Heat Pipes: Design, Applications and Technology


Series: Mechanical Engineering Theory and Applications
BISAC: TEC009070

Heat pipes are efficient passive devices that can transfer large amounts of heat over long distances with small temperature differences between the heat sources and sinks by evaporation and condensation of the working fluid. Heat can be transferred without the use of any mechanically moving parts such as pumps and active controls in heat pipes. The vapor and liquid circulate in the conventional heat pipes, including thermosiphons, via evaporation/condensation and capillary or gravitational forces. For pulsating heat pipes, liquid slug and vapor plugs in the capillary tube oscillate due to evaporation and condensation.

The effective thermal conductivity of a heat pipe can be three orders of magnitude higher than that of a copper rod with the same size. A heat pipe can find its applications in many sectors of industries, including electronics cooling, energy systems, spacecraft thermal control, permafrost cooling, and manufacturing. This book presents current research and development related to the design, applications and technology of various heat pipes, including conventional heat pipes and thermosyphon, pulsating heat pipes, loop heat pipes, and variable conductance heat pipes. Design tools based on computational fluid dynamics simulation and HSHPTM (Heat Sink-Heat Pipe Thermal Module) software are also presented.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Single- and Two-Phase Closed- and Open-Loop Thermosyphon-Type Heat Pipes: Theoretical and Experimental Simulation and Applications
(Robert Thomas Dobson, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa)

Chapter 2. High Heat Flux Phase Change and Wick Structures
(Steve Cai, Carrier, the United Technologies, Syracuse, NY, US)

Chapter 3. Thermal Management of Electronic Devices Using Heat Pipes
(Boris I. Basok, Yurii E. Nikolaenko and Roman S. Melnyk, Department of Thermophysical Basics of Energy-Saving Technologies, Institute of Technical Thermophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Chapter 4. Pulsating Heat Pipes: Performance Perks Based on Different Working Fluids
(Xiaoyu Cui and Hua Han, School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China)

Chapter 5. Chaos in Pulsating Heat Pipes
(Sam M. Pouryoussefi and Yuwen Zhang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Merced, CA, US and others)

Chapter 6. Various Shaped Heat Pipe Applications and HSHPTM Software
(Jung-Chang Wang, Department of Marine Engineering(DME), National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU), Taiwan, China)

Chapter 7. Intermediate Temperature Heat Pipe Working Fluids
(William G. Anderson, Calin Tarau and David L. Ellis, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc., Lancaster, PA, US, and others)

Chapter 8. Pressure Controlled Heat Pipes and Warm-Reservoir Variable Conductance Heat Pipes
(Calin Tarau and William G. Anderson, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc., Lancaster, PA, US)

Chapter 9. Flow Pattern Visualisation in Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon, Pulsating, Loop Heat Pipe and Forced Convection
(K. S. Ong, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology,Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak, Kampar)



Keywords: Heat Pipes, Thermosyphon, Solar Heating, Thermal Management, Electronic Cooling, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Audience: Faculty, graduate students in mechanical engineering. Practical engineers in mechanical engineering, energy, chemical engineering, thermal management etc.

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