The Superluminal Universe: From Quantum Vacuum to Brain Mechanism and Beyond


Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri
Foundation of Physics Research Center and University of Calabria, Italy

Takaaki Musha
Advanced Science Technology Research Organization, Yokohama, Japan

Series: Classical and Quantum Mechanics
BISAC: SCI057000

It is commonly thought that superluminal or faster-than-light physical phenomena should be excluded from mainstream physics and considered as an exotic subject to be confined at most to science fiction, since their existence would contrast with the predictions of the main currently accepted physical theories. On the other hand several theoretical and experimental results, collected during the last decades (like those related, for example, to hypothetical tachyons, astrophysical quasars, anomalous dispersion in material media, quantum tunneling of single photons or e.m. fields, and quantum entanglement), give founded evidence of the occurrence of superluminal processes. Unfortunately, the study of such phenomena has been often compromised by misleading analyses, scientific prejudices and/or misunderstandings, preventing a balanced and in-depth assessment. This discouraged the realization of further experimental and theoretical researches. In this book, the authors explored these possibilities by adopting a rigorous but open-minded approach. Some of the most intriguing and fascinating aspects of superluminal phenomena are studied, by describing and discussing, from a radically new standpoint related to the picture of QED coherence in matter, a series of theoretical explorations probing the possibility that superluminal particles and fields actually exist. In particular, the authors also considered the hypothesis according to which the higher performance capabilities of the human brain, including consciousness, could be explained from the standpoint of quantum computation, invoking superluminal particles like tachyons. As shown in this monograph, superluminal fields and particles emerging from the coherent dynamics of quantum vacuum or Zero-Point-Field could be responsible for new types of physical process, providing novel and valuable insights into the fields of fundamental physics, condensed matter physics, astrophysics, cosmology and biophysics. Moreover, the possible existence of superluminal fields indicates the need for an honest and in-depth revision of the currently accepted framework of theoretical and applied physics, as well as of the historically well-established scientific knowledge. (Imprint: Nova)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. The Possible Existence of Superluminal World Beyond the Light « Barrier »

Chapter 2. QED Coherence in Brain Microtubules and Their Interaction through Superluminal Photons

Chapter 3. Extraordinary Capabilities of Human Brain Based on the Hypothesis of Superradiant Photons and Superluminal Particles and the Interpretation of Microtubules as Metamaterials

Chapter 4. Superluminal Field from Quantum Vacuum and the Emergence of « Supercoherence »

Chapter 5. The Possibility to Realize an Hypercomputer by Using Superluminal Photons

Chapter 6. Human and Cosmic Consciousness from the Standpoint of Superluminal Fields Concept of the Universe

Chapter 7. Matter as Superradiant Phase Transition of Quantum Vacuum, the CMH Model and the Cosmic Background Radiation

Chapter 8. Structure of the Universe Based on Quantum Vacuum, Superluminal Fields and the Concept of « Living » Universe

Summary and Conclusions

About the Authors



“Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri and Takaaki Musha have created an important resource for professors, applied researchers and students interested in superluminal phenomena. They thoroughly analyzed theoretical and experimental work published in technical literature, adding their own outstanding contribution, to give a compelling account of the existence of faster-than-light processes, QED coherence in brain microtubules and the possible onset of extraordinary capabilities of the human brain, the emergence of supercoherence in quantum vacuum and origin of mass, superluminal fields and the concept of «living» Universe, envisioned as universal brain and cosmic consciousness. This well-written authored volume provides coverage of a number of important issues and techniques with relevance to fundamental physics and cosmology, biophysics and quantum computer technology. The thematic is treated in a didactic manner, successfully covering the most relevant literature, and a useful introductory textbook on superluminal phenomena.” – Mario J. Pinheiro, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

“Exploring the world beyond the velocity of light may appear science fiction, but there exists a strong argument for this to be the true reality of the universe. If its true, then we would have to re-write many of the science books, revisiting all phenomena one by one. I have read Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri and Takaaki Musha’s book, and being in touch with the topic for several years now, I feel, the justice could not have been more than this to the concept. By resolving Einstein’s reluctance to quantum, this approach is the most likely reality of the universe and consciousness. Backed by strong mathematics, the lucid book is a pleasure for science geeks.” – Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


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