Table of Contents
About this Book
Biography of Authors
Executive Summary
Chapter 1. Background
Chapter 2. The Methodology of this Project
Chapter 3. The Dark Side of Economics: Why It Is Good to Analyze World Values Survey Data on the Shadow Economy and Why Corruption Is a Development Impediment
Chapter 4. The Sociological and Psychological Theories of Global Values
Chapter 5. Towards a New Political Geography of Human Values
Chapter 6. The Global Analysis of Feminism and Its Regional Implications for the Muslim World: Voices from Quantitative Social Science and from a Religious Muslim Viewpoint
Chapter 7. Human Values and the “Arab Spring”
Chapter 8. Islamic Values, Knowledge and Morals
Chapter 9. Gretchen, Permissiveness and Economic Growth
Chapter 10. The Implosion of “Self-expression” in the West and Further Doubts about the Correctness of Inglehart’s Theory in the Light of the New Direct Measurements of Self-expression Values from the World Values Survey, 2010-2014
Chapter 11. What the Importance Given to God by Humans Does to Society(The Way Society Benefits from the Belief in God)
Chapter 12. Hofstede, Schwartz, Inglehart and the Future of World Development
Chapter 13. 64 Themes for Student and Course Participants’ Essays
Literature and Suggested Further Readings
This book has been reviewed in the following publication. To read the review click on the corresponding link below:
Society and Economy – Reviewed by Andräs Tetenyi, Assistant Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest
Literature and Suggested Further Readings Abadir K. and Talmain G. 2002. Aggregation, persistence and volatility in a macro model. Review of Economic Studies. 69 (4): 749-779.
Abbt Ch. und Schoeller D. (Ed.) 2009. Im Zeichen der Religion. Gewalt und Friedfertigkeit in Christentum und Islam. Frankfurt/Main: Campus Verlag.
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