Humanist Psychiatry


Series: Psychiatry – Theory, Applications and Treatments
BISAC: MED105000

This book discusses the parameters surrounding humanist principles (an optimistic philosophy that believes in the scientific process, human worth and dignity, and the ability of humankind to solve its problems no matter how complicated). This book begins by summarizing the humanist principles then goes into general chapters discussing how the biology principle should guide advances in psychiatric research, how psychiatry research could be organized, and addresses issues of education and practice from a humanist’s view point. Finally, the book goes into more specific areas of practice like correctional and addiction psychiatry, discussing how practice adhering to the humanist principles would impact the field. Finally, the book discusses the issue of stigma and how humanism can help speed up the dissipation of the stigma associated with psychiatric disorders.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Humanism Principles Relevant to Psychiatric Care

Chapter 2. The Biology Principle

Chapter 3. A Humanist Model for the Practice of Psychiatry: An Integrated System of Psychiatric Care

Chapter 4. Psychiatric Education

Chapter 5. Clinical Research in Psychiatry

Chapter 6. Personality Disorders

Chapter 7. Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Chapter 8. Correctional Psychiatry

Chapter 9. Developmental Intellectual Disability

Chapter 10. Stigma


“Professor Dr. Nash Boutros, MD, is a world-renown expert in the fields of clinical and biological psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, clinical neurophysiology and EEG. His book “Humanist Psychiatry” covers the wide range of the most important topics of modern psychiatry − from biological bases of mental disorders and addiction to such social aspects as stigma and psychiatric care systems. The existence and /or development of mental symptoms such as depression, anxiety, phobias, delusions, hallucinations, ets. have biological nature, while the content of these pathological feelings, sensations, thoughts is determined by cultural factors and by individual life experience of the patient.  Thus, the combined treatment included both appropriate syndrome-based medication and psychotherapy must be the most effective. The evolution of the views on brain-mind relationships (or psycho-physiological problem) is described by Author at example of development of the DSM classifications of mental disorders from division to “organic” and “functional” disorders up to contemporary bio-psycho-social paradigm. The book is addressed and would be useful for the wide range of readers interested in the modern humanistic psychiatry state-of-art – for medical students, practitioners-psychiatrists, university professors, as well as for mental patients, their relatives and care-givers.” – Professor Dr. Andrey Iznak, PhD, DSci.biol. Moscow, Russia 

“This book provides a broad view of how clinical psychiatry is practiced today and how it would look if the ideals of reliance on science within the context of every human’s absolute worth and dignity could be widely observed. The Introduction indicated how the author came to subscribe to the above belief system. The book covers a wide swath of the field of psychiatry from research to education and from personality disorders to correctional psychiatry. The book simply provides a new and very futuristic outlook for the discipline.”
Professor Salvatore Campanella, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

“Dr. Nash Boutros eloquently, passionately and scientifically describes the uniqueness of psychiatry as a medical discipline that strives to restore all the aspects of humanity to those afflicted by the sufferings, perils and stigma of mental illness. The author encourages and behooves not just clinicians but humanity at large, to re-examine the social biases and preconceived beliefs about psychiatric patients. The various chapters offer the reader new journeys to explore the most recent advances in utilizing DSM diagnostic criteria, laboratory and neuroimaging tools, and implementing sound scientifically based treatment interventions. Comprehensive and integrated treatment modalities that address the biological, psychological and socio-environmental domains of each individual psychiatric patient are also described. Medical students, physicians in training, mental health providers, academicians and mental health policy makers would find this humanistic account to be challenging, refreshing, practical, scientific, and all-inspiring.” – Hani Raoul Khouzam, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UC Davis Medical School, California, USA

“In my view, this is a wonderful text, which includes very good and optimistic vision of life per se. The author linked many interesting topics together and the book includes very detailed scientific information as well as clinical experiences (and more which is wisdom). I believe this book will be good step that will be useful and helpful to many people who will read it.”
Peter Bob, PhD, Prague, Czech republic.

Keywords: Biological Psychiatry; Humanism; philosophy; addiction; correctional psychiatry; developmental disorders.

Primary Markets: Psychiatrists and Psychologists interested in Psychiatry and Philosophy.
Secondary Markets; All psychiatrists, psychologists, and policy makers interested in the provision of effective mental health services.

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