Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The Lonely Ape Encounters Darkness
Chapter 2. Do Stories Meet a Basic Need?
Chapter 3. Male and Female He Created Them
Chapter 4. Hope, or How to Manage a Sense of Continuity in Crisis
Chapter 5. Playfulness and Stress
Chapter 6. Fantasy, Dissociation, Daydreaming, and Fantastic Reality
Chapter 7. Transcending into Fantastic Reality: Story-Making with Adolescents in Crisis
Chapter 8. The Story You Need to Hear Now
Chapter 9. When Living Hurts: Fantastic Reality and Imagination in Bereavement
Chapter 10. Healing Stories: My Bag of Treasures
Author’s Contact Information
Audience: Psychologists: clinical and school psychologists, trauma expert psychologists.
Social works who work with groups or with traumatized individuals.
Arts Therapies working in a variety of settings and with all ages who work both individually and with groups.
Psychiatrists and other psychotherapists interested in storytelling storymaking trauma and narratives.
Teachers and school counsellors who face critical incidents and or crisis in school
Students of humanism, literature, mythology.
General public, interested in interdisciplinary writing in particular the field of myth, psychology anthropology and brain.