Marketing Research: Fundamentals, Process, and Implications


Rajagopal, Ph.D.
EGADE Business School, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, ITESM, Mexico City Campus, Mexico

Series: Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship
BISAC: BUS043000

This book examines and emphasizes the differences in marketing research designs across cultures, paying attention to differences between international consumers and cultural norms that affect marketing initiatives, and several factors for consideration in international marketing research. This book argues that the right marketing research supports faster decisions lowering the risk with the measurable parameters and drives competitive sustainability among companies in the rapidly growing international marketplace. This book not only addresses those limitations but also presents new research designs and breakthroughs in managing marketing information for assuring business gains in terms of increasing market share, augmenting profit, and building market competitiveness.

Research-driven companies stand out in their ability to continuously anticipate market opportunities and develop the ability to respond before their competitors. The market learning processes in consumer-centric companies are distinguished by open research inquiries, widespread information analysis to ensure relevant facts for strategy formulation, and developing business analytics models to guide competitive strategies. This book addresses the approaches towards overcoming the above organizational learning disabilities and enhancing market-learning competency to enable companies to stay abreast of the market environment through appropriate periodical market research analysis. The book explains how to “refresh” consumer value with small changes in marketing policy to larger and sustainable research effects in the threshold markets, and how to help companies gain competitive advantages using methodical marketing research and its implications.

The linear path of marketing research in guiding companies to do business in the international marketplace has been illustrated in the book through logical market behavior analysis; it describes how marketing research guides the companies to build sustainable strategies in the competitive marketplace. This book introduces the concept of market transitions, marketing research, and strategic business management. It covers complex elements of the marketing research and discusses the contemporary research designs, tools, and techniques in reference to management, behavioral theories, and applications. The broad foundation of this book is laid on the conceptual discussions and applied arguments of marketing research in reference to the business sustainability of companies. This book significantly contributes to the existing literature and serves as an essential compendium for students, researchers and business managers.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Author



Chapter 1. Understanding Marketing Research

Chapter 2. Setting Research Scenario

Chapter 3. Marketing Research and Organizational Design

Chapter 4. Research Design Development

Chapter 5. Developing Research Instrument and Information Acquisition

Chapter 6. Quantitative Analysis and Consumer Research Modelling

Chapter 7. Qualitative Research Design

Chapter 8. Breakthroughs in Marketing Research

Chapter 9. Market Competition Research

Chapter 10. New Dimensions in Consumer Behavior Research




“Understanding markets is fundamental for company growth. Professor Rajagopal’s book provides a rigorous, relevant and applied set of concepts and practices that pave the path for conducting methodological marketing research and consequently understanding the new and global dynamics of the marketplace. His Marketing Research book enables managers and business students and scholars to strategically design growth and differentiation company strategy.” –  Jaime Alonso Gomez, PhD, Dean and Professor of Management, University of San Diego School of Business, San Diego, CA, USA

“The globalization has forced firms to compete globally or face the prospect of product failure if not researched theoretically, practically and precisely. While most books on marketing research focus on traditional method and methodologies, the book by Professor Rajagopal strikes a balance between contemporary methodical marketing research process and its theoretical and practical underpinnings, making the book a must read for students, academics and managers.” –  Satyendra Singh, PhD, Professor, Marketing and International Business, Executive Director, Academy of Business and Emerging Markets, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada


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