Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part One: High Speed Metal Vapor Brightness Amplifiers for Object and Process Imaging
(G. S. Evtushenko, S. N. Torgaev, M. V. Trigub, D.V. Shiyanov and T. G. Evtushenko)
Chapter 1. Active Optical Systems with Brightness Amplifiers: Laser Projection Microscope and Laser Monitor
(G. S. Evtushenko, S. N. Torgaev, M. V. Trigub, D. V. Shiyanov and T. G. Evtushenko, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, and others)
Chapter 2. Single Pulse Imaging Laser Monitor
(G. S. Evtushenko, S. N. Torgaev, M. V. Trigub, D.V. Shiyanov and T. G. Evtushenko, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, and others)
Chapter 3. Laser Monitor for Diagnostics and Nondestructive Testing
(G. S. Evtushenko, S. N. Torgaev, M. V. Trigub, D. V. Shiyanov and T. G. Evtushenko, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, and others)
Chapter 4. High PRF Metal Vapor Lasers and Brightness Amplifiers
(G. S. Evtushenko, S. N. Torgaev, M. V. Trigub, D. V. Shiyanov and T. G. Evtushenko, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia, and others)
Part Two: Plasma Parameters of High-Voltage Nanosecond Discharge Initiated by a Runaway Electron Beam
(D. V. Beloplotov, M. I. Lomaev, D. A. Sorokin and V. F. Tarasenko)
Chapter 5. Diagnostic of High-Voltage Nanosecond Discharges Initiated by Runaway Electrons and Parameters of Their Plasma
(D. V. Beloplotov, M.I. Lomaev, D. A. Sorokin and V. F. Tarasenko, High Current Electronics Institute SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia, and others)
“The book presents the recent status of R&D in the field of laser projection microscopes and highpressure gas nanosecond high-voltage discharge, and their applications. Now-days R&D in that area is predominantly concentrated in Russia, especially, Siberia. There happened to form a consolidated and strong community of scientists working very persistently in projects on metal vapor lasers and high voltage nanosecond gas discharge for many decades. For sure, one of their achievements are the systems with laser brightness amplifier producing magnified images initially on big screens and lately, video recorders. The very principle of optical brightness amplifier based on single spectral line excludes strong background interference except of the operating line itself. Its advantage is lack of intermediate steps of transformation of signal from optical to electrical, and reversely to optical, again. Because of high pulse repetition frequencies of some metal vapor laser media, MHz frame rates are almost achievable and when equipped with modern fast cameras monitoring of very fast processes can be done frame by frame. In the First part of book the authors give R&D of high speed brightness CuBr amplifiers and the Second part (by different researchers) is devoted to plasma parameters of high-voltage nanosecond discharge initiated by a runaway electron beam. The latter deal with high-pressure gas nanosecond discharge accompanied by number of electrical, optical and gas-dynamic processes thereafter. Both parts of book have a lot of results (many are original) and they appear systematic and prolific contributions to different areas of science and applications. I conceive the book “Methods and Instruments for Visual and Optical Diagnostics of Objects and Fast Processes” by G.S. Evtushenko (Ed.), 2018, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. is a good R&D product that will be of interest of scientists, engineers and students.” – Dimo Astadjov, Assoc. Prof., Dr., Metal Vapor Lasers Dept., Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
“The book reveals the development of new technologies related to the object exposure to energy fluxes in active optical systems. This involves the surface modification for improving performance characteristics, producing new materials and nanostructures, welding and cutting processes, using high-temperature synthesis (SHS), etc. First of all, this happened because the impact of energy fluxes is always accompanied by the powerful background lighting which impedes the object visualization and control of technological processes.” READ MORE… – Snezhana Gocheva-Ilieva, Professor, University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Keywords: Imagine, laser, active optical system, amplification, brightness amplifier, laser monitor, non-destructive testing
The book is written for scientists involved in the study of runaway electrons, X-rays and pulsed discharges in gases at high pressure, nondestructive testing of materials and high speed processes, as well as for undergraduate and graduate students. The book сan be useful for application in industry.