

Index (pp. 275)

Keywords: Mathematical Modeling, Human Behaviour, Sociomathematics, Mathematical epidemiology

Audience: Researchers and Students in Social Science, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling

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