Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Modeling Perceived Happiness with Socio-Demographic and Economic Dimensions (pp. 1-12)
(Lucas A. Jódara Sanchez, Paloma Merello Gimenez and Elena de la Poza Plaza)
Chapter 2. Modelling Bullying Propagation in Greece (pp. 13-22)
(Elena de la Poza Plaza, Lucas A. Jódar Sanchez and Konstantina Marga)
Chapter 3. The Application of Social Inequality Models on Selected Regions of the European Union (pp. 23-40)
(Michaela Staníčková, Lukáš Melecký and Lenka Fojtíková)
Chapter 4. Female Leadership: Highlighting Women’s Strength in a New Leadership Model (pp. 41-56)
(Maria Caballer-Tarazona and Cristina Pardo-Garcia)
Chapter 5. Ranking Universities through an Extended Goal Programming Model (pp. 57-68)
(Francisco Guijarro, Delimiro Visbal-Cadavid and Mónica Martínez-Gómez)
Chapter 6. Modeling Social Behaviors in Organizations through Shaping the Culture Focused on Organizational Learning (pp. 69-86)
(Mateusz Molasy, Katarzyna Walecka-Jankowska and Anna Zgrzywa-Ziemak)
Chapter 7. Analyzing Country Risk through the Fixed-Income Securities Market: The Case of Spain and Greece (pp. 87-104)
(Héctor Ariza Gutiérrez and Elena De la Poza Plaza)
Chapter 8. Constructive Capitalization Model of Operating Leases: The Impact of IFRS 16 in European Companies (pp. 105-124)
(Francisca Pardo, David Pla and Paloma Merello)
Chapter 9. Management Behaviour and Capital Structure Applying the Accounting Methodology of Radar Charts: Evidence from Italy (pp. 125-148)
(Miguel Ángel Pérez-Benedito, Luis Porcuna-Enguix and Rubén Porcuna-Enguix)
Chapter 10. Implications of Behavioural Economics for Monetary Policy (pp. 149-162)
(Kateřina Dvoroková and Markéta Dolinová)
Chapter 11. A Literature Review and Mathematical Modeling of the Value of a Brand: An Application to the Technology Sector (pp. 163-176)
(Mª Ángeles Alcaide González, Elena De la Poza Plaza and Guadalajara Natividad Guadalajara Olmeda)
Chapter 12. Exploring the Determinants of Firms’ Twitter Adoption, Use Intensity and Online Influence (pp. 177-184)
(Robert Selles, Desamparados Blazquez and Josep Domenech)
Chapter 13. A Mathematical Model Structured by Age Groups and Varying the Population Size to Predict the Users of E-Commerce over the Next Few Years
(pp. 185-192)
(C. Burgos, J. C. Cortés, I. C. Lombana, D. Martínez-Rodríguez and Rafael J. Villanueva)
Chapter 14. A Method to Determine Probabilistically Profiting Positions with Investment Speculative Strategies Based on Spread Derivatives: Theory and Applications (pp. 193-206)
(C. Burgos, J.-C. Cortésy, D. Martínez and Rafael J. Villanueva)
Chapter 15. The Scenarios and Needs for Specialist Physicians in a European Region (pp. 207-218)
(Isabel Barrachina Martinez and David Vivas Consuelo)
Chapter 16. Modeling Spatial Variability of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Medication: Its Use and Cost in the Valèncian Community (pp. 219-226)
(Javier Díaz-Carnicero, David Vivas-Consuelo, Natividad Guadalajara-Olmeda and Vicent Caballer-Tarazona)
Chapter 17. The Authors of the Obra Nova, the Little Great Work on València’s Cathedral: Their Time and Crafting of a Vision about Two of the Most Important Persons of Spanish Renaissance Architecture in València (pp. 227-238)
(Vicente Blasco, Ángeles Mas, Carlos Lerma and Enrique Gil)
Chapter 18. Controlling the Dynamic Impact of Humans in Archaeological Sites for Preventive Conservation (pp. 239-252)
(Paloma Merello, Fernando J. García-Diego and Claudia Scatigno, Department of Accounting, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain)
Chapter 19. Automatic Prediction of the Commercial Quality of Slate Slabs Using a Mathematical Model (pp. 253-270)
(Carla Iglesias, Javier Martínez, Javier Taboada and Eduardo Giráldez)
About the Editors (pp. 271-274)
Index (pp. 275)
Keywords: Mathematical Modeling, Human Behaviour, Sociomathematics, Mathematical epidemiology
Audience: Researchers and Students in Social Science, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling